One more week of patience...

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Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #80 on: 29 May 2014, 04:16 am »
Guy 13,I Agree With You 100%
Tell Us About HD-800 When You Have a Chance To Listen... :thumb:
Hi Georgopoulos.
I will have a chance to listen to the HD700/800 in 2 hours from now,
but I will post my finding later on today.
Here on planet Vietnam it's Thursday 11.30am.
I will more than share with all of you AC members my findings,
I should even have some pictures.

Guy 13

G Georgopoulos

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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #81 on: 29 May 2014, 04:22 am »
Hi Georgopoulos.
I will have a chance to listen to the HD700/800 in 2 hours from now,
but I will post my finding later on today.
Here on planet Vietnam it's Thursday 11.30am.
I will more than share with all of you AC members my findings,
I should even have some pictures.

Guy 13

That Would Be Awesome!!
After 25 Years Your Opinion Would Be Most Interesting To Me!
I Look Forward To Your Opinion!

Kind Regards


Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #82 on: 29 May 2014, 11:10 am »
Hi Guy,

The shop that you go to does it have a wide selection of headphones to listen to?  I went to Headphonic which is a local store here in Perth and they have a lot of headphones to choose from. I had a discussion with the owner who said that when he gets a new product in he never looks at the price and makes his judgement on the sound quality and makes recommendations on this basis.

He was very forthright about his comments regarding the industry and how they price certain products.  I had a listen to a pair of EarSonics:
SM64 which are priced at $519 australian and are IEM headphones.  I thought they were great sounding but the bass was a little little light for my tastes.

Anyway good luck with this issue.

Regards Rod

ps.  I'll be in Ho Chi Minh City in 20 hours!

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #83 on: 29 May 2014, 12:13 pm »
Hi Guy,

The shop that you go to does it have a wide selection of headphones to listen to?  I went to Headphonic which is a local store here in Perth and they have a lot of headphones to choose from. I had a discussion with the owner who said that when he gets a new product in he never looks at the price and makes his judgement on the sound quality and makes recommendations on this basis.

He was very forthright about his comments regarding the industry and how they price certain products.  I had a listen to a pair of EarSonics:
SM64 which are priced at $519 australian and are IEM headphones.  I thought they were great sounding but the bass was a little little light for my tastes.

Anyway good luck with this issue.

Regards Rod

ps.  I'll be in Ho Chi Minh City in 20 hours!

Hi Rod.
After I finish writing this,
I will post my comments on my visit to the Sennheiser showroom.
However, I will answer your question right now, before I forget.
Yes, they do have lots of demos, however, most of them are low impedance.
I don't know why, since the beginning of our exchange of correspondence,
I was under the impression that you were an American Citizen.
I don't know why I was thinking that ? ? ?
Have a nice flight and avoid flying via Malaysian Airline, :lol:
I look forward seeing you
and your wife and your dog if you have one... :lol:

Guy 13

Should I expect from you and your wife a British style accent ?

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #84 on: 29 May 2014, 12:23 pm »
Hi all.
I came back from the Sennheiser showroom.
When I went there at 1.30pm, the time of my appointment,
I brought with me my Bottlehead Crack and a step down transformer (230V-120V) and a few well recorded CDs of various type of music that I know well.
I’ve used his CD player. (Make: Exposure, made ? ? ? probably in China, but look like the company is in the UK. )

I first tried the HD-800.
They are big, really big, they would be a good fit for Prince Charles and surprisingly light weight for their size and they are very comfortable and look well made, not too fragile.
They are sold at 1,450 USD.
I must say that for that audition the ambient noise was typically Vietnamese, means loud, even extra loud.
Everything on planet Vietnam is loud, for them it’s normal, even in that hi-end shopping mall.
So my comments are tinted and colored with hi ambient noise, which is not ideal for a good evaluation.
The overall sound is good, the bass is really nice, the mid are good, but I was expecting better, the highs are not exaggerated like many reviewers said. I don’t find the highs aggressive.
Now the sound stage that was supposed to be wide, even huge to me, it was a little better than my HD-650 but not by much, most of the sound comes from each sides and on the top a little toward the front.
Now the HD-700 at 945 USD are smaller in size, lightweight and also comfortable and well made.
I would say that the sound is about the same as the HD-800 but everything on a smaller scale.
Then I tried a pair of HD-650 that he had on demo and…
Well they sounded like mine, dark, not bad, dark.
All the frequencies are there, but without life, enjoyment, fun, micro details and more, excuse me, I mean less…
But you know what, after comparing my HD-650 with the HD-800 and HD-700, they are not that bad.
Is it me at 66 years old that cannot anymore appreciate the sound of hi-end headphones?
Spending so much money on something (HD-700/800)
I don’t find better than what I already have,
does not make sense to me, especially with my micro budget.
Of course the fact that the ambient noise was so disturbing does not help for a good evaluation.
I think there is something wrong with my combo ears/brain or the umbilical cord between my ears and my brain is damaged
or is it really the ambient noise that spoiled everything and make it difficult to appreciate the sound of those two hi-end headphones.
I also listen to his tube headphone amplifier by the make of Eternal Arts Model Basic Line Made in Germany at 1,450 USD
The sound was good, but a little less refined than my Crack it was not muddy, but a little fat and it was much more expensive than my Crack.
(Sorry, here I go again with the choice of wrong words…)

I also asked the salesman to check with his manager if he could take back my almost new and unused HD-650, he will check with her, however, I got the feeling that the answer will be negative and even if it’s positive, I will have to reach deep into my pocket for more than 500 USD.
Is that worth for an HD-700 that don’t really sounds better to my ears.
I really need to bring home those HD-700 to have a serious listening, but after hearing both HD-700/800 I am not sure anymore if I want to let go my HD-650 and loose some difficult to earn $$$.
Now, I am trying to get a listening appointment for the Bayerdynamic DT-880/990; then I will decide.
I will still try to listen to the HiFiMan HE-400, but I know that will be a lost of time, because even if they are not expensive, I will have to buy a new amplifier for them, something, I cannot afford right now and even later.
Sorry about this disappointing evaluation.
I am not the right guy to give good evaluation on any audio products, because I rarely see any improvements when I switch from one component to the other.
Next week, I will have more comments.
In the mean time, I will do more (Serious) listening with my combo Crack/HD-650.
Thanks for reading my boring stuff.

Guy 13

The name of the store/showroom is SV House
On Dong Khoi/Le Loi streets in Ho Chi Minh City, planet Vietnam.
The salesman name is: Mr. Vo Minh Tuan.
Here are pictures of him and me or me and him.

Look carefully at the picture of the cheap skate (That's me) and have a look at where my right hand is.
Yes, over my pocket in which my wallet is, therefore to get money from me, you need to cut off my hand to reach for my wallet. :lol:




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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #85 on: 29 May 2014, 01:29 pm »
What did the salesman think of the Crack?

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #86 on: 29 May 2014, 01:40 pm »
What did the salesman think of the Crack?

Hi jtwrace.
Good question, sorry if I did not mention anything about that.
The salesman said that the sound stage with the Crack was wider
than with it's own headphone amplifiers (Tube and solid state).
He also mentioned/liked how clear it sounded
and for the price, he was surprised that it was that good.
He also could hardly believe that the NOS tubes were from 1964.
If I think about anything else he told me and I forgot to mention,
I will post it.
Thanks for asking, I should of thought about that,
well old age is shrinking my brain.

Guy 13


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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #87 on: 29 May 2014, 01:43 pm »
Hi jtwrace.
Good question, sorry if I did not mention anything about that.
The salesman said that the sound stage with the Crack was wider
than with it's own headphone amplifiers (Tube and solid state).
He also mentioned/liked how clear it sounded
and for the price, he was surprised that it was that good.
He also could hardly believe that the NOS tubes were from 1964.
If I think about anything else he told me and I forgot to mention,
I will post it.
Thanks for asking, I should of thought about that,
well old age is shrinking my brain.

Guy 13
Sounds like you should build some some for him.   ;)

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #88 on: 29 May 2014, 01:57 pm »
Sounds like you should build some some for him.   ;)
Hi (Again) jtwrace.
My Crack was built by another AC member.
My hands and sight are not good enough to venture
into electronic construction.
But the idea might be a good one, next time I will see him, I will ask him if he's interested and if he is, then maybe try to find someone to do it for me.
Thanks for mentionning.

Guy 13

dB Cooper

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #89 on: 29 May 2014, 08:51 pm »
I auditioned the 700 and 650 back-to-back a couple years ago at Capital Audiofest and did not hear a clear advantage to the 700 that I would have wanted to hear for double the money. I have a feeling that the law of diminishing returns starts kicking in pretty significantly as soon as you pass the HD650. While my audition was somewhat abbreviated, I would hope something would have jumped out at me.

One thing I meant to bring up earlier was to suggest that you audition (if possible) a pair of HD600's which are similar in character overall to the 650 but a little "brighter". Quite a few listeners, in fact, prefer that model. They fall to the 650 in a deep bass shootout though.

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #90 on: 29 May 2014, 11:41 pm »
I auditioned the 700 and 650 back-to-back a couple years ago at Capital Audiofest and did not hear a clear advantage to the 700 that I would have wanted to hear for double the money. I have a feeling that the law of diminishing returns starts kicking in pretty significantly as soon as you pass the HD650. While my audition was somewhat abbreviated, I would hope something would have jumped out at me.

One thing I meant to bring up earlier was to suggest that you audition (if possible) a pair of HD600's which are similar in character overall to the 650 but a little "brighter". Quite a few listeners, in fact, prefer that model. They fall to the 650 in a deep bass shootout though.
Hi dB.
It's always like that. Double the $$$
and you get just a little more for your $$$.
Thanks for the suggestion about the HD-600,
I think it would be easy to ask the salesman to audition them.
However, knowing me, if there is only a slight difference/improvement,
I might not hear it or it might not be worth to exchange them
and been asked for extra $$$. 
Yesterday evening, I did about one hour of listening with my HD-650 and...
They are not that bad, it's just that they are missing something.
I might have to live with that, it does not mean that later on
I will start liking them, I think I will never like them,
but I am more or less stuck with them.

Guy 13

G Georgopoulos

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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #91 on: 30 May 2014, 05:49 am »
Hi Guy 13

You Mentioned the HD800 Has Better Sound Stage Than Your HD650,
,Tell Us a Bit About The HD800 Sound Stage?,
Is it Projected in Frond,Are The Drivers Tilted a Bit?..


Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #92 on: 30 May 2014, 10:04 am »
Hi Guy 13

You Mentioned the HD800 Has Better Sound Stage Than Your HD650,
,Tell Us a Bit About The HD800 Sound Stage?,
Is it Projected in Frond,Are The Drivers Tilted a Bit?..

Hi Mr. G,
I read all the time the expression and the word : HUGE sound stage.
Well, I never experienced a HUGE sound stage, not with any headphone,
no more with any stereo sound system.
The sound stage of the HD800 is a little, no wider,
but more forward, I mean instead of the sound being in each ear
and over your head, with the HD800 it's a little more...
Well, let say between the head band and your forehead.
That's not what I call a HUGE sound stage.
My Decware/Omega does better than that,
even it it's not that deep, maybe 3 feet behind the speakers.
As far as I could see, the drivers look tilted toward the back,
but just a little, it's difficult to see clearly.
I got two suggestions, one from an AC member and another one from a Bottlehead forum member.
One is to try the HD600, they are brighter according to that member and many other owners and the other suggestion is to change or add some Russian capacitors in the output stage, that second suggestion is much cheaper at 2 USD X 2 capacitors.
I still want to listen to the DT-880/990 and of course the HD-600.
I hope this answer your questions.
Stay tuned, I will be back soon.

Guy 13


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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #93 on: 30 May 2014, 10:36 pm »
Guy 13-

Sorry to hear about your trouble on the path to audio nirvana, for me it's all part of the fun in the hobby.  Fortunately it sounds like you have a rig that you are very happy with (Decware/Omega).  I have learned sometimes it's best pour a drink, que up your favorite album, and enjoy the music with equipment that you know you like.

Luckily even though the HD650/Bottlehead Crack combo is not lifting your skirt, they happen to be two of the most sought after headphone components on the market and I am certain that you could recoup most (if not all) of the money you have invested in this duo.  Post them for sale on Audiocircle or Audiogon, and I am certain they would both sell rather quickly.

Good luck, and enjoy the adventure down the rabbit hole.


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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #94 on: 30 May 2014, 11:41 pm »
The HD700/800 both looks ugly, but the 700 even have a negative review from David Mahler on the sound quality item and it cost full one thousand dollars.

Thanks for your true impressions, I cant wait for your HE400 analysis.

Obs.: How much hours breakin have these HD700/800??

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #95 on: 31 May 2014, 02:03 am »
Guy 13-

Sorry to hear about your trouble on the path to audio nirvana, for me it's all part of the fun in the hobby.  Fortunately it sounds like you have a rig that you are very happy with (Decware/Omega).  I have learned sometimes it's best pour a drink, que up your favorite album, and enjoy the music with equipment that you know you like.

Luckily even though the HD650/Bottlehead Crack combo is not lifting your skirt, they happen to be two of the most sought after headphone components on the market and I am certain that you could recoup most (if not all) of the money you have invested in this duo.  Post them for sale on Audiocircle or Audiogon, and I am certain they would both sell rather quickly.

Good luck, and enjoy the adventure down the rabbit hole.

Hi SetterP.
(What a strange name ? ? ?)
they happen to be two of the most sought after headphone components on the market
Yes, that's correct, but I am not one of those,
I am one of the rare guy that don't like the sound of them,
even if they are perfect for others, they are not for me.
Thanks for the suggestion about re-selling my Crack/HD-650 combo,
but I won't do that.
Why ?
Because here on planet Vietnam,
they don't buy unknown brands and Bottlehead here on planet Vietnam is completely unknown.
Instead of losing tons of money,
I prefer to keep them and try to enjoy them, even if I perfectly know that I will never,
at least for the HD-650.
If I could do a trade-in on my HD-650 without loosing too much $ $ , then I would do it,
but on the condition that the new headphones I would buy would make in my ears the music I like.
Today, I will try to audition the DT-880 and DT-990 (250 Ohms or 600 Ohms)
which ever the dealer got on demo
and them make a final decision, already I suspect that I will keep the HD-650,
not because I cannot find something better than my HD-650,
but because I cannot afford anything better that's within my microscopic budget.
Thanks for posting.

Guy 13

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #96 on: 31 May 2014, 02:11 am »
The HD700/800 both looks ugly, but the 700 even have a negative review from David Mahler on the sound quality item and it cost full one thousand dollars.

Thanks for your true impressions, I cant wait for your HE400 analysis.

Obs.: How much hours breakin have these HD700/800??

I can't say like you that the HD700/800 look ugly,
but they sure don't look nice, to me anyway.
I like pure and simple lines like the HD600/650.
I am trying to get an appointment for next week with the HiFiMan dealer to audition the HE-400
(Same model as you got)
but even if they are very affordable,
I will have to add to the purchase price,
the cost of a new amplifier,
since my Crack cannot drive the HE-400.
I think he will make me audition the HE-400 with a Woo Audio Audio amplifier,
not sure yet of the model.
I will audition for fun, to have a reference of something different than what I have now
and of course, I will report my findings.
Thanks for posting.

Guy 13


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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #97 on: 31 May 2014, 02:34 am »
Guy, if you like the HE400 sound, you would add a OPT in your Crack amp, for not loosing the investment and free the 650 for trade.

I sure the Crack can drive the HE400 as OTL, its very easy to drive, I run it with the PC output exclusively, just the 6080 tube will last less hours.

Guy 13

Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #98 on: 31 May 2014, 02:58 am »
Guy, if you like the HE400 sound, you would add a OPT in your Crack amp, for not loosing the investment and free the 650 for trade.

I sure the Crack can drive the HE400 as OTL, its very easy to drive, I run it with the PC output exclusively, just the 6080 tube will last less hours.

Excuse my ignorance, but what on earth is a OPT ? ? ?  :scratch:
Can you give me link, make, model and/or where to buy ?

Guy 13


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Re: One more week of patience...
« Reply #99 on: 31 May 2014, 03:13 am »
Excuse my ignorance, but what on earth is a OPT ? ? ?  :scratch:
Can you give me link, make, model and/or where to buy ?

Guy 13
Output transformer. The tech that made the amp for you can recommend a suited model etc

When you go listening the HE400 you must take along the Crack amp again.
Its a great opportunity to listening both the Crack amp and the low imp planar HE400.
You even may like this nice pair w/the OTL.