XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac

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XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« on: 3 Apr 2014, 10:52 am »
My XP machine is in death throws so I'm looking for a new desktop computer. Currently, leaning toward one of the higher end Dell XPS8700s running Windows 7, but I'm open minded enough to consider an Apple iMac. I am concerned that I may have some difficulty adjusting to the Mac OS however. My primary uses are internet activities and word processing with Microsoft Word, no gaming or music. Just seeking opinions from those here at AC.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #1 on: 3 Apr 2014, 11:06 am »
I did not find the transition to Mac to be very difficult at all. It's really just a matter of developing some new habits. Once you retrain your reflexes, it becomes quite natural. Meanwhile, if you find you need Word, you can install Windows in your IMac. Since I'm borderline computer illiterate, no one should have much trouble doing what I did in changing over. I think you'll find that Apple makes everything easier.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #2 on: 3 Apr 2014, 11:12 am »
Keep with XP, just upgrade to XP 64bits if possible.
W7 is 7 times bigger than the XP, are huge to operate, full of features useless to listen music.

If you had the XP media CD stick with it, why change what isant broken.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #3 on: 3 Apr 2014, 11:50 am »
I'm also computer illiterate, and the transition to Mac was pretty easy for me. I found less steps involved to get things done on a Mac, and it also more intuitive. I prefer it over Windows, simpler to use, way less aggravating, and new to you programs are easier to figure out. YMMV



Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #4 on: 3 Apr 2014, 11:59 am »
& not to say that the mac OSX seems to be more polished from the onset.  Nevertheless, expect frequent updates from Apple. 


Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #5 on: 3 Apr 2014, 12:15 pm »
Go to the Apple Referb store ( http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac/mac_mini  ) and pick up a mac mini for 500 dollars.  You can then still use your current monitor and extras.  It is an easy transition to mac. 



Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #6 on: 3 Apr 2014, 12:28 pm »
I made the switch from Windows to Apple a few years ago and posted feedback here:


We now have only one Windows machine in the house, I found it easy to go from Windows to Mac (more intuitive) and harder to go from Mac back to Windows.
Even though the upfront costs for a Mac are higher my experience is that the long term costs of ownership are significantly lower.  When you have an issue with Windows you get the circular blame spiral with the hardware manufacturer, internet provider, software company, Microsoft...if you have an Apple issue you go to the store/make a call and it gets fixed.  I've found hardware reliability to be better also: after 3 years all of the Dell laptops we had are toast, my 2009 MacBook had a new battery (warranty replacement) and I upgraded the hard drive to a SSD - the MacBook is almost 5 years old and good as new with at least another 3 years of life left in it.  I've kept the MacBook up to date with OSX releases, which are now free - Windows 'upgrades' are definitely not!

At the end of the day I just want to switch on a computer, get the job done and switch it off, I don't want to spend time as my own IT support.  Apple delivered what I wanted, Microsoft didn't.

If you have an Apple store nearby it's worth going on and taking a look, once you've done this you can buy at the online Apple refurb store were you can probably save $150 plus on a new iMac with full warranty.  I've bought 2 iMacs this way and very satisfied.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #7 on: 3 Apr 2014, 12:32 pm »
i really love my dell with xp - my wife has a mac pro - and paradoxically i find windows to be more intuitive for me

I get so frustrated trying to learn the the whole apple thing - to me i have pulled my hair out trying to resolve issues

and i find it so much easier to get around in a windows environment - that said  - i do have an iphone and i love it!


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #8 on: 3 Apr 2014, 12:53 pm »
i really love my dell with xp - my wife has a mac pro - and paradoxically i find windows to be more intuitive for me

I get so frustrated trying to learn the the whole apple thing - to me i have pulled my hair out trying to resolve issues

and i find it so much easier to get around in a windows environment - that said  - i do have an iphone and i love it!
Right, XP is more intuitive and dry than other o.s. as W7 and Linux.
By comparison W7 is fat.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #9 on: 3 Apr 2014, 01:08 pm »
My wife was a PC user, and went through several of them but always gave me shit about using Macs.  When hers died I said "if you want a PC, you buy it.  Or I'll buy you a Mac."   She chose the latter.  It arrived, she took it into her office, and all was quiet for quite a while.

She came out with a puzzled look on her face and said "I don't get it.  Everything just WORKS!"

That was 2008 and she still loves it.  Hates her work PC.

This is being typed on a 2007 Mac laptop that has been beat to hell and keeps going.

Don't dismiss the tactile feel of Mac hardware that makes them so comfortable to use.  PCs, OTOH, feel cheap and poorly built.  YMMV, of course.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #10 on: 3 Apr 2014, 01:22 pm »
& not to say that the mac OSX seems to be more polished from the onset.  Nevertheless, expect frequent updates from Apple.
That's true about updates. I check for software updates every night just before I put my iMac to sleep. Usually there is nothing to be downloaded but I appreciate knowing that I have the latest in bug fixes, protection and modifications nonetheless.

It used to be true that Apple was pricier than PC but that gap has all but disappeared in recent years. Seems like those who stick with PC do so out of habit. Like you, they are hesitant to interrupt their momentum. I don't know anyone who switched to Apple and then went back. Even my nephew, who holds a masters in computer science from RIT and has worshipped Bill Gates since childhood, has now gone to Apple. So has his dad ( my brother). Both of them used to sneer at my preference for Mac.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #11 on: 3 Apr 2014, 01:50 pm »
I don't really see that the prices are much different then they used to be.   The cheapest Apple iMac for instance is $1,300.  That's incredibly expensive, relative to what one can get in a PC.  You can easily get an "equivalent" PC for $800 or so.  Start getting into laptops, and the price differences are shocking.  Not to mention that for me, I'd have to buy all new programs (word processing, visio, home finances, the list goes on and on) and several things I use (HD Homerun for example) don't have Apple equivalents. 

This is what has prevented me from switching for many years. 

However, after Microsoft's Windows 8 debacle, I can see why people might want to switch.


Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #12 on: 3 Apr 2014, 01:54 pm »
My XP machine is in death throws so I'm looking for a new desktop computer. Currently, leaning toward one of the higher end Dell XPS8700s running Windows 7, but I'm open minded enough to consider an Apple iMac. I am concerned that I may have some difficulty adjusting to the Mac OS however. My primary uses are internet activities and word processing with Microsoft Word, no gaming or music. Just seeking opinions from those here at AC.

I agree if Word processing and internet is all you do get a Mac. The fact that you've been XP this whole time (gah!) means you just want something that works out the box and easy to use and in that sense yes Apple is better.

That said Apple is far from flawless. Buy new if at all possible because if you dig deep you'll find Apple had a lot of problems with different macbooks over the years. So you have to do your research if buying used.


Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #13 on: 3 Apr 2014, 01:56 pm »
However, after Microsoft's Windows 8 debacle, I can see why people might want to switch.

What debacle. 8 works for me just fine and is not that much different from 7 operationally once you take five minutes to clear the Metro screen and settings.


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #14 on: 3 Apr 2014, 02:42 pm »
 I wouldn't hesitate to try a mini mac, just simple and very simulare to xp in its simplicity.  If you like easy to use. And MS products, like your cordless mouse or laptop, just adapt easily. Mind boggling easy.

Some people like the endless options that you get in win8, but I am far too busy to learn ANOTHER system.  Either way, try to get the fastest processor  you can afford.  Especially if you are going to run Maverick. (I recommend a new/used quad core. Imho.)

Good luck.


Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #15 on: 3 Apr 2014, 02:46 pm »
Meanwhile, if you find you need Word, you can install Windows in your IMac.

Rather than install Windows and either (a) dual boot with Boot Camp or (b) run in a virtual environment (such as Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion or Oracle VM VirtualBox), i think it's much easier and seamless just to get a Mac version of Microsoft Word, which has been available for the Mac since 1997.


Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #16 on: 3 Apr 2014, 02:51 pm »
FWIW, if you have Office 365 you already have a license to run Office on the Mac.

I'd second the earlier thought about going for a mini instead of an iMac.

dB Cooper

Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #17 on: 3 Apr 2014, 03:09 pm »
Keep with XP, just upgrade to XP 64bits if possible.
W7 is 7 times bigger than the XP, are huge to operate, full of features useless to listen music.

If you had the XP media CD stick with it, why change what isant broken.
Anybody who sticks with XP after the support cutoff is taking a huge risk. To paraphrase the Firesign Theatre, XP has more holes in it than Albert Hall. It's gonna be a bloodbath. Newer versions of Windows may be even more bloated, but the newer machine will also have much more horsepower, RAM etc to deal with that. If you don't want to get a Mac box, at least go to Ubuntu.

The Mac is not that hard to learn. The hardest part is unlearning some of the things you have been doing on Windows so long they have become 'muscle memory'.  It probably isn't much steeper a learning curve than upgrading to Windows 7 or 8.

The Mac Mini is the Rodney Dangerfield of Macs. It seems to be overlooked a lot. It is a really good computer for anyone who doesn't have super-heavy-duty graphics requirements. If you already have a display that meets your needs, it's a good option.


Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #18 on: 3 Apr 2014, 03:12 pm »
This is my experience as well.  I borrowed a friend's Mac Mini for a couple of months.  Another friend came over and helped me get started.

I hated than damn Mini.  I was glad to see it go. I did not find it the slightest bit intuitive. I should mention that my friend loaned me the Mini because he did not like it and wanted to sell it.  He tried to give it to his wife or daughter but neither one wanted any part of it. I guess reactions to Apple can be very polarized. For me, I just don't get what the fascination is. Try to spend some time on an Apple computer before you purchase one.  You need to know if you dress left or right.  :lol:

I am now using an HP desktop computer with W7. If I replace my 8 year old HP XP laptop it will be with another HP and either W7 or wait for the new W9.  I do not use the laptop much but it has slowed to a crawl and I have already maxed the RAM.

My laptop has largely been replaced by an iPad 3 and a Zaggfolio case/keyboard.  I find the iPad easy to use and the combo with the Zaggfolio is a really slick combo and great travel buddy.

i really love my dell with xp - my wife has a mac pro - and paradoxically i find windows to be more intuitive for me

I get so frustrated trying to learn the the whole apple thing - to me i have pulled my hair out trying to resolve issues

and i find it so much easier to get around in a windows environment - that said  - i do have an iphone and i love it!


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Re: XP machine near death, now considering Apple iMac
« Reply #19 on: 3 Apr 2014, 04:05 pm »
Perhaps I should have mentioned in my OP that it is a laptop that is dying and that I am only interested in desktop machines at this time. Although, most Mac converts that I have spoken with have told me that after learning the Mac, they'll never go back I still wonder if I'll be able to adapt without a great deal of frustration. I picked up the March issue of Mac World and didn't care for what I read about the Mac Mavericks OS. If I go Apple I will seek out a Mountain Lion OS machine. Thanks for all the great feedback. The search and decision making continue.