Personal update, with a heavy heart

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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #20 on: 7 Jan 2014, 10:50 pm »
Very sorry for your loss Ryan. Somewhere in the Bible it says: "where your treasure is, so will your heart be also" You have nothing to be embarrassed or apologetic about. You have invested love and emotion and time into your buddy and you are experiencing true loss.


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #21 on: 7 Jan 2014, 11:13 pm »
Sorry to hear this Ryan, none can replace him but another will at some time worm it's way into your heart.

(cat person)


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #22 on: 8 Jan 2014, 12:25 am »
Ryan, sorry to hear about Churchill.  I'm an animal lover in general, and remember when my wife adopted "Missy", a gray striped tabby to keep our Akita company.  Missy quickly learned to use the doggy door, spent much of her time outdoors, but would always be waiting for breakfast.  One morning she wasn't there. . .we found her at the side of the road down the block, having been hit by a car.

So, I feel for ya'.

Vapor Audio

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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #23 on: 8 Jan 2014, 12:50 am »
I appreciate all the kinds words, thank you all so much!

As much as I'd like to think somebody took him in, I'd say it's doubtful.  I put signs up around the neighborhood, and have knocked on most of the doors around here.  I've looked in peoples back yards, in out buildings and under decks, etc.  I've also been to all the local shelters and given them pictures in case he shows up.  Yes, he's a big strong kitty still in his prime with all his claws, so there's a chance.  But when all the food is covered by a foot of snow, and almost 48 hours of sub-zero temps, it would be very difficult for him to make it through. 

The hardest part is not knowing.  I could live with finding him dead, at least I'd have some closure.  But every minute I can't stop thinking I should be out there looking.  I have to either decide that he's gone, or continue to let it consume me.  But knowing I need to move on and actually doing it are two different things. 


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #24 on: 8 Jan 2014, 12:55 am »
I have a Churchill, his name is Rapha. So sorry to hear, saying a prayer for Gods comfort.


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #25 on: 8 Jan 2014, 01:25 am »
I think shelter pets are the best. We found Jazmin when she was 8 weeks old at our local shelter. It was 8 months after we lost our Bear, he was 15 and a half and gave us much love. We thought Jazmin would top out around 50lbs but as you can see she grew to around 85lbs. One pet will never replace a lost one but Jazmin has been a real blessing.   Good Luck    jw


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #26 on: 8 Jan 2014, 02:04 am »
yeah that's tough. a little over a year ago my kid started feeding an outdoor cat named klaus. everyone in the neighborhood knew this street cat and half of us fed it. i spent a bunch of money and frustration trying to build it an outdoor shelter to survive last chicago winter, fully knowing that it wouldn't. we even took klaus to the vet to get a few shots and a checkup. sometime in the middle of the winter, klaus stopped coming around. my wife eventually said she saw a cat run over that she thought was him but she was too sad to look. cats are great. so are dogs, birds, fish, whatever. they do become part of your family. i agree with the earlier poster, when the grieving goes away some get another kitty and give it a great home.


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #27 on: 8 Jan 2014, 02:41 am »
My friend said he'd be happy to give you his cat:


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #28 on: 8 Jan 2014, 03:18 am »
There is a neighbor's cat that comes around because we fuss over him and give him attention since our 2 beloved older cats died and we miss having a cat around. The neighbor's kids love the cat but the owners not so much (the cat sleeps in their garage instead of their house). Anyway we had to take him to his home twice this winter because he got stuck over here during storms. The second time was tonight when we got over 2 feet of snow. If we didn't know who the owner was we'd keep him here so don't give up hope, maybe he is safe and warm somewhere.

Guy 13

Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #29 on: 8 Jan 2014, 03:35 am »
Hi Ryan and all Audio Circle members.
Sorry about the lost of your really nice pussy cat.
My former boss had two huge pussy cats
and one day (As usual) he let them go outside to make their things
and one did not come back.
The next day, no Puch (His name), the day after that, still no Puch.
Six months later, when he was calling is second cat, who showed up, yes PUCH !
Where did he go for six months ? Probably was abducted by a neighbour
and finally found a way to escape.
I wish your nice cat show up one day without warning.
That would be a nice surprise.
That what I wish you.

Guy 13


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #30 on: 8 Jan 2014, 03:41 am »
Hopefully with the cold someone took your cat in. And now he is stuck at someone's home. Give it a few days before you give up! he may suddenly reappear.
I hope so.


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #31 on: 8 Jan 2014, 04:13 am »
I appreciate all the kinds words, thank you all so much!

As much as I'd like to think somebody took him in, I'd say it's doubtful.  I put signs up around the neighborhood, and have knocked on most of the doors around here.  I've looked in peoples back yards, in out buildings and under decks, etc.  I've also been to all the local shelters and given them pictures in case he shows up.  Yes, he's a big strong kitty still in his prime with all his claws, so there's a chance.  But when all the food is covered by a foot of snow, and almost 48 hours of sub-zero temps, it would be very difficult for him to make it through. 

The hardest part is not knowing.  I could live with finding him dead, at least I'd have some closure.  But every minute I can't stop thinking I should be out there looking.  I have to either decide that he's gone, or continue to let it consume me.  But knowing I need to move on and actually doing it are two different things.

That's tough, man......especially when you have reminders of him all over your house. I'm sure you can still feel his presence there and wish you could turn around and find him laying in his favorite spot, only he's not there when you look. The only advice I can give you is to try and keep yourself busy and do your best to think positive thoughts. It's OK to grieve and let your mind process the possibility of loss, but don't give up all hope yet. I believe the weather is supposed to warm up a bit over the next few days. Maybe he'll come out of wherever he's been keeping himself protected. Have you checked under your car hoods? No this isn't a cruel joke. Cats like to crawl under cars and perch themselves near the engine, as it can be warm there. Seen it myself. I grew up somewhat out in the sticks in KS and we had many barn cats.


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #32 on: 8 Jan 2014, 04:27 am »
So sorry to hear this, Ryan. I hope you will get him back soon in good health! Meanwhile trust God, and cats do go to heaven...  It just sucks right now. Prayers heading your

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #33 on: 8 Jan 2014, 04:43 am »
Ryan, there is always hope.
 My brother & wife were going on vacation so they brought their German shep mix to his in-laws about 5 miles away, The in-laws let the dog out and had the back gate open, dog took off
and they looked for a month and my nieces put out all the flyers and my brother had an alert out with neighboring police towns, my brother is a cop. A month after the dog escaped he showed up on my brothers front porch, about 20 pounds lighter,
looking famished and a bit beat up but still in good health.
 Hoping the best for you.


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #34 on: 8 Jan 2014, 05:30 am »
Sometimes people just take animals in if they think they are doing it a favor. Perhaps one of these people thought the cat shouldn't be in such cold.

Unfortunately they often don't have faith in the owners, and don't share the same opinions of pet care (some don't believe in outside cats or dogs or something, I don't get it).

When I was in college my roomate adopted a dog that was rescued from abuse. It was scared all the time; but eventually turned its behavior around entirely. But while I lived with it the neighbor lady took it multiple times. My roommate had to keep going to her house to get it back. Another roommate caught her sneakin in the yard to either leave a gift bag or take the dog. She was told to leave but it didn't stop her other times. The yard was fenced in, the dog wasn't a digger, but golly that poor dog needed rescued again from that abuse of a big yard to run in... The witch called the cops on us for playing acoustic guitar on the roof at 9pm on a Sunday, alll 5 of us; or you know if she could hear us or whatever. Maybe she thought the rest of us harbored pets of our own in the house that we abused with food and love that wasn't from her. I guess she went to New Orleans after Katrina to save pets. Ripe heart that lady...

The good part? The dog loved the treats and heated blanket. It didn't know what was going on.


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #35 on: 8 Jan 2014, 05:42 am »
I have always thought that anything you take care of, care about, or for which you provide care,  has value. That value can be an inherent characteristic of the animal or something that you ascribe or attribute to the cat. Which ever, it really doesn't matter, you still care. You and Churchill had a lot of caring over the years. I've rescued many animals for the last 30 years, and I really feel your sorrow.
There is always hope!      Roger


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #36 on: 8 Jan 2014, 06:21 am »

As a cat person myself you have my sympathies.


Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #37 on: 8 Jan 2014, 06:35 am »
This exact thing just happened to me. My cat! Mine! My buddy. I know what you feel. No words to describe. So sorry. I cried at my workplace. There it is.


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #38 on: 8 Jan 2014, 01:48 pm »
Ryan, while I don't have a kitty I still feel your pain. Hang in there we are all pulling for you!


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Re: Personal update, with a heavy heart
« Reply #39 on: 8 Jan 2014, 02:20 pm »
I understand the emotional trauma in a situation like this. My cat went missing for five days one time and to make matters worse it was advertised on the local news that some Satan worshippers had captured and killed a lot of pets in my area. I thought my cat may have been one of the victims. Then one morning as I was going to work my neighbor opened his garage door and my cat came running out and back into my house as fast as possible. It turns out he had wandered into the neighbor's garage and was locked up for those five days since the neighbor hadn't opened his garage during that time. Later that day the neighbor came over to my house and notified me in writing that he would eliminate any cat that came into his garage because my cat pooped and peed in the agrage. We didn't get along after that.