Evaluation of HT3's, AVA FET Valve Hybrid components with Cryo-treated Cables

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Evaluation of Salk Sound HT3 Speakers, AVA FET Valve Hybrid Components with Cryoset, Cryogenically Treated, Analog Interconnections

I have recently upgraded my component interconnections and what I learned from this experience was enlightening and very rewarding for improving the sound quality of my system.  Since I am a devoted audiophile hobbyist and I felt it worth sharing these results with anyone who might find my experience helpful or useful.  I had always categorized claims of dramatic audible improvements obtained from changing to a different make/model of interconnection cables as hoopla and folklore.  The underlying base for my doubt was that I didn’t believe cables inherently could substantiate a potential for the magnitude of audible improvement that were being claimed. 

I have a high quality two channel system comprising of a DAC, Preamp, and Amp (all three components containing vacuum tubes).  In this system; once a digital signal goes into the DAC it comes out analog and stays analog all the way to the speakers.  A full detailed description of this system is provided at the end of this write-up.  My original interconnection cables were generic, analog, RCA style, Cobalt Cables purchased a few years ago, nothing special or exotic.

I have experimented with cryo-treated vacuum tubes and found a considerable improvement from high quality cryo-treated vs. non-cryo-treated tubes.  I had read a lot about cryogenically treated interconnection cables and wondered if there were any significant audible gains to be had from them as well.  The working principle for cryogenic treatment is the same for tubes as it is for cables.  In short form, this working principle states that the structure and grain of the conductor material molecules become more uniform and stress free from the cryo-cooling processes.  The result of this stress free uniform grain structure is an improved, more efficient conductor, and therefore a better sounding interconnection.  There are many online articles that can explain the material science and theory behind cryogenic cooling effects if anyone is interested in finding out more about it.  The cryo-treated tubes that I discovered, and liked the best, were from Cryoset (www.Cryoset.com).  I noticed that they also offered a line of cryo-treaded analog interconnection cables so decided try them.

Cryoset, 1.5V, Analog Interconnection Cable:
I purchased one pair of the 1.5V (entry level) cryo-treated analog cables to see what difference they would make to my systems’ listening experience.  I used this cable to connect my DAC to the Preamp.  Results were significantly better than the original cobalt cable it replaced, a night and day difference.  The sound stage was more filled, greater dynamic detail was apparent, and there was a more lifelike sound quality.  All of my music was new again.  I order another pair of the 1.5V’s to use between my Preamp and Amp.  With both pairs install the results were even more of the same:  A more filled in and coherent soundstage, greater dynamic detail in range and clarity which combined to presented a more lifelike sound presence.

Cyroset, 2.0V Analog Interconnection Cable:
The next step up from the 1.5V is the 2.0V.  Armed with the knowledge from my good findings with 1.5V cable I was compelled to try the next, higher level performance, cable called the 2.0V.  I purchased just one pair and used it to connect the DAC to the Preamp (replacing the 1.5V).  The Preamp to Amp interconnection maintained the 1.5V version.  The results were amazing by providing more detail, clarity, and an increase in coherence.  The overall sound stage was more filled-in, contained a three dimensional, and more lifelike sound quality.  At this point my wife (with whom I do not disclose every “little” thing that I do, change, or buy for my hobby stuff) said the she really likes listening to my system because it is “as if the singers and instruments are in the room”.  This was a completely unsolicited comment and was like receiving the highest result possible from a double blind hearing test.   At this point I could not help myself and had to get a second 2.0V cable to replace the remaining 1.5V still connecting my Preamp to the Amp.  The results with both 2.0V cables in place were stunning.  Another veiled layer was removed from the soundstage and even more coherence was noticeable with improved clarity and detail.  The gift was still giving.

Cyroset 4.0V Analog Interconnection Cable:
A few months went by living with the 2.0Vs and all is well and happy as can be.  Then one day I noticed that a new cable version became available on the Cryoset website called 4.0V.  Through an email exchange with Ron Sheldon (proprietor of Cyroset) I learned that the V4.0 cable was a newly developed “high end” offering of the same family of cryo-treated cables.  I also learned that these cables were handmade which explained why it takes up to two weeks or so before they ship.  So, like a good devoted audiophile hobbyist that I am, I had to give them a try (I know that some of you readers share this same illness).  Again, I only bought one pair “just to try”.  I received it and installed it between the DAC and Preamp.  The Preamp to Amp interconnection maintained the 2.0V version.  The improvement was remarkable, amazing, and again unbelievably surprising.  The soundstage filled-in even more as if the spaces between the instruments and voices were coherently connected with a limitless lifelike integration (very hard to describe with words here).  A distinctly full, three dimensional, projection of the soundstages could be heard.  The coherence was so liquid that it was as if true lifelike sound was being recreated.   The dynamic range was noticeably improved with a contrast from a background of total silence and the addition of pure, clean, focused, source music.  I was amazed, yet again, at the difference made with the 4.0V cables.  It was a surprise to me that so much image, detail, and coherence could be produced from the components I have.  I was compelled to buy a second 4.0V to connect the Preamp to the Amp.  It has been a few months now since I have been living with the 4.0V interconnects and they still amaze me every time I listen.  This is what the “State-of-the-Art” audiophile hobby is all about.

I can highly recommend these cables.

Where you can Distinctly Hear the Difference:
The principle/theory of operation behind cyro-treated cables seems to be substantiated by the tremendous improvements that I can hear when using them.  Cryo-treated cables can conduct the source signals with near perfect timing coherence which results in near perfect sound wave phase timing.  The more precisely phased sound waves reveal more coherence, focus, lifelike realism, and a refined, lifelike, sound stage.  The difference that can be hear is most notable in the following areas. 
•  Cymbals:  Sound much more lifelike.
•  Echoes in Recorded Source Music:  Can be heard with full clarity and resolution.
•  Voices & Instruments:  Improved voice clarity and musical instrument definition.
•  Three Dimensional Soundstage:  Improves coherence (infinitely liquid) with deeper, more defined, 3 dimensional soundstage.

Cryoset cables cannot improve poor performing system components.
If your system components are capable of reproducing “State-of-the-Art” audiophile quality then Cryoset cables can reveal the full potential of your system components.

Test System Detailed Description

System Picture

System Components (2 channel system):
Speakers:  Salk Signature Sound, Veracity HT3, floor standing, full range
DAC:  Audio by Van Alstine, FET Valve Hybrid
Preamp:  Audio by Van Alstine, FET Valve Preamp
Amp: Audio by Van Alstine, FET Valve Hybrid 600R
Universal Player:  OPPO Digital, BDP-103
Digital Media Server:  Windows media player, source music compiled in lossless digital format

Component Vacuum Tubes:
DAC:  QTY 2 (matched pair), Cyroset, Gold Pin Electro Harmon 6CG7/6FQ7
Preamp:  QTY 2 (matched pair), Cyroset, Gold Pin Electro Harmon 6CG7/6FQ7
Amp:  QTY 2 (matched pair), Cyroset, Gold Pin Golden Lion ECC81/12AT7

Media Server to DAC:  Toslink Digital Fiber Optic
Universal Player to DAC: Toslink Digital Fiber Optic
Digital Cable Box to Preamp:  Cryoset Analog, 2.0V (1m), cryogenically treated
DAC to Preamp:  Cryoset Analog, 4.0V (1.3m), cryogenically treated
Preamp to Amp:  Cryoset Analog, 4.0V (1.3m), cryogenically treated
Amp to Speakers:  Reality Cables, cryogenically treated, 8’

Other System Factors:
Tube Dampeners:  Herbies Audio Lab, Ultra Sonic RX-9, QTY 2 on each tube, 6 tubes (2 each in DAC, Preamp, and Amp), total of 12 dampeners
Component Dampeners:  Herbies Audio Lab, Tenderfoot, QTY 4 under each component, 3 components (DAC, Preamp, Amp), total of 12 dampeners
Component Stabilizers:  Herbies Audio Lab, Supersonic stabilizer, QTY 2 on top of each component, 3 components (DAC, Preamp, Amp), total of 6 stabilizers
Power Conditioning:  Balance Power Conditioner, Model BP1, used for powering DAC, Preamp, and Universal Player
Power Isolator:  Balance Power Isolator, Model CPC, 20 amps, used for powering amplifier.

Media Room
Shape and Size:  Rectangular, 13.5’ wide, 16.5’ long, 9’ high
Walls constructed with wood frame and drywall, floor is padded carpet over concrete.
Acoustic Treatments:  QTY 18, 2’ by 4’ wall & ceiling panels.  QTY 9, 18” by 18” by 4’ solid bass corner traps.

About Me
Kyle Webb
Research & New Product Development Principal
« Last Edit: 23 Nov 2013, 06:16 pm by Kwebb »


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 4711
  • Where's The Bar?
Great write up, Kwebb. :bowdown:  Welcome to the wonderful world of cable synergy.  8)

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

What music were you listening to?

Have fun,




Thank you for your reply.  I get into anything that has good quality, lately it has been acoustic guitar and some well recorded Willie Nelson.  I go full circle with hard rock, R&B, Jazz, country and try to not to burnout on any one category.  Always looking for something new and good to listen to.

« Last Edit: 22 Nov 2013, 11:24 pm by Kwebb »


Nice work, I cringe when I see a system like yours wired with entry cables. Enjoy!

Thanks for sharing your interconnect journey, now PC's will also yield similar results.  :wink:
Audition a Triode Labs cord if your able.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 300
Very nice. Great work.


  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 4691
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Hi Kyle,

I am really glad your system is working very well for you.

Would you do me a favor?

It would be very interesting to know the total cost of all of your cables, special vacuum tubes, and other system factors.

I would like to see where that comes out in relation to the cost of the AVA components in the first place.


Frank Van Alstine



Will do, I will send you a private email, glad to do this for you.



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 1546
    • SalkSound
"Cryo-treated cables can conduct the source signals with near perfect timing coherence which results in near perfect sound wave phase timing."

I obviously would have to be in the same room with you to determine whether I could hear the same kind of differences you report.  But the explanation you give doesn't add up for me.   First, the elctrons are traveling at neary 180,000 miles per second through any kind of interconnect.  If we divide that by the little more than 3ft of cable length,  it's hard to see how there could be any meaningful difference in travel time between cables or among the various frequencies traveling through one cable.  Second, the crossover in the HT3 is not transient perfect.  It doesn't preserve phase relationships.  For example, by the time the sound reaches you, there will be a full cycle difference between the phase of the tweeter output and that of the midrange.  The crossover does many, many orders of magnitude more damage to phase coherence than a cable could do. 



Thanks for your reply.  The HT3's are wonderful speakers, I really enjoy them and your crossover work is remarkable.

When I wrote this post I was trying very hard not to swerve to deep into theory. I guess I slipped up. I don't think there is an established and complete understanding of why the improvement in sound quality results with cryo interconnects.  We still have much more to learn from mother nature.  This statement I made was my own speculation of theory and I may be very wrong about the theory and the speculation.  In my evaluation the only, single, variable was the cryo-cables.  What I do know is that the difference, as I have stated, is truthful.  An apple is not an orange and I am enjoying every bit of the difference.  There exists a reason for what I am hearing but I can't provide the proof of theory behind it.  On another note, I feel really honored that you took time out to reply to something I posted!

Thanks Again,

Paul K.

If you could accomplish it, what would be interesting is to have a pair of your original Cobalt interconnects Cyro treated, then do a blind comparison between a non-treated and Cyro-treated pair.  Personally I agree completely with Dennis, though.


thanks for posting this.  It must have been a lot of work.
Where did you get Cyroset, Gold Lion 6CG7/6FQ7, Gold Pin EH tubes?  I have looked all over and figured that Genalex must not make a 6CG7. I purchased Cryoset Electro Harmonix 6CG7 gold pins instead.  They made no audible difference in my AVA Fet Valve DAC.
The biggest improvement was changing to Cryoset Gold Lion ECC81tubes  in my AVA 400R amp.  The Cyoset Gold Lion ECC81 made a little difference in my AVA Fet Valve preamp.



Good to hear from you.  Yes, thank you for asking, I made a boo boo on the list.  It is corrected now.  I have the same tubes that you do and concur with your finding about the difference they make.  I stuck with the Cryo gold pin Electro Harmonix 6CG7 in the DAC because they did make a difference in the Preamp with the thinking that there may be some slight, but perhaps not apparent, difference in performance in the DAC. 

Yes, systematic changes take time to implement and assess but I really enjoy this experimentation aspect of the hobby.  Wish you lived close by so you could come over an have listen.
