RMAF - Yet another take and thank you

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RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« on: 17 Oct 2013, 02:19 am »
It was great to see old friends again, meet old friends I’ve never seen in person, and make a few new ones I hope to see again. For the others who weren’t there, you need to read the next post below, and make the trip!

I’d like to say a special thanks to all of the exhibitors, many of whom hang out here on AC, as the amount of work they do to get ready and show their best is astounding. The money they spend for rooms, logistics, and ancillary gear is equally shocking, and of course sometimes not all goes according to plan.

Danny (GR Research) flopped down in a chair next to me Friday and I thought I’d have to pick him back up myself. One of the trusty big blues had bent a rod or something, yet after a very long night he soldiered on with a tiny 30 wpc alternate on those huge line arrays, with not a complaint from him. I’m quite sure he received more advice than he needed, so it was a good time to keep my flap shut. Most probably didn’t even notice or care, given his masterpiece of a speaker looming there.

Ryan (Vapor) was wringing his hands so much fixing and tweaking things I thought they’d crumble, yet the big Nimbus duly impressed each time I went in. They’re truly amazing speakers for that kind of money. He even tempted fate and switched a few things out again Sunday… and left everything broken. Honestly, it would have killed me to the point of “pick up the marbles and go home”. Then they recovered yet again with a bit stronger showing on the Joules. They must have some of those sickening motivational posters hidden somewhere, the ones like my boss displays at the office.

Duke (Audiokinesis) always has a friendly smile and seemed his usual tireless self, despite my marathon Yellow Jackets “Wild Life” cut, sneaking slowly up to breathtaking SPL’s on the new LCS setup. He just said “bring it on”. Even the little AtmaSphere S-30 was gassed after that, but the Dream Maker LCS maintained its composure completely. The LCS makes you rethink how to do this stuff. Way to go James, moving the boxes around in new ways.

Klaus’s (Odyssey) door was locked Friday early on, mainly because he wasn’t satisfied, but with a few adjustments all was soon glorious on the new Kismet floorstanders. How he does so much for so little money is beyond me. Imagine what he could do tuning someone else’s big bucks gear.

Lou (Daedalus) told us he had something like 10,000 songs, yet we wanted to play something he actually didn’t have, almost inconceivable. He did it anyway, with a pleasant smile and even temperament, then graced us with some Bela Fleck that was on hand. I would have said, "sorry, don’t have it".

I've missed many, and I could go on, but make no mistake about it, it’s all very hard work. They do it because they’re crazy passionate and of course a bit OCD, with the hopes of making a little money for their labor of love somewhere along the line.

There are really good people here, enabling us all to have some serious fun. They deserve our respect, so great job all and thank you!


Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #1 on: 17 Oct 2013, 02:21 am »
So this next little bit is for those who couldn’t or choose not to attend and depend on others to play it back for you …

We’ll be moving in a few months, to live full time in our (previously) summer home, where there is no longer a man cave where I do as I please. Unfortunately, this will necessitate a change of speaker systems for me, as my beloved Geddes Abbey/multi-sub (x 5) setup just isn’t going to fit in there without unduly compromising their performance and wreaking havoc on the décor. An addition isn’t an option either, since there’s just no more buildable space on our tight lakefront lot without a ton of variances.

As a result, I actually had a purpose this time. I went to the show on a mission to specifically listen to about 10 full range speakers within my budget, of course with high expectations for each. This list was developed mostly from the reports of satisfied, if not somewhat fanboy (and girl) customers here, other forum comments and reviews, and the usual suspect paid reviews. I do like supporting the sponsors where possible, but a few others worked their way onto the list as I went along.

With a fresh, killer playlist in hand, thanks to another AC’er (you know who you are), I made one full round the first day, thinking I’d need time to do another pass on all of them, because they’re just supposed to be that good and oh so close. Consistently good user feedback, vendor pre-hype (errrr, marketing), positive real time comments from the dynamic duo, and such told me I should (must!) like certain ones, otherwise I must not be a completely gifted listener. Or deaf or just stupid. Uh oh, sorry, it didn’t work out that way.

The list got pruned in a hurry, much quicker than I thought. Yes, setups were fine, tweaked to optimum in fact, within the limitations of the rooms they had to work with. On just short snippets of the repetitive playlist, the differences were glaringly obvious to me. I very quickly knew what I liked and what I didn’t. T & P’s technique, with your own music choices, works very well indeed. Interestingly, my preferences clearly didn’t line up much at all with what I was supposed to think. A tiny few did, but some of my views were diametrically opposed, not just a bit off. Some things just didn’t sound good to me despite a multitude raving and breathing heavily around them.

How could this be? Were some of them just bad? Nooooooo… I listened for myself, in person, with familiar music, imagining the act of writing a big check, and suddenly all of the pre-dispositions melted away. It’s called preference, which cannot be analyzed in absolute terms. And so goes the hobby, tubes/ss, box/open baffle, mc/mm, digital/analog, and on and on. There is room for everyone, at least if it’s properly engineered and tested. Whatever you say you like, I might not, and vice versa. Who knew? We’re not alike. Preferences abound.

The bottom line is, as great as it is to read about what others thought, living vicariously through them, if you intend to spend your hard earned money, get yourself out to a show, a dealer, or a manufacturer’s place and experience it first hand. You’ll have yourself to thank and you won’t have to please anyone else. Have some fun, listen on your own terms, and make your own (preferred) choice!


Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #2 on: 17 Oct 2013, 02:35 am »
Well said Sir Tom, far better than I can do. I had the pleasure of trotting around on Friday with Tom and a few other AC folks and Tom and I seem to more or less align in our preferences, that being the key word. Some folks prefer a small, single driver speaker and a SET amp, fabulous, some like giant multiway speakers with a kW powered amp, equally fabulous. Me, I have what might be an obsession with dynamics and lack of compression and I've configured a system accordingly. Some folks who hear this like it, others not at all. It's all good, as Tom so eloquently stated, get to a show, dealer or manufacturer and listen to what you like, at a level you like and find what works for your preferences. 


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #3 on: 17 Oct 2013, 02:41 am »
So what did you like and did you buy anything?  :green:

I agree with what you're saying, when i write my reviews I try to do so without my personal preferences dictating everything I write, otherwise I would say some rooms sound bad when in fact they objectively do not. And in fact this year there were far less systems set up poorly or with components that just don't have synergy.

One example is Sanders electrostats... it would be kinda ridiculous to say they sound bad, they do A LOT of things really well and are a good value, however there is no way I would buy the system for myself. It simply doesn't fit my personal preferences and if I had $15k to spend I could find a system I would far prefer. Others are Salk and GR Research... I just don't like them, but that doesn't mean they are objectively bad speakers and it would be doing the manufacturers and their potential customers a disservice to simply say they suck, because they really don't despite the fact I don't like the way they sound.

Vapor Audio

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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #4 on: 17 Oct 2013, 02:44 am »
Nice take, and fun read Tom.  Shows certainly are a challenge, and it's pretty cool to see all these AC guys kicking butt and taking names!  I really wish I'd been able to hear Danny and Duke's latest work.  If things had been co-operating in our room, those would have been my first 2 stops. 


Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #5 on: 17 Oct 2013, 02:52 am »
So what did you like and did you buy anything?  :green:
... snip

I bought TAD Reference Ones, or something like that.

... nah, in my dreams, just messin' with ya  :green:

I can't take delivery probably until post move in the spring anyway, but the next step is follow up with a couple that topped my list, perhaps visiting their place of bidness for first hand listening if I can do it. That's part of what makes the hobby fun for me.

But, the whole point was to not name names, choose for yourself, eh?


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #6 on: 17 Oct 2013, 03:10 am »
Anyone hear the Sony MCH (IsoMike?) demo? Heard it was very good. FINALLY no trumpet player ambushing you from behind. Just ambiance. What SACD MCH should always have been, at least IMO.


Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #7 on: 17 Oct 2013, 03:12 am »
Anyone hear the Sony MCH (IsoMike?) demo? Heard it was very good. FINALLY no trumpet player ambushing you from behind. Just ambiance. What SACD MCH should always have been, at least IMO.

It was really good, now if isomike cd's didn't cost like $40 a pop, and more was recorded in them.  Oh yeah, the gear list for the room totaled $237,000.


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #8 on: 17 Oct 2013, 05:43 am »
Good luck in your search Tom.... :beer:

Quiet Earth

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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #9 on: 17 Oct 2013, 04:34 pm »

Excellent post and really a great message. We need to be reminded of this more often. Thank you for saying it.  :thumb:


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #10 on: 17 Oct 2013, 05:19 pm »
Great writeup!  I could not agree more.  The beauty of the show is that everyone has different preferences and RMAF allows you to actually hear what might only be hyped on the net.  Hearing in person is MUCH better than going off someone else' review. 

Danny Richie

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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #11 on: 18 Oct 2013, 03:22 am »
Hey Tom, Sorry I wasn't a bit more responsive. This one was a tough show to throw together and sleep was in short supply.

The big blue amp on the left side started developing an intermittent issue with the input like it was losing its ground or something. And the more I mess with it the worse it got. I had no choice but to drop in the little Dodd amps. It was a lateral move in regards to sound quality, but the drive and dynamics were no longer in the ball park. The real bummer was the dynamics (before the problem arose) practically set the room on fire. I wish everyone could have heard those big open baffle line sources with the big blue amps. Unreal... or unbelievably spooky real.  :thumb:

It was a tough pill to swallow, but the show must go on. And even with just 30 watts of power those speakers still shined.


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #12 on: 18 Oct 2013, 11:40 am »
Did Gary get a chance to see what happened?  What is in store for next year?   :hyper: Are you going to Axpona?

I think a big shout out needs to go out to you personally for the massive task of moving all the stuff.  That's tons (literally) of equipment to move.   :thumb:

Danny Richie

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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #13 on: 18 Oct 2013, 01:33 pm »
Did Gary get a chance to see what happened?  What is in store for next year?   :hyper: Are you going to Axpona?

I think a big shout out needs to go out to you personally for the massive task of moving all the stuff.  That's tons (literally) of equipment to move.   :thumb:

I haven't taken them out of the creates yet.

And thanks,


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #14 on: 18 Oct 2013, 01:38 pm »
I haven't taken them out of the creates yet.

And thanks,
:lol:   Can't say I blame you! 

Danny Richie

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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #15 on: 18 Oct 2013, 01:41 pm »
:lol:   Can't say I blame you!

Plus the first day back home was raining and we didn't unload anything.


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #16 on: 18 Oct 2013, 01:44 pm »
It was really good, now if isomike cd's didn't cost like $40 a pop, and more was recorded in them.  Oh yeah, the gear list for the room totaled $237,000.

I bought an IsoMike SACD and it was $20, and they gave away a sampler with it at the show!  The proceeds from the sales are donated to Weber College as well.


Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #17 on: 18 Oct 2013, 01:49 pm »

Well I do agree with what TomS states and you must listen to hifi equipment yourself because this hobby is so subjective.  A case in point I read an AC'er who was doing reviews at RMAF who stated they love classical music and can't stand jazz.  In my case I can't stand classical music at all and I really like jazz music.  Not to say who is right or who is wrong its just that we have different tastes in music that is all.

I'm also a fan of Salk Sound speakers having owned a pair of HT2's and now HT3's.

Anyway, good luck TomS with the speakers that you decide to purchase.

Regards Rod


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Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #18 on: 18 Oct 2013, 02:25 pm »

How could this be? Were some of them just bad? Nooooooo… I listened for myself, in person, with familiar music, imagining the act of writing a big check, and suddenly all of the pre-dispositions melted away. It’s called preference, which cannot be analyzed in absolute terms. And so goes the hobby, tubes/ss, box/open baffle, mc/mm, digital/analog, and on and on. There is room for everyone, at least if it’s properly engineered and tested. Whatever you say you like, I might not, and vice versa. Who knew? We’re not alike. Preferences abound.

The bottom line is, as great as it is to read about what others thought, living vicariously through them, if you intend to spend your hard earned money, get yourself out to a show, a dealer, or a manufacturer’s place and experience it first hand. You’ll have yourself to thank and you won’t have to please anyone else. Have some fun, listen on your own terms, and make your own (preferred) choice!

This!  Your money; your sound.  You can get swayed by opinions of others, looks and reputations up to a point.  When the zeros pile on and it's your hard earned money, you take what you like love -- not someone else's dream speakers.  I suppose I am looking for some je ne sais quoi that I feel beyond hearing.  Take for instance,  the Zellaton speakers.  I spent close to an hour listening to every kind of music they had.  These are amazingly dynamic and fast speakers.  There is not anything they can't do.  Except they don't sing to me. They manipulate sound like I can't believe but they they don't sing to me.   :dunno: 

To quote Blaise Pascal, "le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas" -- "the heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing."  When I put my money on the table, I buy with my heart.  In the end this is really the rational thing to do because the marriage purchase will eventually will end up in a divorce sale if your heart is not in it.  8)


Re: RMAF - Yet another take and thank you
« Reply #19 on: 18 Oct 2013, 02:33 pm »
This!  Your money; your sound.  You can get swayed by opinions of others, looks and reputations up to a point.  When the zeros pile on and it's your hard earned money, you take what you like love -- not someone else's dream speakers.  I suppose I am looking for some je ne sais quoi that I feel beyond hearing.  Take for instance,  the Zellaton speakers.  I spent close to an hour listening to every kind of music they had.  These are amazingly dynamic and fast speakers.  There is not anything they can't do.  Except they don't sing to me. They manipulate sound like I can't believe but they they don't sing to me.   :dunno: 

To quote Blaise Pascal, "le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas" -- "the heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing."  When I put my money on the table, I buy with my heart.  In the end this is really the rational thing to do because the marriage purchase will eventually will end up in a divorce sale if your heart is not in it.  8)

Well said sir, well said.