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Tyson NotesGeneral Room Notes – Wow, two tonally beautiful rooms in a row, Sunday is going GREAT! Just an FYI, I am a tonality freak and Jason is more a soundstage and detail freak. So the rooms I love have to have amazing tonality. Daedalus, Fritz, Prana, and AudioKinesis all fit in that mold. Saint-Saens Violin & Piano – Maybe, no definitely the most beautiful presentation of this track at the entire show. Handel Aria – Ditto, just beautiful. I really expected the imaging to be washy in this room, due to the LCS technology. But the image is rock solid center. And a lot of ambiance stretching WAAAAYYYYY back, way past the physical boundaries of the room. Side to side imaging is not as impressive, but still very good.Mahler Symphony – Really nice, big spacious open sound. Again, it actually expands beyond the physical confines of the room. I don’t think ANY other system at the show has been able to pull that off. Civil Wars – Another room where I don’t feel like gouging out Jason’s eyes for bringing this piece of music. Now THAT’s a testament to the room’s musicality Tom Waits – You know, for such a nicely balanced, somewhat warm and laid back presentation, they sure present old Tom with the appropriate gruffness. Here’s the thing – in most systems you have to choose – do I want detail and grunt, or do I want warmth and musicality. Interestingly here, you get all the detail, soundstage and tone in a very musical presentation. Jason’s NotesOk outside of the sweets lot these sound good, but not mind blowing. In the sweet spot these are amongst the best I have heard in the show. I traded with Tyson for my tracks starting with the civil wars and there is a soooooo much more in the sweet spot. Great dynamics anywhere in the room, but imaging and soundstage that is quite breath taking and emotionality that is pretty heart stopping. Tom waits ohhhhhh wow. Just amazing. This feels like a era performance. I haven't heard such a focused soundstage at this show period. Absolutely phenomenal. Easily a contender for best in show.
Pez: Apparently the back wave of a dipole cancels the front wave. Hmmmm gotta find out on my own....