Getting closer, I can FEEL it! End of sealer session #3.
It's been a constant battle as far as placement. My other, and better, half isn't quite as enthused as I am. However, I believe that will change upon arrival. I really don't have the best listening space and there will be windows with wooden blinds directly behind them, but I've been reading that won't matter as much with these, as apposed to a lot of other speakers. I've been looking for a solution beyond curtains; they will not be domestically approved, so I'm hoping it won't matter that much.
I've been driving her crazy with all my computer/transport research, but there again, when the music begins to sing from the SongTowers, she WILL be pleased. Being my partner, and recently my fiance, she too is consumed by music and it's a major part of our lives. It's the anticipation and preparation that's laborious for her.