LDRx Passive Preamp Tour

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Re: LDRx Passive Preamp Tour
« Reply #140 on: 12 Apr 2014, 03:01 pm »
I would like to thank Morten for making the LDRx available for demo on the tour.

I’ll cut to the chase – I really like this unit.

My system consists of an Olive 4HD server to a PS Audio PW Dac2 to a Luminous Audio Axiom (LAA) passive pre to a Dsonic M3 1200 amp and then the Vapor Audio Cirrus Black speakers. Speaker cables and interconnects are Grover Huffman.  I use the Dac for fine grain volume changes via the remote and the LAA passive for large volume changes.  The LAA is a simple, one input and one output, Caddock resistor based passive that I have had for years and I feel is the best $125 I have spent in this hobby.

Directly comparing one passive to another seemed to be on the order of a tweak to me but it actually turned out to be a proper component upgrade.  The first thing I noticed is that the LDRx had better base which also yielded a deeper soundstage.  The LDRx was also more detailed and colorful.  I think the biggest surprise is that the LDRx had better flow as though there was less artificial tension in the music.  My listening sessions lasted longer and I just let my mood dictate my music selections rather than purposefully select audiophile recordings.  In the end, I just enjoyed my system more with the LDRx in the chain.

I expect to have the unit packed and shipped to the next tour destination this weekend.

Thanks again and let me know if anyone has any questions.


Thanks for the feedback and your participation in the tour. Glad you liked it.

As we get more feedback on our LDRx Passives it's really quite remarkable how similar the descriptive commentary has been regarding the sound. That said, I thought your "less artificial tension" comment was uniquely spot-on. Personally, I really enjoy that relaxed flow of the LDRx which I think is critical to avoiding listening fatigue. Thanks again.



Re: LDRx Passive Preamp Tour
« Reply #141 on: 14 Apr 2014, 03:17 am »
I am very late on this review and should have gotten it in before briang but I have been swamped with work.  Sorry about that!

I do not feel I have much experience or qualification for a review in any other regard than that I have an opinion.  And although I have read quite a few, I have never done a review of my own. 

My system consists of Squeezebox Touch - Mytek DSD 192 - Ncore Dual Mono Amps - Gedlee Abbey.  I use the volume control on the Mytek to send the signal via XLR to the Ncore amps and also use the RCA outputs into a Behringer DCX that processes the signal for 4 Gedlee Bandpass subs. 

I have read comments where people claim to want to have the cleanest signal and what is essentially a straight wire with gain.  This made me think that I would be best served using a DAC that has volume (preamp) capability.  After all, why clutter the system with added circuits and boxes?

Well, I must say.... I was wrong.  Very soon after putting the LDR into the chain I was rewarded with a noticeably better system in every way. I didn't switch back to the Mytek until it was time to return the demo unit so there was no jumping back and forth to make head to head comparisons.  I simply did not have to!

I feel like I went from:

-being with Gisele Bundchen to Jessica Biel
-looking through lenses to no lens at all
-shaving with a 3 day old razor to a brand new 5 blade
-driving a Nissan Maxima to a Mercedes S-Class
-the city to a mountain top on a beautiful spring day

Nothing is really bad about the previous versions of each of these and some are quite excellent - that is until you have the new reference.

I mean, both of these women are fine but to me the latter is the total package and has an appropriate fullness to her. She is not thin in any way. She is not bloated.  She is healthy and "right". If the greatest artist in the world were to paint the female form it would come out as she is. The proportions are there and they are as they should be.  One wants for nothing more.

Some lenses are great for seeing deeper but it is when you can see and experience something without that slight bit of material in between that you realize how clear it can be. Lenses will still allow you to see where the musicians are upon the stage but perfect vision allows a delineation that you may not have known existed. The LDR cleared out something that I did not even realize was there.

I keep my razors for a week or so and they will give a close shave but it is instantly recognizable when I put in a new blade.  That closeness and fine level of precision you get with the new one is what we all want - every time.  How smooth it is. So smooth.

Cars these days are great and I doubt there are really any bad ones.  The quality level at Nissan is such that one could get behind the wheel and have a truly solid time.  There would be absolutely no issues or problems one would experience. Everything needed, requested, required or hoped for is there.... but then you get into a Mercedes and you are just engulfed in a level of quality, styling and thoughtfulness that is evident without even thinking about it.  It is just emanating from the product, it is not strained or over the top.  It is exquisite in a way that does not draw attention to itself yet it is fully apparent. The solidity when closing the doors and the lack of outside distracting noise all contribute to a comfortable environment that has no associated strain - no matter how fast you want to go.

Cities are a fun and exciting place to be. There is a lot going on and a lot to see, but it takes getting into the great outdoors to breathe that crisp, clean, fine air that is free from the smog and pollution to realize how much really is there.  Sure, it does not jump out at you and scream look at me!  Over here! Over there! No, it just is.... everything is in the proper place with the proper size and the proper amount.  There is everything and yet seemingly nothing.  Admittedly, cities have trees and grass and even animals - but somehow, we all know that they are just not really proper.  Yet, it is never questioned when in the mountains.  It fits!

Is the LDR perfect?  Probably not.  Does it have issues that I wish it didn't?  Yes. I would like to see a better remote, to have a digital readout so I know the volume level, to have multiple inputs and balanced connections.  In fact, I had to use some XLR to RCA converters that I picked up at Guitar Center since my amps are XLR only.  This caused an issue with a little hum out of the right channel but this problem was over shadowed by the quality of sound that was coming through the unit.  So much good was going on that I did not notice this at the levels I usually listen.

All in all, I was surprised at how much of an improvement the LDR made in my system and I have begun the search for a pre to integrate.  Perhaps it will be the new upcoming balanced unit from Tortuga.  I have heard from Morten that the new unit will be larger that the one I auditioned and although that is a minor issue, I still would like to see the unit remain at the same size.  It is neat to be able to put the pre on the same shelf as the Touch and Mytek.  I guess you can't have it all.

Thanks Morten for the opportunity to check out your awesome LDR and please do not confuse my highly, non related comparative as an indication that it is not a serious piece of equipment. It is only an indication that I do not know how to write a proper review!


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Re: LDRx Passive Preamp Tour
« Reply #142 on: 14 Apr 2014, 12:51 pm »
Thanks Morten for the opportunity to check out your awesome LDR and please do not confuse my highly, non related comparative as an indication that it is not a serious piece of equipment. It is only an indication that I do not know how to write a proper review!

My review of cloudbaseracer's review.

Starts off with apologetic disclaimer regarding lack of qualifications to do a review.

Proceeds to write one hell of a review.

Closes with apology for not doing a proper review.

Nicely done. Much appreciation and thank you for participating in the tour.

Regarding reviews in general my own view is there is no absolute right or proper way to do a review....of anything. The best reviews are the ones that convey the honest opinions of the reviewer. Some reviewers vivisect the hardware and put it under a test microscope  and then report on the objective findings. Kind of like a science project. Informative. Perhaps even useful to us gearheads who highly value specifications. Others provide a subjective impressionistic rendering of their listening experience wrapped in great prose. More fun to read for some. Perhaps more useful to those who are looking for more of an emotional connection to their audio gear if not their music. Personally I prefer a 25/75 mix of objective/subjective. What really turns me off is the reviewer who tries to impress me with how much they know and who they know....all me me me. I'll take reviews like cloudbaseracer's over that kind of review all day long.



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The Great LDR1 Tour of 2013/14 Is Over
« Reply #143 on: 5 May 2014, 02:07 pm »
The LDR1 tour is finished and the LDR1 is back home after traveling several thousand miles and making 13 stops along the way.

I want to thank all of the participants for giving the LDR1 a run around the track and especially for taking the time to write/post your impressions. I was quite pleased that the overwhelming consensus is the LDR1 exceeded expectations and was very well received indeed.

The longer I work with audio equipment the more I'm convinced that preamps...and more specifically, volume control....is where the most damage is done to the audio signal. The ubiquitous and seemingly benign volume control "pot" is really not the audiophile's friend. And while there are various alternatives to pots, I'm more convinced than ever before that LDRs are truly the best option available for volume control.

Our well traveled LDR1 will be getting an upgraded power regulator and software update and then will be on its way to its permanent home with one of the participants who decided he wanted it back.  :D

I'll be sending each of you a PM with a little something as a thank you for participating.

Kind Regards,  :thumb:

Big Red Machine

Re: LDRx Passive Preamp Tour
« Reply #144 on: 5 May 2014, 02:28 pm »
It was a great little unit that left a positive impression.  It's not ofetn enough that we get to try out gear in tours.  Thanks!


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Re: The Great LDR1 Tour of 2013/14 Is Over
« Reply #145 on: 5 May 2014, 02:44 pm »
The LDR1 tour is finished and the LDR1 is back home after traveling several thousand miles and making 13 stops along the way.

I want to thank all of the participants for giving the LDR1 a run around the track and especially for taking the time to write/post your impressions. I was quite pleased that the overwhelming consensus is the LDR1 exceeded expectations and was very well received indeed.

The longer I work with audio equipment the more I'm convinced that preamps...and more specifically, volume control....is where the most damage is done to the audio signal. The ubiquitous and seemingly benign volume control "pot" is really not the audiophile's friend. And while there are various alternatives to pots, I'm more convinced than ever before that LDRs are truly the best option available for volume control.

Our well traveled LDR1 will be getting an upgraded power regulator and software update and then will be on its way to its permanent home with one of the participants who decided he wanted it back.  :D

I'll be sending each of you a PM with a little something as a thank you for participating.

Kind Regards,  :thumb:

Thanks Morten! You and your LDR's rock!



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Re: LDRx Passive Preamp Tour
« Reply #146 on: 5 May 2014, 11:21 pm »
I'd like to thank Morten for his generosity in allowing me to participate in the tour. I'd like to thank all the tour participants for the time invested in evaluating the LDR-1 and not harming MY LDR-1! I was surprised that it performed so well in such a variety of different systems. Maybe Tortuga can change the perception that passive pres require an inordinate amount of special attention in order to work acceptably.  Looking forward to getting it back!


Re: LDRx Passive Preamp Tour
« Reply #147 on: 18 Oct 2014, 09:37 pm »
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