Steve Vai-Live at the Astoria London

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Steve Vai-Live at the Astoria London
« on: 28 Jul 2004, 02:50 am »
Where do I begin? There are guitar players and then there are guitar players. Steve Vai is that, just another guitar player. What seperates him from the lofty company of say Ritchie Blackmore,Satriani or a band like Judest Priest, is these guys get down to the business of playing guitar and leave out the cute antics. Antics are okay, they just don't have to be incorporated into every song like Vai does.
   Now to the dvd.
  As par usual for a rock video the camera editing jumps around never settling down for a stable shot of any one band member. Not as horendous as  IM in Rio but a failing grade just the same.
  As for the music, the audio is good and you're treated to a lengthy 21 song lists. None of this matters however because there are really no standouts except for maybe 'For the Love of God'. Where we finally get a glimpse of what this guy is capable of, when he leaves out the antics.
   Would I buy this dvd again if it got damaged?  NO
Rating: 1 star out of 5


Rob Babcock

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Steve Vai-Live at the Astoria London
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2004, 03:04 am »
I saw Vai play years ago and I was thoroughly underwhelmed, too.  He's competent (okay, more than competent) but take away the wild antics and goofy tricks and you're left with someone with nothing musically interesting to say.  He's got Satriani's sound down, but none of he creative briliance of it.

I give him high marks for technical proficiency, but musically I find him boring.


Steve Vai-Live at the Astoria London
« Reply #2 on: 2 Aug 2004, 08:07 pm »
I agree with you that despite Steve Vai's ungodly talents, his song writing is pretty unimaginative at best.

IMO, Steve Vai's best work is when he was a hired gun for John Lydon's
PiL "Compact Disc" (or "album" for us old timer Gen-Xers)

All songs are awesome and Vai's fantastic guitar work makes this masterpiece even better. Highly recommended if you like interesting music... :)
Vai's electrifying 2:30 minute solo in "Ease" closes the album in an amazing way.
Give it a spin, you'll like it.