Revelation floorstander details?

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Revelation floorstander details?
« on: 27 Jul 2004, 06:20 pm »
Ok, the rumors have been leaked... a floorstanding speaker called "Revelation" is forthcoming from SP Tech.  So how about some details?  Inquiring minds want to know! :)


The Revelation is for Real!
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jul 2004, 07:05 pm »
We knew it couldn't be kept quiet forever!  The Revelation floorstanders are forthcoming.  They will be debuted at the AudioFest in Denver this October.  Hold on to you hats, cause you have never heard anything so pure as these speakers.  The rough details are that they are a four piece extension of the Continuums.  Frequency response will be from 17 hz (maybe lower to 15) up to over 18-20k without subwoofer.  Bob will be your best resource for the details and I'm sure he'll chime in here if he has time, because he's so busy getting these ready for the show and sorting orders for the new speakers. :dance:


Re: The Revelation is for Real!
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jul 2004, 07:13 pm »
Thanks for the response, reefrus!

Quote from: reefrus
The rough details are that they are a four piece extension of the Continuums.

By "four piece extension", do you mean the Continuum plus four additional drivers?  (2 per side, presumably?)

Quote from: reefrus
Frequency response will be from 17 hz (maybe lower to 15) up to over 18-20k without subwoofer.

Now you know you can't go quoting frequency numbers without the corresponding drop in dB! :)


Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jul 2004, 08:44 pm »
BRJ:  I cannot give specifics on the technical side.  That's for Bob to speak to. Also, it's not four additional drivers.  What I meant was it's the Continuum plus a base that is modular and removable from the main speakers.  There are no components in the base.  Does this make sense?

If you have occasion to be in Denver, I have the Timepiece 2.0 loudspeakers and I'd be happy to demo them for you.  Better yet, come join us for the audio show in Denver in October and see the Revelation in action.

JAMn Joe

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FYI - Revelations, et cetera!
« Reply #4 on: 27 Jul 2004, 09:58 pm »
Don't expect too much information from Bob for the moment, his computer died and he's in the process of rebuilding a new one. :cry:

 He's also buried in building speakers for existing orders and additional speakers for the show including the Revelations.

I'm sure he'll get a post out as time allows. For those that have sent him email and not received a response, the computer being down is to blame. That will be the other thing he will be trying to catch up on.


Re: FYI - Revelations, et cetera!
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jul 2004, 05:55 pm »
Quote from: JAMn Joe
Don't expect too much information from Bob for the moment, his computer died and he's in the process of rebuilding a new one. :cry:

I know the feeling.  Of course, I burned my computer down earlier this week and re-installed 2 of the 3 operating systems from scratch.  In my case, it was a planned process, but it does take a while to get everything back and tweaked the way you like it regardless of the reason.

Quote from: JAMn Joe
He's also buried in building speakers for existing orders and additional speakers for the show including the Revelations.

I'm sure he'll get a post out as time allows. For those that have sent him email and not received a response, the computer being down is to blame. That will be the other thing he will be trying to catch up on.

No problem.  Bob generally seems busy, but it sounded like some others had info on the new speakers as well, so I thought it might be worth a post.


Aether Audio

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Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #6 on: 1 Aug 2004, 01:13 am »
Hey Everbody!

Looks like I got a little snitch in the group. :o  :P That's Ok, I knew I couldn't keep it a secret for too long.  I'm not going to quote any specs because I haven't finished building and testing the prototype yet.  I have high hopes but I'm not that stupid.

I will say though that there would be little point in building the thing if it didn't offer a significant improvement over the other models.  I'm not into offering more expensive products just to fill out a product line.  If it doesn't offer a significant improvement, I won't build it.  There's no fun in doing that anyway.  I have a low tolerance for boredom so a design has to captivate my interest or I just never get around to following through with it.

It will be basically a Continuum sitting on a bass module that consists of a transmission line duct folded within.  The crossover, drivers and response above 30Hz will be the same as the Continuum.  Below 30Hz it will be a whole other story though.

The product will ship as two separate pieces that the customer has to assemble in the home.  Saves on shipping.  The upper module (Continuum) is placed on top of the bass module and locked down with a rather ingenious (if I do say so myself) little compression fixture/interface.  I'm about as proud of that little fixture as I am of the t-line's performance.  Anyway,you tighten screws inward around all four sides and it pulls the upper module down tight on a gasket layer between the two.  Once locked down you'd have to tip the whole cabinet over before there was even a chance the upper half would come loose and separate.  Seeing the weight involved, that's not likely to happen.

Our t-line is based on research I did back in the early 90's.  I can't give away the details but I will suggest this:  It works somewhat the opposite of everybody else's t-line.  They got it all wrong guys.  If you look at the computer models, most tapered lines are little more than a bass reflex design with the line acting like a real long port having a larger than optimal exit area.  Don't get me wrong, they still work to some degree and can sound significantly better than a standard ported design.  It's just that they don't optimize low frequency energy transfer efficiency -  especially not for all the labor and materials that end up being used.

But that's good for us.  If you come to the Rocky Mountain Audiofest you'll be able to hear for yourself.  Just follow the thundering bass to find our rooms. :lol:

Take care,

JAMn Joe

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Continuum Upgrade Conversion:
« Reply #7 on: 4 Aug 2004, 02:30 pm »

Any idea if existing Continuum owner's could send back there speakers for an upgrade modification that would preclude them from having to sell them off to replace them with new speakers or relegating them to surround sound units?

Is the new design adaptable to the older technology (even if that means sending them back for reworking)? That would certainly add additional value/interest investing in the speakers at a lower price point (Continuum A.D. level) that can be upgrade to Revelation status as funding permits. It would also help to ensure far less of a loss in value on the open market as options are then open. :D

Thoughts/Ideas? Any consensus from you AC's regarding this kind of an option? Are there possible downsides and if so what might they be? :?:

Just wanted to layout some food for thought and discussion.[/b]


Re: Continuum Upgrade Conversion:
« Reply #8 on: 6 Aug 2004, 02:36 am »
Thanks for the update, Bob!

Quote from: JAMn Joe
Any idea if existing Continuum owner's could send back there speakers for an upgrade modification that would preclude them from having to sell them off to replace them with new speakers or relegating them to surround sound units?

To extend that thought... could you buy the Revelation in stages?  You indicate that you will ship the component parts in separate boxes anyway, so it sounds like you could buy the Continuum-like top end and enjoy them for a while by themselves.  Then, when your bank account recovers, you could buy the bottom units.  Any thoughts?


Aether Audio

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Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #9 on: 6 Aug 2004, 04:10 am »
Sorry Guys,

Can't be done.  The internal chambering is considerably different between the two models.  Once constructed, the Continuum can't be taken apart for rework because the back panel is glued on with high strength urethane adhesive and the internal chamnering is glued and screwed the same way.  I wanted to do this from the onset but there was no way to optimze the internal chambers of the Continuum with it's back panel ports, while still making it convertable to the Revelation.  It was a great idea and I desperately wanted to do this but acoustically, there was just no way.

The upshot is that although the two models look identical in the upper section, they really are two different models.  I could have optimized the Continuum to be ready for a conversion to a Revelation, but that would have compromised it's performance as a Continuum.  That wouldn't be fair to customers of the Continuum that have no intention of converting it to a Revelation.  Plus, it would require sending it back to the factory and running further risk of damage in transit.  I already have a $4,800.00 claim pending against the gorrillas at UPS for their thorough destruction of two Timepieces and one Continuum.  Sending any more gear through such carriers keeps me awake at night as it is.  If we had Continuums bouncing back and forth -  :o I shudder to think.

Anyway, I wish this were possible and it was my original intent, but the laws of physics (and practicallity) just won't budge.  I know this has a somewhat negative impact from a marketing standpoint but there's really nothing I can do.  I wish there were.  Thanks for asking though.

For previous Continuum owners, I will say this.  Unless you're a diehard bass lover that can't be satisfied unless you're shaking the whole block, the Continuum offers 80 - 90% of the Revelation's performance.  There's hardly any program material out there with any information down to 30 Hz, let alone below.  Yeah, I know about some organ recordings and the 1812 Overture, but beyond that, how many folks actually listen to the few recordings that do exist?  Probably only a hand full.  It's for those guys (& gals)that just have to have it all that we even offer this model.  That extra 10 - 20% doesn't come cheap though.  It takes a lot more engineering to get that little bit extra.  As we all know, Hi-End Audio is a endless quest for diminishing returns.  No matter how much you spend, sooner or later you just have to ask yourself "Is it really worth it." each his own.

On the other hand, I think everbody should own a pair of the Revelations.  I honest.  Couldn't you afford to loose a few pounds?  How much food does a person really need anyway? :wink:

Take care,


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Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #10 on: 6 Aug 2004, 04:18 am »
Quote from: SP Pres
I already have a $4,800.00 claim pending against the gorrillas at UPS for their thorough destruction of two Timepieces and one Continuum
    Might be time to try a different carrier. I have yet to have a problem with FedEx (knock on wood). :) [/list:u]
      Go luck with your new model !! 8) [/list:u]


Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #11 on: 6 Aug 2004, 06:06 am »
Thanks for the feedback, Bob!

Quote from: SP Pres
The upshot is that although the two models look identical in the upper section, they really are two different models. I could have optimized the Continuum to be ready for a conversion to a Revelation, but that would have compromised it's performance as a Continuum.

Unless I misunderstood, this still doesn't quite answer my question.... I accept that you can't rework the existing Continuum model to act as the upper section of a Revelation.  Instead of buying a Continuum, however, could you buy the upper section of the Revelation as a standalone product?  (I'm asking this from an engineering/capability perspective... you have may fully justified financial/marketing reasons for avoiding this approach.)

Hopefully, any buyer of the "partial" Revelation would do so with the intention of buying the bass section at a later date when circumstances allow.  How capable would the upper section of the Revelation be compared to a Continuum?


Aether Audio

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Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #12 on: 7 Aug 2004, 12:34 am »

You have a I hadn't thought of.  I could, in fact, build the Revelation top saection and offer it as a sealed box design.  It would have to have a removeble bottom plate and when converted to a full Revelation, the customer would have to screw on one half of the compression fitting.  I think most folks we be up to this but there would be one caveat - it wouldn't have the bass performance of the Continuum.  I haven't run the models yet but basic engineering sense suggests the difference would be definately noticeable...and possibly considerable.  I'll do some more checking on this and get back with you.  You may have hit on a neat idea and I thank you, brj.  God only knows why I didn't think of it myself - DUH. :roll:

If any of you guys would be interested in this, just pipe up here on this thread.  We may have a new model. :mrgreen:



Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #13 on: 7 Aug 2004, 01:06 am »
Maybe it would be better to offer a small reduced/hybrid transmissionline or integrate the stand somehow for added volume to the closed box.



Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #14 on: 16 Sep 2004, 03:47 am »
Hey Bob... its been awfully quite around here! :)

Any news on the Revelation and/or the feasibility of the separate top/bottom idea?  Just curious - thanks!


Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #15 on: 10 Oct 2004, 04:42 am »
Well, zybar's report picqued my interested in the Revelation.  Is it true, $23k for a "loaded" pair ???  No wonder Horsehead has been scarce around here of late, poor guy's probably working overtime to secure his pair  :cry:

Assuming SPPres' design didn't change over the past two months since his post, the Revelation is essentially the Continuum with a modified cabinet that sits atop a unique transmission line duct.  Sounds like a great idea... but the nearly $17k premium over the standard Continuum seems excessive to me.  Besides the cabinetry, what other changes to the Continuum have been made which justify the huge price hike ?


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Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #16 on: 10 Oct 2004, 05:51 am »
    Day Two - Saturday coverage shows the Revelation...and lists starting price at $17,000.00. :) [/list:u]


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Revelation floorstander details?
« Reply #17 on: 10 Oct 2004, 06:24 am »
Quote from: ekovalsky
Well, zybar's report picqued my interested in the Revelation.  Is it true, $23k for a "loaded" pair ???  No wonder Horsehead has been scarce around here of late, poor guy's probably working overtime to secure his pair  :cry:

Assuming SPPres' design didn't change over the past two months since his post, the Revelation is essentially the Continuum with a modified cabinet that sits atop a unique transmission line duct.  Sounds like a great idea... but the nearly $17k premium over the standard Continuum see ...

Yes, it is $23K for a fully loaded pair (I think the entry level pair is $17K).  Bob will need to fill in details as to why it costs what it does.
