Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?

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Doug Ravizza

Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« on: 12 Aug 2013, 12:24 pm »
Just saw this on the SFBA CL:

My RM30 IIs are doing just fine and are not in need of repair parts but, perhaps this might be of some help to someone. Although I didn't recognize anything in the pictures that looked very "VMPS-ish" to me.


Phil A

Re: Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« Reply #1 on: 12 Aug 2013, 12:54 pm »
Often sellers on Craigslist tag their ads with key words.  Sometimes they have nothing to do with a product.  For example, I've seen ads for amplifiers and they added tags like Bryston, Krell, Ayre, etc., and the ad had nothing to do with those brands.  It's to attract people looking for similar or related stuff and it may or may not have anything to do with the brand.

Phil A

Re: Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« Reply #2 on: 12 Aug 2013, 01:09 pm »
Here's a typical ad where the item being sold really has no direct relationship to most of the keywords in it.  It's just when you do a search for those keywords, it brings you to the ad -

Doug Ravizza

Re: Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« Reply #3 on: 12 Aug 2013, 01:32 pm »
Often sellers on Craigslist tag their ads with key words.  Sometimes they have nothing to do with a product.

I hear you Phil. I've even seen where the key word text was the same color as the background of the web page thus rendering it invisible unless highlighted by dragging over it. I usually ignore those but, what caught my attention this time was the title; " VMPS .......Brian Chaney speakers" The misspelling of Brian's name is a bit suspicious though, not to mention disrespectful.

Phil A

Re: Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« Reply #4 on: 12 Aug 2013, 01:46 pm »
Doug, I've seen that too where the title has something and you look at the ad iteself and it has nothing to do with the title.  I've bought a pre/pro and a PS3 with the right firmware to burn SACDs on Craigslist but I knew what I was looking for.  In the case of the pre/pro, it was obvious the person was knowledgeable and wanted to get rid of it.  I must have answered 50+ ads for PS3s and I probably got answers from 5 of them in response to my question about firmware version and model number.


Re: Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« Reply #5 on: 13 Aug 2013, 07:56 am »
But don't the pictures look like stuff from Brian's speakers? Esp see the third and fourth.

John Casler

Re: Previously Unknown Parts Inventory?
« Reply #6 on: 13 Aug 2013, 08:37 pm »
That is the "odds and ends" left over in the Storage Area, and the seller is helping Shirley with anything that might be valuable.

I cannot vouch for the actual suitability of any of the items, as Brian kept things that didn't work too.

However, I do know that the DynaRibbons (used on the FF-1 or FF3) are correct.  I also took a box for VMPS owners who may have trouble in the future.

The cabinets are the Ribbon Dipoles, and the LRCs, which we still have a few Neopanels available for.  Can't say what the Blue Basket Drivers are, but they sure look cool.