Opinions Sought for Adding Hi Rez and DSD Options to my Current System

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Previously posted in the Discless Circle....

A new job has kept me away from this site and minimized my listening time, however I am seeing a break in the clouds and I see more of my listening time coming back.

I currently run a very simple system with a single board PC (Alix , on battery power) running Voyage and MPD feeding a Tranquility SE which in turn feeds a Bottlehead Stereomour into my GR V1s with servo amps covering the bass frequencies, I run lossless flac files.

I had an opportunity to bring my Oppo 103 upstairs to my 2 channel space for a listen, I was playing various SACDs in 2 channel....WOW, this sounded really great, excellent synergy with my system.  This has me thinking about replacing my Tranquility with the Oppo 105 (which I have not heard in my system).  The 105 would allow me to play SACDs, play my current files from MPD, and allow me to play DSD files from a HDD, ultimately headless.  I understand the user interface for the Oppo when using file from a connected HDD is not the best at this point, but I would be OK with waiting for a better interface while beginning to generate DSD rips or purchases on-line.  If push came to shove I could ultimately ditch the Alix and use a windows based machine to play DSD files with appropriate software.

I haven't been keeping up with this as well I I should have in the last year.  Please let me know where this solution may fall short.  If there are superior options in the same price range I would like to know that as well.  I would also like to hear what you believe the real world impact would be regarding the DSD64 capability vs. DSD128.

The digital volume control of the Oppo is reported to not lose bits, this is also an important consideration for me as I do not have another viable volume control in my system.

Other recommendations are welcome as well.



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The whole DSD software/hardware thing is still in its infancy.  Although it's gaining momentum, we don't know how it will shake out over the next few years. 

Buying into DSD playback capability makes sense right now for someone who can build up a collection of DSD files fairly rapidly by getting their SACD collection ripped.  If that's you, then look into a current DSD DAC and software player that will run on your PC.  The current Oppos will work for DSD, but file navigating attached storage is a PITA.

If you're not in the "rip a SACD collection" category, then maybe you wait  to see if the sales and distribution of DSD music develops into a market with enough titles you like, at prices you are willing to pay.  In the mean time, options for DSD hardware will only get better and become less expensive.



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Ed, hi.  I am not a fan of using th4e Oppo's volume control as it is an inexpensive rather noisy digital attenuator that is really only there to gain match other sources.  Anyway, good luck if it sounds ok to you.

I am co-coordinating the build of the Google Docs DSD database (of which about 13 or 14 I've had inhouse).  :)


There are tons of DSD playback options, depending on budget, OS server choice (mine is WIndows Server 2012 and Jriver/jplay in dual pc setup) and other issues.  I have had MPD playing DSD for over a year now, and it is a nice choice too (Auraliti PK90, which I am selling for $500 shipped).  When I had my Alix DSD wasn't available, but since 0.9 you are in luck there too.

As Russ said, the availability of DSD music is mainly based on whether you are going to have a personal SACD library that you can rip (or have ripped).  The download sites are starting to gain momentum, but currently there are only 4 or 5.
Russ, you are an Oppo 103(5) user. So, can Ed use the Oppo and an external hdd for DSD?  I assume it can look like a USB thumb drive, but how does one manage it?   And of course no computer USB access (except for PCM)

Ed, it might make sense to go computer usb to a DSD dac to make life easier (ipad remote apps, etc).  You can get a great little USB DAC for $1299 (EXD Sonore is best I've heard at that price range, to date).

Anyway, sorry for the core dump.


Russ/Ted, thanks for the detailed replies, much appreciated. 

Ted, WoW, that DSD database is a fantastic resource, thanks!  Looks like I have more homework to do.



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DSD can be played back on the Oppo 103/105 from attached storage.  It works and it sounds really good, but I only use it on a limited basis.  From my experience, there are three downsides to it:

1. Navigation requires a HDMI monitor and the Oppo remote to step through the file tree of the storage device.  Scrolling with the remote is a time consuming PITA compared to PC playback with Ipad control. 

2. The Oppo volume control does not work when playing back native DSD files.  It works when DSD is converted to PCM, but the drop in sound quality kinda defeats the purpose.

3. DSD playback from attached storage is not gapless.  This is true of any attached storage file playback on the Oppo.

I take a three tiered approach to balancing sound quality and convenience for file playback: 

For all 2 channel files I use Jriver/Win7 laptop via USB to a Benchmark DAC2 for bit perfect native DSD and PCM playback with remote Ipod Touch control.  This is the best combination of SQ and control. 

For multi-channel PCM files I use  Jriver/Win7 laptop via HDMI to an Oppo 103 and Sony M/C analog preamp.  Not quite as resolving as the DAC2, but very good sounding multi-channel playback with remote Ipod Touch control.

For multi-channel DSD files I use a 1TB USB drive attached to the Oppo 103 and Sony M/C analog preamp. Native multi-channel DSD programs sound absolutely stunning.  Navigation is a pain but I'm only dealing with a subset of files, not the entire library.



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Russ, great summary.  It's what I thought you did (and felt) but couldn't have put it any more clearly.  Thanks!

P.S.  I may start a new thread or subset of the Hirez Circle, all about the multichannel side.  There is a lot that people don't understand it when not using the standard AVR approach..  It becomes even more an issue when it is via a multichannel DAC and USB.  Things like PCM vs DSD, channel trims, delays, bass mgmt, browsing, cataloging, etc etc.


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Yes, great summary Russ.  How about a synopsis for us non Apple fans?  Best 2 channel and best multi-channel SQ not involving any Apple products.  For me, I have an OPPO 105, an Outlaw Audio 975 and a very nice Acurus 3-channel power amp for FR, C and FL, plus my modded Hafler 2-channel power amp for RS and LS (and of course my DIY 15" Tempest sonosub).


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Hank, Russ is not an Apple user.  ??  Win 8 based OS is a great audio OS, especially my fave, Windows Server 2012.  JRiver and jplay combo is best IMHO, but JRiver by itself is better than anything on MAC...probably because of the OS.


Hank, Russ is not an Apple user.  ??  Win 8 based OS is a great audio OS, especially my fave, Windows Server 2012.  JRiver and jplay combo is best IMHO, but JRiver by itself is better than anything on MAC...probably because of the OS.
Ted, how do you feel the MPD solution compares to your solution above?  I have new Win 8 laptop for work, I could download the JRiver demo and give it a spin.  Are the recommended settings posted anywhere?



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My current dual pc (Carbon to Zuma) JRiver/Jplay setup with the AudiophileOptimizer is far and away the best digital I've ever had.  It beats, by 25%+ the Caps Jriver single pc setup I first wrote about when I moved to a Windows based server....which had bested both my Auraliti and my Mac Min A+ (or PM) setups.  In every case I was working with Hynes linear power supplies.  Without the Hynes ps the setup would suffer in weight , heft (image density) and overall solidity of soundstage..plus the requisite lower noise floor.  The Auraliti with Hynes was as clear and as black of a background as I have today (nothing on my Mac could compare, even with the Hynes) but today's setup is much more organic, more musical, more solid, more balanced from top to bottom. 


I have gone through the jplay thread where Audiophil has put together the optimizations for Server 2012 that you are apparently using now, (very exciting).  I can not find what an AudiophileOptimizer is, please elaborate.



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AudioOptimizer is a piwce of software (.exe) that Phil (aka originally JohnDoe on CA), a Swiss IT wizard and audiophile, has evolved into quite a Windows optimization "script".  I am an alpha tester for Phil.  The Optimizer simply runs in a command prompt window and turns off most services and drivers one's system is not using, as well as setting registry entries,and re-prioritizing tasks for the best use of audio.  And since Jplay can run in a streamer/client-server model (aka dual pc setup) the Optimizer initially asks questions about whether your poc is a client (controlpc), server (audiopc) or is a single pc setup.  It also asks if you want to turn off optional processes like networks, remote desktop, etc.  Finally, as per my suggestion, it provides options on each pc (control and audiopc) to set a sonic signature (which are latency and RAM buffer settings, among others) to maximize optimization for each of our systems.  Currently there are four numbers for each computer, so 16 combinations...but that will be reduced by the time this thing goes to production (no one finds 3 useful, for example..I am in heaven with 4-1 combo).

Phil will soon sell this AudioOptimizer on his website, http://www.highend-audiopc.com/


Thanks Ted. So this is a tool to make all of the changes to Server 2012 that were being tested and discussed throughout the thread.  For some reason Bing search didn't find the you tube video but Google did.  It appears that Phil did what was being discussed early in the thread, make the Audiophile optimizations available to virtually anyone, very cool.  I didn't see any comparisons between the single pc solution and the two pc solution, I will be watching the thread for more on that.  Am I correct that you would start with a pc running a typical installation of the Standard Server 2012, or would you start with a core installation?

Thanks again,


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Never start with core; always always install GUI, get your drivers, etc laoded and tested, then uninstall GUI (which you can later go back to if needed).  My controlpc stays GUI; my audiopc is core.


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confusing to this computer nonilleteraturati.  So, for best nirvhana audios via digital, it's a notebook or NAS to BDP105, JRiver, and now AudioOptimizer, optimizations for Server 2012, whatever that is, and...


I'll be interested in feedback on the dual vs singlepc solution.  I currently have a Win8 pc based on what Ted came up with a while back (CAPS V2+), but stumbled upon the Server2012 with Audiophile Optimizer discussion this weekend.  I'm going to start with the singlepc setup with the Hynes ps and go from there.  Either way, exciting times in computer audio for sure! Thanks all.


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confusing to this computer nonilleteraturati.  So, for best nirvhana audios via digital, it's a notebook or NAS to BDP105, JRiver, and now AudioOptimizer, optimizations for Server 2012, whatever that is, and...

Hello Hank

Maybe this page helps to understand a bit better what my optimizer does: http://www.highend-audiopc.com/optimizer.html

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need more help :)
