
Would you like to see a North Texas regional circle?

20 (83.3%)
4 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Voting closed: 19 Jul 2004, 08:08 pm

North Texas regional circle?

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Captain Humble

North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #40 on: 29 Jul 2004, 07:05 pm »
I like:
LoneStar Audioholics
LoneStar Audio Society    (A bit more highbrow but this really is a disease! :wink:   )

North doesn't have to be in the title.  If someone from San Antonio wants to join that would be great.  Wouldn't it?

If South, East or West Texas wants to form a Circle of their own they can pick another name.  Or....we just tack on North as in:

LoneStar Audioholics North

Now that I've picked a name...oops I mean we've picked a name, where and when is the first party? Keep in mind that this will be an historic event, captured digitally and forever posted to cyberspace so the pressure's really on the first host. :lol:


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #41 on: 29 Jul 2004, 08:00 pm »
We have Rage, Rave, Mafia, Pie(?) ... How about a Roundup?  Sounds Texas-like, too.

Call it North Texas Audio Roundup (or Lonestar Audio Roundup).

After all, we're in the hobby of rounding up audio gears.   :o


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #42 on: 29 Jul 2004, 08:07 pm »
ok...here is a simple, straight-forward name

"LSAC"= Lone Star Audio Circle



North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #43 on: 29 Jul 2004, 08:09 pm »
Someone should put up a poll with all the choices on it and have people vote...


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #44 on: 29 Jul 2004, 08:13 pm »
Hey kyyuan,

You the first american that I have seen who owns the Ambience speakers.  I would love to hear your thoughts on them, especially in comparison to other speakers you have heard or owned.


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #45 on: 29 Jul 2004, 08:33 pm »
Quote from: jackman
Okay, I'll give it a shot, how's about the:

The Audiophiles In North Texas or TAINT for short :D    Has a nice ring to it.


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #46 on: 30 Jul 2004, 03:28 pm »
Looking back through the posts, it looks like "North Texas Audio Jam" got the biggest response (3 "votes", as it were).  If someone wants to start a naming poll, please feel free.  Otherwise, I would just as soon see the circle created.  Any comments?


Danny Richie

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« Reply #47 on: 30 Jul 2004, 03:38 pm »
I like it.


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #48 on: 30 Jul 2004, 06:33 pm »
Go for it.


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #49 on: 31 Jul 2004, 05:58 am »
Quote from: JoshK
Hey kyyuan,

You the first american that I have seen who owns the Ambience speakers.  I would love to hear your thoughts on them, especially in comparison to other speakers you have heard or owned.


Thanks for noticing my speakers.  First, I really enjoy my speakers as they reproduce female vocals (mid-range) well and have a pretty wide sweet spot.  In regard to their performance relative to other speakers, unfortunately, I've not heard too many other speakers.  That's why we need to get that Texas audio circle going.

Prior to owning these Ambience speakers, I owned a pair of Bohlender Grabener planar hybrid speakers (502dx); and, before GB, I owned a pair of Boston Acoustics.  I have listended to, not critically, some B&W and JM Labs speakers.  FWIW, I'll give you my summary, informal impression of my Ambience vis-a-vis other speakers.

GB 502dx-- well, ostensibly these two pairs of speakers are very similar in terms of speaker type.  I do think the Ambience sound more airy and have a bit more top-end.  Further, the Ambience also have a more "refined" mid-range as the sound seems to be more "palpable."  On a sidenote, the workmanship on the Ambience is definitely better (more expensive, as well).

Boston Acoustics-- I had a pair of 3-way, entry level BA speakers after college graduation.  IMO, while BA speakers were fine entry level speakers (good $ value), they really cannot compete with the Ambience.  The only thing worth mentioning about the BA is the oft spoken characteristic of box speakers, impact.

hmmm...I'm certain that my summary comparison didn't adequately describe the sound characteristics of Ambience.  You'll just have to visit our Texas audio circle (or whatever it'll be called) for a test listen.



North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #50 on: 31 Jul 2004, 02:55 pm »
Austin audiophile chipping in here.

Have any of you attended the Fort Worth audio club meetings yet?
They are held on the first Sunday of every month 2pm at Sound Mind Audio in Fort Worth. Just curious if you guys are aware of these meetings?

There is also the Lonestar Bottleheads group that meets once every two months or so, but they typically rotate cities. You can follow that group throught this website http://www.wardsweb.org/LSB/
The next meet of theirs is in Dallas, BTW.
The last meet in the Dallas area held back on 1/17 had some of the best retail equipment of any of the meets thus far.

Also down here in Austin we have a very good Home Theater Forum group, which is more slanted towards HT stuff, but I do my best to keep them dabbling on the audio side of things.  Just to brag, we have a meet organized for September that might be one of the best ever.  A new store is opening up here in Austin and the owner is part of our group.  So as a way to get the word out about his store and to just have some fun, he is going to throw a big audio party.  In the morning we will have 12 blind testers come in and separate into three rooms to do various blind tests on amps, processors, and DVD players respectively.  Then in the afternoon we will just be hanging out listening to music, watching the Texas game on the big screen, checking out some of the best gear in the world, and getting to schmooze with the likes of:
Luke Manley of VTL
Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen
Gus Cosifo of Cinepro
Neil Patel of Avalon Acoustics
Jacque Riendeau of Oracle
Not all have bought their plane tickets yet, but they are pretty much confirmed and there is still a chance that we may get representatives from Martin-Logan and Meridian as well.
How's that for a meet?

Danny Richie

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North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #51 on: 31 Jul 2004, 03:49 pm »
Hi Scott,

It's good to hear from you again.

I wasn't aware of the Sound Mind Audio located in Fort Worth. I'll have to get some more info on those guys.

That meeting you guys have coming up looks like it will be pretty large and some big name guys will be there too. Looks like you guys are staying quite organized.

That looks like a fun meet.


North Texas regional circle?
« Reply #52 on: 31 Jul 2004, 04:11 pm »
Quote from: soliver
Austin audiophile chipping in here.

You say that like we might not allow it or something! :lol:  Welcome to what will hopefully be a fledgling regional circle in short order!

Quote from: soliver
Have any of you attended the Fort Worth audio club meetings yet?
They are held on the first Sunday of every month 2pm at Sound Mind Audio in Fort Worth. Just curious if you guys are aware of these meetings?

Nope, I had no idea such a group existed.  I live in Fort Worth and have been to SMA on two widely separated occasions to hear the Meadowlark Swifts and Kestral II's (which they will still sell, but no longer demo the last time I heard).  I don't recall the group ever being mentioned.  Does the group focus mostly on listening to gear sold by SMA, or do people bring in their own gear for comparisions?

Personally, I find the AC "tradition" of rotating shootouts at different member's homes particularly appealing as it allows you to hear different speakers - which tend not to travel well - and different rooms.

Quote from: soliver
There is also the Lonestar Bottleheads group that meets once every two months or so, but they typically rotate cities. You can follow that group throught this website http://www.wardsweb.org/LSB/
The next meet of theirs is in Dallas, BTW.

Hmmm.... there's another group that I missed.  The more the merrier, however!

Good info, soliver - thanks!


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Fort Worth AC
« Reply #53 on: 1 Aug 2004, 07:51 pm »
The Fort Worth Audio Club is no longer meeting due to lack of interest.  I do not have time to organize it anymore but would attend if someone else is willing to organize it.

Wynne Walker
Sound Mind Audio - Fort Worth


Re: Fort Worth AC
« Reply #54 on: 1 Aug 2004, 08:16 pm »
Hi Wynne.

Welcome to AC!

Quote from: Wynne
The Fort Worth Audio Club is no longer meeting due to lack of interest.  I do not have time to organize it anymore but would attend if someone else is willing to organize it.

The North Texas regional circle was just created today, but if we follow in the tradition of the other regional circles, what we hope to see is a rotating get-together.  The basic concept is that every month or so, a different person volunteers to act as host, with the focus of any given "jam" (to borrow from our new name) varying from a dedicated component shootout to a relaxing afternoon of music and food.  Hopefully, we'll get something going in short order...