A small survey on a tone control project from Roger

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Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #20 on: 18 Jun 2013, 04:44 am »
Would it be solid state ot tube?

What kind of price point are we talking?
Did you do what I suggested??? the answers are all there!!!  :duh:

as to price point all I can say is within reason I hope.

Do me and yourself a fovour & read Rogers posts the answers are all there :bounce:


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Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #21 on: 18 Jun 2013, 10:09 pm »
Audiophiles: are seeking to listen to the same record through a huge variety of equipment
I feel this kind of audiophile is rare. Iam not this bad, I even dont own a test disc.


  • Jr. Member
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Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #22 on: 23 Sep 2013, 11:30 pm »
Just a quick addition to this topic. I have pm'd Roger a few times on the tone control topic & I decided to buy a C-4 pre/amp.
This unit has the tone control circuit Roger was talking about in this thread. I just received the pre/amp today. I will be posting a new topic on the pre/amp and will discuss in depth my impression of the tone controls.

Here is a picture of my new Music Reference C-4 pre/amp along with the 25 watt S.A.R. Labs LW-25 MonoBlocks
I will be using it with.


Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #23 on: 7 Feb 2014, 08:17 pm »

Music lovers: are seeking to listen to a huge variety of records through the same equipment

Audiophiles: are seeking to listen to the same record through a huge variety of equipment

For the first category, tone controls are useful. For the second category, they completely spoil the pleasure of altering tone through replacing equipment

This quote is awesome!  I'm going to print it out, frame it and hang it up in my Audioph--no Music Lovers' room!

I would be very interested in this tone control as Roger has described it.  Back in the 70's I had an SAE parametric equalizer preamp.  Even though the equalizer did have shortcomings (it add some minor noise), and you could switch it out, I usually did use it to modify the bass (add or reduce sometimes), and sometimes reduce the treble on overly bright recordings.  Also, you could make some "thin" recordings sound warmer by increasing the lower midrange.  And this was all before CD's.  So, in short, it was a good thing which made the system sound better, and I miss it now that I only have tube gear with no tone controls.  As I think further about this, I think about how ridiculous it is to try and tune the frequency response of stereo system/room by changing speaker wire and cables.   And we've all been doing it!  And of course even if you get your system to sound "balanced and neutral" in your room, you're going to really hate those CD's in your collection which are just "too darn bright" or any other recordings which aren't "neutral".  So I vote YES for the outboard tone control. I would also like to see a "kit" edition which would allow custom modification of the crossover points and slopes to suit the individual situation.


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Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #24 on: 9 Feb 2014, 06:47 pm »
Personally, I use tone controls built into my DSPeaker AntiMode Dual Core, primarily to tame recordings that are too bright. The DSP allows a choice of pivot point frequencies and dB cut or boost in 1dB increments, so it's quite flexible, and it seems to be utterly transparent.

Guido F.


Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #25 on: 9 Feb 2014, 08:19 pm »
I take my music without salt or pepper


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Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #26 on: 9 Feb 2014, 11:07 pm »
I don't know how I missed this topic earlier but, in my case, I seek tone control not due to deficiencies in recorded material or compnents but deficiencies in my own hearing. I have moderate tinnitus of the high pitched ringing type. It is aggravated by certain higher frequencies, volume and perhaps other characteristics of the music which I do not understand. Renee Fleming's "Amazing Grace" hurts while Jessye Norman's does not. Almost every song on a Roberta Flack album hurts when played at normal volume. I like string/piano quartets/quintets but I now search out cello performances.

I first noticed this problem when auditioning speakers after many years without any serious system. Of the limited number of speakers auditioned, Devore, Daedalus and Linn speakers were much kinder to my defective ears than others.

I have wondered if an equalizer of some type might help. I see on Audiocircle and Audiogon that some people use Metric Halo equipment (usually ULN-8 or LIO-8) but I do not know if these are equalizers. Parametric equalizers are quite expensive and, I think, quite complicated. A simple, clean device that would allow attenuation of offendig frequencies would be welcome as would an option of adjusting several frequencies to get the most pleasing sound at low listening levels.

I know I will be altering accurate reproduction of the music, but inaccurate reproduction would be better for me than a painful unpleasant experience. Thank you for bringing up this topic.

My System:
Modwright KWA 150SE, Modwright LS100, Bolder Cable modified Eastern Electric DAC, Bryston BDP-1 digital player, Furman IT Reference 20i power conditioner and Daedalus Audio DA-RMa speakers with All-Poly crossovers. I do plan on upgrading the DA-RMa's to v.2 sometime this year.


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Re: A small survey on a tone control project from Roger
« Reply #27 on: 3 Mar 2014, 01:43 pm »
I don't know how I missed this topic earlier but, in my case, I seek tone control not due to deficiencies in recorded material or compnents but deficiencies in my own hearing ............... I first noticed this problem when auditioning speakers after many years without any serious system. Of the limited number of speakers auditioned, Devore, Daedalus and Linn speakers were much kinder to my defective ears than others............ ................... A simple, clean device that would allow attenuation of offendig frequencies would be welcome as would an option of adjusting several frequencies to get the most pleasing sound at low listening levels.

I have a Music reference C-4 which has bass & treble controls which I ordered as a result of this thread.
I'm not sure if you're aware of it Roger is offering a new product.

                           ................... Fred Petersen (fastfred)