Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13

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Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« on: 15 May 2013, 08:51 pm »
Karma ends 6/15/2013.

Some time back the fine people at were good enough to treat a tube for me so I could see if there was anything to the process. 
They asked for nothing in return other than a fair write up which I tried to present.

The person to tell the funniest audio-related story will be treated to the cost of having 6 of their own tubes (or a set of speaker wires or interconnects) treated by cryoset.  I pick the winner, you send the stuff in, I'll pick up the tab.

If your story involves sparks and flames, so much the better!

I am going to do a second one which will feature the work of our very own as they were good enough to put on that cryo CD torture test.
I support the good guys.

medium jim

Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #1 on: 15 May 2013, 09:53 pm »
No sparks or flames, but does involve the Police.  In my younger days I built a system that had a pair of Altec VOTT's that could be driven with a flashlight battery to ear splitting levels.  That said, I had just bought a powerful Phase Linear 700 amp to go with the Phase Linear Pre I bought earlier. 

It was a quiet early evening and I just finished imbibing on some herbs and one thing led to another and I kept on turning it up as I was amazed how clean it stayed and yet how loud it was getting.  I got up to turn the album over, The Who Live at Leeds, and there was a loud knock at the door...

I hid the remainder of the joint and answered the door, it was a pair of cops and wanted to know if there was a band practicing in the place.  I said no, and one of the cops said that some lady a few blocks away had called about a band that was playing too loud.  He didn't believe me that there wasn't a band in my place that was practicing and invited themselves in.  They saw the huge speakers and smelled the rope burning and just shook their heads and left and warned me to keep it down in the future!

I damn near crapped myself...


medium jim

Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #2 on: 16 May 2013, 01:29 am »
P.S. Karma never ends :wink:



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Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #3 on: 17 May 2013, 12:57 am »
Only Mad Man Roach Clip will step up to the plate?
Live at Leeds is still one of the best live albums ever.

medium jim

Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #4 on: 17 May 2013, 02:15 am »
Only Mad Man Roach Clip will step up to the plate?

I resemble that remark :D  Let's keep it quiet, please 8)  Been clean for 26+years and proud of it :thumb:



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Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #5 on: 19 May 2013, 09:25 pm »
So far the winner is...
Medium Jim!
Okay, I'll tell one and maybe that will get the ball rolling.

Many years ago I had sinus surgery and came home, doped to the gills on pharmaceutical opiates and I could tell that they scraped the inside of my face raw and cut holes in it and did all sorts of horrible stuff to me.  My nose was stuffed full off gauze to sop up the blood, I have to breath through my mouth, I can feel my face just throbbing away in there and I'm a bit more than half crazed.
The only thing that can possibly help me get through this night is live concert level Rock and Roll (and a pain killer every 4 hours).
I lurch on over, turn on the stereo, put on an album and slam the volume control up to about the 3:00 position.
Dead silence as a wisp of acrid smoke comes out of the top of my beloved Carver Receiver which I bought brand new and loved more than anything. 
The 4 Ohm load of the MMGs and my own stupidity done did it in and let me down in my hour of need.  The guts were charred beyond redemption.
I can laugh about it now but at the time it made for a really long night.

medium jim

Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #6 on: 19 May 2013, 09:28 pm »
Geez, I could have enhanced mine with some html magic too....



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Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #7 on: 30 May 2013, 12:30 am »
Anyone else? 
I can't very well win my own Karma...


Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #8 on: 30 May 2013, 02:54 am »
Lol, I hope you find someone. Thing is, I'm too new in the audio field to have something funny. Unless, sinking tons of money, fixing a twice busted amp, fixing a busted turntable, etc. count as humourous.  :lol:

I do have a motorcycle related incident though...


Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #9 on: 30 May 2013, 04:37 am »
Hey Guys ,  just  throwing this  in   hoping it will help get some  more stories     posted.  Not really  an entry  in  the  Karma as   the cost of shipping a set of cables down from up here  would  be toomuch.    I do plan to support Cyroset soon though, going to order a pair of  preamp tubes for my newly aquired  Jolida  jd302C (my first tube amp that I am really enjoying)

Ok,  no fire or smoke here but it is audio related and also  shows the innosence of kids.. it was funny at the time

Last fall i decided to  build a pair of  X LS Encores for my niece for  Christmas.  Her room    is painted  pink with  a fairly dark purple trim so  I decided the speakers would  also have to be the same purple Now being that  my neice lives inthe same house and regularily comes out to the garage  to check out what I'm  doing,  I was going to have  to come with  some story as to why I was painting these  speakers purple...
I came up with the plan to tell her my buddy Ron (who she has never met) was  having me build a pair of speakers for his wife and she wanted them to be purple.  I told   her that I needed to  take a picture of her room  to show Ron the   purple  and to see if it would be suitable for his wife.  My niece thought that was pretty cool.   We really did end up going and taking  the picture just to keep her happy.
A couple days went by and I told her  that I had good  news.  Ron's wife liked the color and  that is what we were going to use
Anyway,  she ended up helping me  paint  (she rolled a couple of the panels)   and  did the grill frames herself... she  felt like she was really helping out .
I actually  thought she had figured it out and was  just playing along  with   the  story.

Got them all done and she helped me  pack them in a box  to get ready for shipping.   One day while she was at school I stashed the box where she wouldn't find it   and told her they   had  gone out  .   

Christmas morning soon arrived and I was  anxious to see her reaction  when she discovered the  fact that she had actually been working on her own  preseant and  the story was   a cover. 
She was clueless as she ripped  open the box  and peeked inside... then   a look of pure  confusion.    The first thing she said  was  " Uncle,  I don't get it  ...  why would  Ron   have you make me a pair of speakers ? "   :duh:

LOL,  not exactly  what I figured she'd say but what the heck, it was priceless

Thought I had one of her actually pulling them out of the box but  can't seem to find it :(

hope this helps gets some more storeis  going  !!



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Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #10 on: 15 Jun 2013, 12:08 am »
Allright, ladies, let's hear it - this ends soon!

 No, I was never a Marine Sergeant but I probably would have been a good one.


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Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #11 on: 16 Jun 2013, 12:24 pm »
And the winner is Captainhemo!

Let me know whatever/whenever you're going to get something done by cryoset and I'll pick up $50 of your bill.


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Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #12 on: 19 Jun 2013, 10:27 pm »
Cryoset should have the $50 so enjoy your new tubes. 
If he didn't tell you the sound should change quite a bit over the first few days of use.


Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #13 on: 19 Jun 2013, 10:45 pm »
Cool Steve, really appriciate it. 
I will   report  back here with initial impression and after some burn in too  :)



Re: Cryoset Karma ends 6/15/13
« Reply #14 on: 5 Jul 2013, 04:32 am »
Hey Guys
Ok,  received my  pair of  EH 5751GP's from Cryoset this am.   Ron  had them packed very well and shipping to Canada via first class  USPS took about 8 business days, not too bad.  I must also say  that Ron was  very  prompt at answering emails and even checked in with me the other day to  see if I had  received the tubes yet.  Good service.

I put some intial impressions   up over in the tube-0-phile  circle  in the 12AX7 thread  but I'll mentionthem here as well .
 I've got about 7 hrs on them    as I'm typing this and so far they sound very good.   I decided to give the 5751's a try   because of the positive   feedback  I had seen from others.  I was worried  that  by going to the 5751 there might be some decrease in  volume  and dynamics but so far haven't noticed any... if anything,  I'd say the bottom  is    better (cleaner and tighter) than  what it wa.   The highs are definately not as smooth as they were with the Raytheons at this point , I'm going to  get some more  hours onthem before I comment further  on this
Anyway,  I'm prety impressed   to this point especially considering    the low # of hours on them so far. I'm  sure  things are going to improve   with some more time

The bummer part....  I was trying to find a  current production tube  that sounded  as good  or close to as good  as what I was using , was  realitively inexpensive, and was readily available.    After shooting a few mails back and forth with  Ron @ Cryoset  he informed me that the EH5751 GP   has now been discontinued by New Sensor.  I'm  going to have to clarify if that is  just the GP version or the actual 5751 itself

I'll post back  again after I get   50 or so hours on the tubes and let you  know how they sound
