Line source speaks

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Line source speaks
« on: 4 Apr 2013, 12:40 am »
 I have forgotten the pro's and con's of line source speakers. I know they have a large sweetspot and very low distortion. That's about it though. I just recently noticed that Mcintosh speakers are quasi line source. But, man they are expensive!!
Thanks much.


Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #1 on: 5 Apr 2013, 03:29 pm »
lots of threads to read on here in the "Older"section that will help you with info.

I have owned 3 line source designs and enjoyed each one. Epiphany 20/21, GR LS-9 and Audio Artistry CBT 36. I like them all for different reasons. Like all designs line sources have their strengths and weaknesses.

low distortion, high output, high efficiency, low floor and ceiling reflection (bounce) and big soundstage are just some of benefits of a properly designed linesource. :thumb:

Down sides, they are usually BIG and generate lots of back EMF that can cause amps to stumble. Room issues can still play a part in your enjoyment. Side wall reflections, bass and placement issues are still there if your room is not ideal.  :|

On another note, If you intend to build a pair, it is quite a bit more difficult than a regular "monitor" design, big boxes lots of parts. :dunno:


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #2 on: 5 Apr 2013, 04:51 pm »
many of the room issues can be solved ,when you use a digital filter ,,with my Groundsound filter i measure the speaker and  remove some of the worse peaks.
and now i have a sound with fantastic slam in the bass,,and super sound overall  (speaker is LS-9 )
use 650hz 12db for bass,,and 650hz 24db for tweeter
once you have heard a rock concert  on LS-9 ,it is hard to go back on small speakers again  :icon_twisted:

best regards Bjarne
a wery happy owner of a great line array


Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #3 on: 5 Apr 2013, 05:07 pm »
I owned the LS-9 before DSP corection in the bass sounded good and was affordable. I can only imagine how my room would have sounded if I could have reduced a couple of peaks in the mid bass. :rock:

My current CBT 36 has Digital correction and crossovers to active 15" subs. Not as refined up top as the mighty LS-9 but transparency, soundstaging and bass to die for!

I think we are indeed blessed to have such fun toys! If my room next room is big enough, I may be forced to build another pair of LS-9's and make them active with on board amplification! :thumb:


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #4 on: 5 Apr 2013, 05:56 pm »
Hello nickd
one of the things i first heard ,when i got my amp direct to the woofers ,was more drive and slam in the bass.(no coil in series ) it is for me ,the right sound
and removing some room issues is much more easy to do--just a few click on the pc.....the nekst thing i will do ,is make a new cobbling of the woofers..i will set 3-3-3 parallel (4 times) and then in series  with the 4 groups ,,gives a lower ohm but a higher sensitive..a bit better for the amp....i have 300w for the bass..and 500w for tweaters--

S Clark

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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #5 on: 5 Apr 2013, 07:08 pm »
Hello nickd
one of the things i first heard ,when i got my amp direct to the woofers ,was more drive and slam in the bass.(no coil in series ) it is for me ,the right sound
and removing some room issues is much more easy to do--just a few click on the pc.....the nekst thing i will do ,is make a new cobbling of the woofers..i will set 3-3-3 parallel (4 times) and then in series  with the 4 groups ,,gives a lower ohm but a higher sensitive..a bit better for the amp....i have 300w for the bass..and 500w for tweaters--
Am I interpreting this correctly? Are you saying that you have bypassed the crossover and are running the woofers directly to the amp? 


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #6 on: 5 Apr 2013, 07:15 pm »
Am I interpreting this correctly? Are you saying that you have bypassed the crossover and are running the woofers directly to the amp?

Yes. In his build thread he said

This weekend i installed a active filter,and one more amp,,,the filter can make delay,,peq,,notch,,,shelf,,and filter in many way
i use now 24db 850hz on bass and tweeter,,,some room correction and a little delay on the bass,,peq on the tweeter around 13khz,,the measure, in my listening position, is not so bad
super bass sound, direct couplet  on the amp ,,more tight, better definition
overall a more dynamic presentation
the filter and amp is from a danish company called Groundsound
The Groundsound amp is on the bass,,,and my Gryphon is on the tweeter


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #7 on: 5 Apr 2013, 07:20 pm »
yes direct to the woofer and tweeter filter caps or coil in series .

S Clark

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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #8 on: 5 Apr 2013, 07:28 pm »
Ok, that makes more sense.  I thought that you were running the full signal to the woofers.


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #9 on: 5 Apr 2013, 07:49 pm »
From what I've found out so far is they are big,ok. Decent or high sensitivity. Don't usually require subs, but I like small multiple subs to help even out the low end. Can get them painted white in a mat or gloss finish. I know, it looks like crap 'til you see a piece of equiptment in white. I was very surprised.

I'd like to have an electronic x-over if possible also. I seem to be able to hear passive  x-overs easily and most sound really bad. Any way, these will be my last pr. of speakers along with the electronics as I'm committed to getting off the merry-go-round, I hope, I hope very much. :lol: And I'm gonna be old soon and lugging this stuff around is starting to SUCK.


Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #10 on: 5 Apr 2013, 07:58 pm »
Good luck getting off the merry-go-round Harley :lol:

Never worked for me. Now Barjne has me wanting to build a second set of LS-9 to hear the slamm of 24 direct drive woofers. Gotta love this hobby! (or sickness)


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #11 on: 5 Apr 2013, 08:07 pm »
do not use a normally active crossover is not better than a normally filter with caps and coils...(dannys filter is just in the spot..will not be better)
use a filter where you can change slope and PEQ and other things..then you can really hear the difference when the amp is direct on the driver


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Re: Line source speaks
« Reply #12 on: 5 Apr 2013, 10:10 pm »
Thank you,I'll keep that in mind when I get to that point.

Hey guys I'm pretty set on an integrated amp. Can't decide on the Modwright KWI200 or the mac MA7900. Both have digital and usb input and the McIntosh also has phono inputs and a balance control. But I'm thinking a balance ctrl. isn't such a big deal with LS speakers or I'm I dead wrong about the balance control on LS speakers?