What's left to eat?

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Guy 13

Re: What's left to eat?
« Reply #40 on: 18 Apr 2013, 08:29 am »

Hi all Audio Circle members.
It’s only a few years ago that I really started to be careful about what I eat and started to exercise daily.
When the doctor told me that I was Diabetes type 2 and when the doctors, could not find the cause of my anemia.
Overnight I cut down to zero on soft drinks (Switch to water) cut the ice cream, chocolate, chips, chocolate chop cookies, etc…
I don’t count the calories, I just try to be reasonable with my food input and I weight myself three times a day or after each meal.
I manage to keep my weight around 68 to 69 kilos. (152 to 154 pounds.) I am trying to bring it down to 65 kilos.
You know what?
For me it’s not that hard.
I don’t miss too much the sweeties (Chocolate, etc…) once a week I gulp a quarter of a chocolate bar (70% black chocolate) or two chocolate chip cookies in 2% milk and that satisfied me enough so I don’t think about it until next time/next week.
Eat well (Avoid as much as possible process food) and don’t eat too much and exercise daily and that should do it, for me anyway.
I add salt to what I eat because I sweat like a pig, normal with 33 to 35C everyday. (Approx. 95F)
The doctor check every 6 months the sodium in my blood and its O.K.
Regarding my anemia I was born like that, it’s a birth deficiency.
Iron intake should be around 15mg, but I have to take 80mg, seems like a lot and it is a lot, but my body does not absorb all of it.
However, my liver work harder to filter that, but like the doctor said: No iron, you will die from weakness and maybe hart attack or iron and your liver will fail one day.
Nothing is perfect in live and I am a good example of that.

Guy 13