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Eat what you want. Life is short.
And will be even shorter with that advice. The closer food is to its original source, the way it has been designed and created, the better. Man seems to mess it up by processing it. If you like high blood pressure, heart attacts, strokes, add high colesteral foods to your diet. These are animal based products which includes fish.
You do realize the relationship between "cholesterol" in the blood (or in food) (and animal fat) and heart disease including heart attacks and strokes is tenuous at best and based primarily on epidemiological evidence (which proves correlation but not causation)? And when they design actual studies (such as the MRFIT -- multiple risk factor intervention trial, of which one of the risk factors was saturated fat, or the 480 million dollar women's health initiative) to test the cholesterol/saturated fat hypothesis, the studies are complete failures? That is, they in no way indicate saturated fat is bad for you. As for "cholesterol", this subject is so dumbed down relative to how complex the actual blood chemistry is, that it's useless. Nonetheless, comparisons between low carbohydrate (eat as much as you want) and (calorie-restricted) low fat diets indicate that the dieters on the low carbohydrate diets have better blood values for triglycerides, the so-called good "cholesterol" HDL, etc. The relationships are so bad that the theories become riddled with holes. For instance, the relationship between blood (total) cholesterol and death is actually an upside-down curve, where the people at the lowest and highest values of blood cholesterol have the most deaths from all causes. Furthermore, the higher the saturated fat intake of a population, the fewer strokes there are. It literally goes on and on and on. For more information, see anything written by Gary Taubes, such as:http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/07/magazine/what-if-it-s-all-been-a-big-fat-lie.html?scp=1&sq=what%20if%20its%20all%20been%20a%20big%20fat%20lie?&st=cse
Diabetes and poor quality of life due to obesity are both effects of poor diet that can be documented. Diet choices can prevent these things and most of the other stuff is genetic.My opinion of course.
You do realize the relationship between "cholesterol" in the blood (or in food) (and animal fat)
If you want to know what would work for you, specifically, I recommend looking into the GenoType diet, by Dr. D'Adamo. It can get further specific as towards what to eat. There isn't a diet on the planet with a high accumulation of what we know about humans and food. The good part is that figuring out your type isn't overly difficult (I'd even help you out). Every bit of it actually follows all FDA recommendations for food, too. The point is to choose specifics on what type of protein you eat, not if you eat protein or not. There simply isn't any other work out there advocating specific diet and exercise based on anything particularly specific to you, that has more lies and piss-ass-retard journalist, bloggers, etc, reporting on it. They don't even fully read any of his books, let alone try to tackle the dauntingness of a human far beyond us.What it advocates is actually very much what Tyson does, but it gets a bit more specific. Red meat for one is a health food, for another it is bad. Some people need grains, but almost no one should eat regular wheat products. Well, it can't hurt to try. Unless you got some ego that is easy to offend because it is insecure.
Tyson,So why are Asians not typically obese when they have been eating rice for centuries?