MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?

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MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« on: 8 Mar 2013, 07:27 am »
I have had MMG's for over 11 years. Thinking of stepping up to MG12's (room size dictates not going for larger 1.6/1.7). I have had my MMG's vertical and about 8" of the floor for most of the time I have owned them (with sub).

I know the MG12's are kind of a redheaded stepchild, but just wondering what those might own/have owned them have to say about their sound on the stock stands, or vertical and raised.

Informed opinions on the MG12 will also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« Reply #1 on: 8 Mar 2013, 12:09 pm »
Don't own the 12s, but that said, it's easy to try both ways, and is not set in stone which way is better.

I used concrete center blocks and 2 x 4 lumber to temporarily raise and straighten my MMGs to check out the difference. Temporarily as in while the wife was at work and before she got home. :D

One (larger) room they worked better vertical, in the (smaller) room they are in now they're tilted.


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Re: MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« Reply #2 on: 8 Mar 2013, 11:01 pm »

One (larger) room they worked better vertical, in the (smaller) room they are in now they're tilted.

Interesting, what was the difference in sound quality or integration that changed the orientation from larger room to smaller room?  I've always thought they sounded better vertical, but it's been so many years since I made that decision that I've been toying with the idea of trying them tilted again (they're in a smaller room).


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Re: MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Mar 2013, 12:38 am »
Well, in both cases, the rooms were untreated (as in no real absorbers, diffusers, etc.), although I am working on that as I type. :D

In the larger family room, I had the MMGs on Sound Anchor stands, other than that they were stock. The rear wave shot into some curtains and shades over windows, so was attenuated somewhat. And I sat a good 12'-14' away.

In the smaller dedicated room, they have since been modded with hardwood frames, on bases with struts, series crossovers, razored, the whole enchilada. And I sit only 7' away.

When I tried setting them up vertical in that room, right after the mods, the rear wave and overall reflections were overwhelming, giving too much a falsely airy sound, just didn't sound right. The room as is was very reflective. When titled back, part of the rear wave shoots into the carpeted floor, and the front output partially goes over my head, which eventually  balances things out.

Also from what I have read, one should aim the center of the speaker's panel towards the listening ear position. I've seen some folks actually tilt their Maggies forward, to get that results. Titled back, my speakers are set up to do this, (used a laser level to confirm).


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Re: MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« Reply #4 on: 9 Mar 2013, 08:47 pm »
Thanks, I'm going to try to find time to experiment with that today or tomorrow. 


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Re: MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« Reply #5 on: 1 Apr 2013, 05:06 am »
Well, we've sort of hijacked the OP's thread here a little bit substituting MMG's for the info he wanted on MG12s, but he hasn't been back to post anything since his one and only, although I did see he was active today.  Where ya at Kurt?

Anyway, I've taken my MMG's off of the custom stands and have had them back on the stock stands for a couple of weeks now.  I haven't gone back to compare again as it's such a pain to replace the stands and reposition the speakers.  I really like the sound with the stock stands.  You lose some razor sharp imaging and detail vs vertical stands 5" off the floor, but depth of image is improved, and I was able to eliminate some comb effect reflections concurrent (I think) with dumping most of the dreaded U shaped soundstage.  I could get rid of the U shaped stage and comb effect with the vertical stands, but at the cost of soundstage dimensions both depth and width.  I think the best of both worlds may be to rebuild my custom stands with a bit of tilt.  I can do this while also adding more rigidity, which should theoretically improve the sound as well.  More later. 


Re: MG12's - Vertical or stock stands?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2013, 06:23 am »
I listened to the 1.7's and almost convinced myself that they would work in my tiny room...  in the end logic prevailed.  With my luck I would buy the 12's and a month later they would announce the 12.7...  I have decided to wait until income tax refund time next year and then re-evaluate. 

I have been playing with my Vandersteen 1C's for last 10 days.  In my lifetime I have owned three pairs of Vandy's, so there is something I like about them. 

I have also been listening to the Andrew Jones designed SP-BS22-LR (now there's a catchy name for ya!) mini monitors.  I picked up a pair at Amazon on sale for $69 about six weeks ago.  Set 'em on stands about two feet from the wall, these little guys are AMAZING.  A very well balanced monitor for any price, a steal at the retail $130 a pair and unbelievable for $69!  I really like these little guys. 

Here is a thread over at AudioCircle's Cheap and Cheerful forum started by Frank Van Alstine, and Andrew Jones has posted in the thread a few times as well.

Gotta say, this is sure a fun hobby, had a lot of great times over the last 40+ years with it.  When I was 13 I inherited a pair of Heathkit 12 watt tube amps from my father and we built my first speaker system with ElectroVoice Wolverine drivers, my father got the passion started early with me!