Would love your opinion on the NuForce Ref9 V3SE Amplifier

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
I'm considering purchasing a pair of NuForce Ref9 V3SE amp monoblocks for my system and wanted the feedback of others here. I currently have a Butler Audio TDB 2250 hybrid amp in my setup with Dali Helicon 800s, a Modwright SWL 9.0 preamp and a Transporter.

Was curious what tendencies the NuForce Reference 9s have and how you think they would drive a somewhat power-hungry speaker like the Dali 800. My Butler amp does an admirable job while lending a bit of tubey roundness to the sound, but would love to hear ideas/opinions if you think the Ref 9/Dali Helicon 800/Modwright pre is a suitable match or not.

Thanks for your input...


Re: Would love your opinion on the NuForce Ref9 V3SE Amplifier
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2013, 03:05 am »
Well, I love my V3SE's, have compared them to other well regarded class D and class AB amps and have kept them. They should drive your speakers easily. I do like tubes in the pre in front of them. They are just a very quiet and clear channel for what is in front of them, plus great bass extension and control and excellent liquidity. This is with proper set up (electric isolation, vibration control, and mass weighting) I also have modded mine with Cardas binding posts and Furtech IEC. I liked the sound before the mods but they did give an even quieter background, and more liquidity and transparency. Total cost under $100.