Pure curiosity question for Wayne. . .

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Pure curiosity question for Wayne. . .
« on: 9 Feb 2003, 06:32 am »

I was just wondering what your background is. . . where did you learn how to make your own cables, mod Le Amps, mod DI/O, etc.. . .

Also, I want to thank you for my Mensa mods. . . you did them surprisingly quickly.  Additionally, you have been great to deal with everytime I have contacted you. . .if big companies only realized the true benefit of good customer service (which of course, you offer), I think everyone would be better off. . .

Anyways, if you happened to not have read my thread in the general discussion board, I got my Mensa, listened to it one night, switched tubes in my preamp (Bottlehead Foreplay) and, due to a bad tube, fried one of my monoblocks.  So, until I get my amp fixed, I will be listening to my mains (GR Research P1s) with my sub amp (QSC RMX850. . . minus the noisy fan).  I am just letting you know all this because I will try and write my first ever review/thoughts once I get my modest system back together.

Again, thanks for all your help over the last year. . .you have definitely made a long-term customer. . .



Pure curiosity question for Wayne. . .
« Reply #1 on: 10 Feb 2003, 03:54 pm »

My electronics background is as an electronic technician.

I started in audio sales in 1972 in New Jersey.

I moved to Colorado in '77 and continued to sell audio in different shops in the Denver area. I found myself more interested in how the gear worked than talking to people :?

I took some time off and went to a local college which had a program for Consumer Electronics. I learned a fair amount a theory and spent a lot of time on the bench.

I was also working fo a small company called Transcendal Audio, which was one of the early mail order "tweak" houses selling fancy capacitors and parts like, Michhale Percy and Welborne Labs.

It was about this time, around 1980, that I started upgrading parts in various audio components. I started working as a service manager in a few of the "high-end" audio stores and was modding gear on the side.

This went on for about 10 years until I started getting burnt out. I had been home brewing beer as a hobby for around the same amount of time and I had an offer to go pro with a brewpub opening up in Vail.

I left the Audio world for about 12 years and slowly started to get back into it when I felt I wasn't too happy with the sound of my system. I made some speaker cables based on Jon Risch's CC89259 recipe and I really liked what they did.

I made some more cables and I posted my thoughts on them on AA. Some people got in touch with me and asked me to make cables for them.

I did this for awhile and I thought it would be a great side business to the brewing job. I then started the BOLDER Cable Company.

There was a downturn in the brewpub scene, and I left my job making beer to make cables and mod DI/Os fulltime about a year ago.

I hope I haven't bored you too much :wink: