Practical Room Treatments for GR Research Speaker Systems and AC products.

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I have been at my wits end trying to make intellegent room treatment choices that will fit in with my wifes decorating motif and color palet.  I have tried everything from Room Tune to GIK and nothing will blend in without looking like well room treatments.   I have decided that I will invent a whole new set of tuneful room treatments that are wife friendly, blend with differnet decor and don't cost much to install or purchase.   I am posting these inventions here because I have no intention to sell them and they have been inspired by the good work done by Danny to take all our in home audio skills to a higher level as well as the the other critters that hang out here at the GR Circle. 

I have given up in the struggle for living room domination and have submitted to my wifes wishes.  I love you honey.  This post is for you.

Here is the before picture of my room.  Yeah there is much wrong with this room.  Take a look and weep.  Nice equipment in a bad sounding listening enviornment.  Many of us here suffer the same indignation.  We are so close yet so far from having it just right.  Well for a short time. Until we want for something better. 

Big speakers overloading a good sized room.  It actually looks smaller than it really is.  That is a 54 inch TV. 

This is the most offensive corner.  Hard brick surfaces, impossible corner for bass trap integration and lots of bare wall with a sliding glass door.   I don't think it gets any worse than this.  Particularly when you see that the speakers are too close to the front wall, between a rack o gear and there is only a thin rug on the floor.  Did I forget to mention the coffee table? 

Does anyone else have this problem?  Of course you do.  This is where I will outline the easiest solution ever for treatment integration.


This new all encompassing system starts with a new product made to trap bass like no other.  I call these the "We Believe" Stocking Bass Traps.   Easy to install with some push pins or double sided tape these are easy to place and arrange to tune a room one stocking at a time.

The Light My Fire Tuning Cones are used to absorb multi reflection high frequency distortion caused by hard walls and unforging reflective surfaces.  You can fnd this and products like it at any mass market retailer at this time of year.  Budget $12 to $15 to this project.

No room tuning system in complete with out sound defraction systems in place.  I call these the "Screw You Mayans We're Still Here" Defraction Bulbs.  Scattering these over corner systems spread sound and define images.  The sound stage is deeper and instrument localization improves.

In most rooms pressure can build up and creates centers of sound that can be offensive and loud.  The soundfield created has peaks and valleys of sound pressure levels.  These energy zones destroy a perfect imaging system.  These can be mitiigated using my new Angel Resonators.  They go on top of your speakers and require no fasteners except perhaps duct tape to keep them from dancing on loud passages.

The most important room treatment absorbs bass to prevent a room loading particular bass frequencies and canceling others.  In my system the bass ttraps are completly natural and recyclable.  They are called the "Green Corner Bass Traps".  They really work. 

When you tie it all together there is a joyous sound eminating from all who enter the room.  It is a testamant to the good in mankind brought together by the love and enjoyment of music and this special holiday season.

Merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year.   Our family comes together in this room to celebrate the holidays and our bond as friends and family.

Happy Holidays to you and yours whatever you may be celebrating with your family. 

Helen and Steve Tucker


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You just had my wife and I in stitches and she doesn't know the buzz words you so eloquently folded into this post. Thanks for making my day and have a fantastic holiday in your now well treated room!

brother love

Post of the month.  I esp. like the "Light My Fire Tuning Cones".  Great stuff Steve.  :thumb:


Thanks Greg and thank you Brother Love. 

The rig always sounds better at this time of year and now there is a scientific explaination.  The Santa Series Room Treatments.  I wonder if I could just leave the tree up all year?  Some people leave thier lights on the house all year. 
Happy Holidays!


I'd like some tuning cones, but I think I'd prefer to pay about $900 for each. That way I can be assured I will expect them to work.


Oh Steve...... :rotflmao:

At some point, you've got to throw in the towel......

Hope that your dream of a new house with a dedicated room can come true in the new year.

Merry Christmas to you, Helen, and the rest of the Family.  :wine:


I like the idea of my dreams coming true. 

or I have to go holiday to holiday.  I can see it now.  Heart shaped bass traps and boxes of chocolate diffusiors.  Valentine.  Cherry tree corner traps for presidents day.  You follow me! 

Merry Christmas John.


Brilliant!  Man, you're post took me through the gamut of emotions.  At first I thought, :drool: Wow, great, my room is so similar, finally some solutions!  Then as I read I started  :lol:  and then I started  :bawl:  because because I wasn't really going to get some easy, cheap, room treatments that will blend in for Christmas this year.

Great post!


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  • Canuckistani
Great post!  Although I don't think that color scheme will work everywhere...


Well there is always the day after xmas.  I think they call it Box Day in Canada.  Use push pins and use the xmas receipts to form a diffusion grid.  Or how about all the wrapping paper?

I am also sad that no one has developed a stealth sound treatment kit. 


Those tuning balls on the coffee table, do they mitigate high frequencies?  :lol:


They are made of a very special thin glasslike material with a highly reflective first surface coating.  I was hoping no one noticed them.  The manufacturing process is a trade secret.  Each color bounces a different frequency launching it higher in the soundfield.  As I originally stated the room is completly tuneable.   I call these "My Sound Balls".  Sometime I sit on them and they make everything sound like it has a slightly higher pitch. 


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  • Posts: 1755
LOL.......we also use the same treatment

Edit:  sorry, can't figure out how to correct the picture orientation.   :oops:


You know it is so interesting to note that when I did some critical listening over the weekend the rig sounded really good.  How can I talk Helen into leaving the tree in the corner.  That bass trap and diffusor works real good.


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You know it is so interesting to note that when I did some critical listening over the weekend the rig sounded really good.  How can I talk Helen into leaving the tree in the corner.  That bass trap and diffusor works real good.

Different decorations for each holiday? ;)


  • Full Member
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  • Canuckistani
Well there is always the day after xmas.  I think they call it Box Day in Canada.  Use push pins and use the xmas receipts to form a diffusion grid.  Or how about all the wrapping paper?

I am also sad that no one has developed a stealth sound treatment kit.

Boxing day.  I wasn't aware that Boxing Day is not observed in the US.  Heathens...   :shake:

 :lol: :lol:

Peter J

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LOL.......we also use the same treatment

Edit:  sorry, can't figure out how to correct the picture orientation.   :oops:

Life is about balance...


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Hehehe... :thumb:


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Love snake oil audio accessories - especially holiday-themed! :thumb:
Happy New Year, guys!