Saying NO to magic :-) Cherry MONO DEMOs now available

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Some companies are selling "magic" devices they say to put between your amp and speakers to "fix" the sound that speaker cables make.  The circuit inside is a big secret, like the recipe for Kentucky fried chicken.

I'm not a big fan of any such "magic" device, mostly because of the sales pitch.  There's no such thing as magic.  Sorry, I'm a scientist. Our amps are designed to drive *speakers* accurately. Anything between the amp and speaker (except some wire) is not only unnecessary but bound to have negative effects.

Are they trying to say amplifier designers don't understand the properties of wire?  Don't they make amplifiers themselves (in the case of <company name withheld>)?  Does their crappy amp need a bandaid (ha ha)?

Whenever they start talking about quantum physics and audio together, they're probably pulling a fast one. I don't mean to be harsh, but I hate seeing good honest people get scammed.

Some distortion is pleasing to some people. This is why some prefer the sound of old tube amps.  They create nice sounding distortion. My view on this is that if I'm going to condition the audio signal in any way, I'll do it at the source (before amplification) because it makes better sense to have a back end that reproduces what you give it accurately.  Distortion can't be "undone".  I like the option of removing it before it gets in.

If you want to eliminate the issues with speaker cables, you should buy a pair of Cherry MONOs and put them right next to the speakers.  The signals should be brought in over shielded balanced cables (cancels common mode noise).

We have a pair of DEMO faceless Cherry MONOs and DEMO Black Cherry MONO ULTRAs.

We've been building almost all mono amps lately....     

Hope this was not too shocking and perhaps a bit enlightening.  We believe in treating the customer right and creating real value based on quality engineering.  No "magic".  Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

-Tommy O
Digital Amp Co.   
« Last Edit: 18 Dec 2012, 02:01 am by AmpDesigner333 »


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2973
  • Detailed AND Musical
    • Digital Amplifier Company
Re: Saying NO to magic :-) Cherry MONO DEMOs now available
« Reply #1 on: 18 Dec 2012, 02:02 am »
If you're interested in Cherry MONO demos, please email instead of sending a personal message over AC.  Thanks.