BRIAN's SONG: It is with great sadness that I must post Brian Cheney has passed

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Sad indeed. The current generation of independent equipment makers who deal directly with customers and don't rely on the print magazines for blessings owes a lot to him. He brought credibility to this model by adhering to it decades before it was common. Great products and customer service earned him a major role in this.

Norman Tracy

It is indeed a sad day when we lose another founding member of the American hi-fi industry.

In addition to my condolences to the Cheney family I would like to make two points in remembrance of Brian Cheney.

First Shirley Cheney wrote “He was a wonderful husband, loving father,…” Here is a man who had his priorities lined up correctly. It is especially hard for a business owner to resist letting his relationships fall behind the demands of survival and success in the marketplace. I have great admiration for a man who after a decade’s long career as a business owner is remembered first as a “wonderful husband, loving father”.

Second as fellow audiophiles, and for some of us owners of hi fi manufacturing businesses; let us consider what it takes and then admire Brian Cheney for the accomplishment of 35 years in business as a high end hi-fi manufacturer. I have a collection of hi-fi magazines going back to the 1970s. Pulling one out of the archive and thumbing through it is simultaneously fun and depressing. Fun to see what products were ‘hot’ back then in the reviews and ads, depressing because one quickly notes going back just 10 years +80% of the products and their manufactures have disappeared without a trace. As builders of a luxury discretionary income purchase hi-fi companies sprout like desert flowers after a spring rain during economic boom times only to die off with the next recession. It was while thumbing through my old hi-fi rags I noted VMPS as an example company that quietly went about its business for decades. That kind of longevity in the high end hi-fi business, while navigating both the economy and the often capricious fad driven zigs and zags of the audiophile clientele is a life achievement for which we should admire Brian Cheney.


Very sad..... RIP Brian.

The first GTG I went to had a VMPS monitor that was excellent. I met John Casler there.


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Rest in Peace, I'm very sorry to hear this too. 

Dave G

RIP Brian.  We know him here on Audio Circle as the founder and owner of VMPS, but over on the Music Lane at Audio Asylum he was an impressively knowledgeable and helpful poster on classical music topics.  I will really miss him.


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RIP Brian, sorry to hear this.

James Romeyn

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Very sad to hear of this.  I shared many good times with Brian, going back to, as he fondly called it, the days of "two guys in a garage."  Brian shared a rare and wonderful relationship with his daughter, who will certainly miss him, as will we all.  Thank you John, for keeping as informed. 


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Wow, ditto.  Very sad news.  Thoughts and prayers to his loved ones.


Very sad to hear.  I was lucky enough to have been to Brian's home in the Bay Area and listened to a pair of his fine speakers.
We'll miss you Brian!


My condolences.    Sad to hear.   Speaker designer of my first ever hi-fi speakers.


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 :cry: Going to the Live vs Recorded demonstrations at "The Show" was always a highlight for my wife and I... Brian taught us a lot during those session as he "captained" the room... I remember years ago him using Plinius amps in on of his rooms at The Show, and the sound being soooo good I bought one, I still use my Plinius SA-250 to this day...

Thanks Brian and family for what you have taught us, and the hard work you have done for our listening pleasure!


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  Shocking. My condolences to the Cheney family. May Brian rest in eternal peace. A sad day indeed. A time to reflect.



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My condolences to to the Cheney family and all his VMPS business associates. It's a shocking turnaround from Brian's recovering to the revelation of his passing. My respects & well wishes go out to his wife Shirley for the strength to endure in the coming days.



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My condolences to the Cheney family.  Although I never had the opportunity to meet Brian Cheney in person, I have long followed his speaker designs.  His family I am sure is very proud of the fact that Brian's creations brought so much joy to so many who love audio reproduction.

Our small community had lost one its own.




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Hard to believe. I met Brian 1980, when I flew out from Boston to hear his loudspeakers with an eye towards becoming a dealer. At that time, and until my last occasions with him at the Newport Show in 2010 and his home early in 2011, although always overweight and sallow of complexion, he never lacked for energy and enthusiasm. Nor were loudspeakers his top interest -- that would be music, musical performance, and recordings, especially historical. Our numerous meetings and discussions always evolved to those topics, audio being secondary.

His loudspeakers, besides being wonderful, musical, award-winning and a steal, pricewise, taught me two further things, which I was subsequently able to pass on to him. First, because of their low-phase-distortion designs I (re)discovered Absolute Polarity, "the sine qua non of correct audio practice" and the topic of my later book The Wood Effect. Second, because of their amazing bass response and dynamic linearity, I was able to demonstrate that old 78s, particularly from their golden era of 1927-1936, could sound in some ways better than the latest type recordings. Brian was doubtful, but when he first visited my business The Listening Studio he was forced to agree. We spent many happy hours listening to those old spinners, as well as going to concerts in Symphony Hall and other local venues.

Speaking of shows, several years ago he began his Herculean efforts to do live-vs.-recorded, which proved that the line between them was thin and wavering. An immense amount of work was involved in these fascinating demonstrations, and his associates, dealers, friends and other manufacturers all pitched in. In my view, however, these grand occasions were sadly ignored by the audio press, so the attendance was never what it ought to have been, nor the public's exposure to the great, realistic sound his VMPS designs could produce.

Man will I miss him!

Bill O'Connell

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So sad to hear of Brian passing.His family will be in our prayers.


Rest In Peace Brian He was a true original.


Vey sorry to hear this. A true pioneer in audio. Rest in peace and condolences to the Cheney family. Tom


Oh man this is a shocker! I was just forwarded the AC link that Brian was recovering and wanted to write out PM since I have not been in touch with Brian  :oops:. And now this.

Rest in Peace Brian - your product was the first which truly connected me to music like no other. You have been nothing but a graceful, quiet yet eloquent and kind gentleman I have come across. Well, you are in a better place now- RIP!



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As I read the title of this thread I got a terrible feeling of helplessness come over me.  Very sorry to hear the news, RIP Brian and thoughts and prayers for the Cheney family?