What do Women REALLY Want?

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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #20 on: 4 Dec 2012, 04:53 pm »
You're asking us, CJ?  We ought to be asking you.  I bet Dave is scoring a lot of points.

I like yr humor.

But please don't put yr words in my mouth. Why not quote which my posts saying the objective of sex is organism? Or you want me to quote yours?



Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #21 on: 4 Dec 2012, 05:03 pm »


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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #22 on: 4 Dec 2012, 05:18 pm »
Please talk straight. Don't beat about the bush.

(1) Human is animal, but an intelligent one.

(2) Only "unconscious" lover does not care about his/her partner's sex satisfaction.

(3) Nobody ever mentioned here yet "sex with the OBJECTIVE of organizm".
    You started saying it. Why?


PS: I don't booze, only green tea, no coffee. I work out heavily twice every week. Good enough for a healhy sex life???

The big difference between animals and humans is not just intelligence, it's awareness. We are aware of our individuality and this is what produces the potential to elevate human behavior above animal behavior.

I brought it up because one poster mentioned orgasm as a reply to the topic of this thread.

This has nothing to do with physical performance, it has everything to do with the fact that if you try a different approach to sex, one without objectives and with consciousness, it is possible to create a sexual space that is much more fulfilling and enjoyable than sex with orgasm as the objective. Orgasms happen naturally, there is no need to search for it.... sex seen as a vehicle for achieving orgasm on the other hand is incredibly limiting.


Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #23 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:02 pm »
Yow!  This thread has taken a strange turn.  Maybe more about some of you than I care to know.

Anyhoo, when was the last time you saw a smoking young woman with a crusty older dude (who was not rich)?  Go to places like West Palm, Greenwich, Bev Hills and parts of Chicago (the area known as the Viagra triangle) and there is no shortage of young hotties with smarmy older rich dudes.  Maybe these rich older guys have engaging personalities their counterparts of modest means lack.  Believe what you like, I've never seen a young hottie on the arm of a non rich older guy. 

I know a guy who drives a Bentley and, although he is not attractive by any standard, there is no shortage of hot bimbettes throwing themselves at him.  I wonder if be would be as "lucky" pulling up in a Kia.




Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #24 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:08 pm »
Women like attention and to feel special.  That doesn't necessarily have to cost money. It's more about creativity, showing that you've given it some thought, which leads back to A.

And, from my experience, the women I've either been involved with or known as good friends, don't like a ton of stress in their lives, especially if they have children.

Get your wife or girlfriend away from the kids, the house, the mess and the stress, and you'll usually have a pretty enjoyable time, no matter where you're going.


Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #25 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:19 pm »
I agree and have been married for almost 20 years.  We're not talking about married folks, just relationships in general.  The article stated women (we are talking anout attractive/desirable ladies) don't like fat dudes or guys who are too skinny.  This makes sense.  There are exceptions but in general, if you are single looking to mingle, be fit.  If you can't be fit, be rich.  Otherwise, be prepared to work hard for it or get used to single life. 


Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #26 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:28 pm »
I like yr humor.

But please don't put yr words in my mouth. Why not quote which my posts saying the objective of sex is organism? Or you want me to quote yours?

No worries, I'm not all that serious.  But, I will respect your wishes, tho I can't help but being curious as to what you actually meant.


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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #27 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:32 pm »
What women really want is a slammin audio system and a husband obsessed with getting every drop of performance out of it.  I know, it's worked REALLY well for me so far :D


Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #28 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:43 pm »
To be listened to and heard.

I would know,check out my avatar.


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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #29 on: 4 Dec 2012, 06:53 pm »
What women really want is a slammin audio system and a husband obsessed with getting every drop of performance out of it.  I know, it's worked REALLY well for me so far :D

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #30 on: 4 Dec 2012, 07:22 pm »

(1) The big difference between animals and humans is not just intelligence, it's awareness. We are aware of our individuality and this is what produces the potential to elevate human behavior above animal behavior.

(2) I brought it up because one poster mentioned orgasm as a reply to the topic of this thread.

(3) This has nothing to do with physical performance, it has everything to do with the fact that if you try a different approach to sex, one without objectives and with consciousness, it is possible to create a sexual space that is much more fulfilling and enjoyable than sex with orgasm as the objective.

(4) Orgasms happen naturally, there is no need to search for it.... sex seen as a vehicle for achieving orgasm on the other hand is incredibly limiting.

Please don't go O.T. The pictures showed young girls attracted to old old guys. The original poster asked why? My answer is: money+affection.

(1) You started talking about "awareness" - IMO, caring love.  Sex is sex. Love is love. Money can buy sex as shown in the pictures abvoe, but money can't buy true love. They can be 2 different things. Yet,  sex can also an integral part of love given true lasting love between two sexes.

(2) The answer is very upfront & down to earth - "Orgasm". Good sex should be ended with orgasm(s) - an action of mutual spiritual & body fulfilment. This is nature. So why go sex withOUT achieving orgasms????

(3) The topic as shown by the pictures clearly, IMO, about sex more than real pure love. So why bring in "another approach to sex" which, IMO, O.T.

(4) Nobody, except you, suggested any "need to search for it (sex)"

You appear to have diverted to fonding love instead of sex - O.T. If you like, you may start a new thread:-
"Love vs sex".



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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #31 on: 4 Dec 2012, 07:30 pm »
What women really want is a slammin audio system and a husband obsessed with getting every drop of performance out of it.  I know, it's worked REALLY well for me so far :D

Don't you know you are so lucky with yr audios? My wife hates the 'noises' come out of my HiFi.

So since day one we moved in our house 22 years back, I've moved my audio paradise down my house basement with door kept closed whenever my HiFi is on. So home sweet home upstairs & music sweet music downstairs.

This is action of caring love. Nothing to do with sex.


Early B.

Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #32 on: 4 Dec 2012, 08:36 pm »
What do women really want? How should we know? They don't even know. The answer to this perplexing question changes every 5 seconds depending on what mood they're in.


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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #33 on: 4 Dec 2012, 08:41 pm »
What do women really want? How should we know? They don't even know. The answer to this perplexing question changes every 5 seconds depending on what mood they're in.

They DO know. Only it is our job to find out.

The win-win formula is: "Be generous with cash & be affectionate towards her."

Money & affection always win any women.



Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #34 on: 4 Dec 2012, 09:13 pm »
They want a living space devoid of audio and videophile equipment. 


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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #35 on: 4 Dec 2012, 09:23 pm »
They want a living space devoid of audio and videophile equipment.

Can't agree more. My wife is a typical example.



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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #36 on: 4 Dec 2012, 09:32 pm »
The study is race-specific, and is therefore pretty useless.

Devil Doc

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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #37 on: 4 Dec 2012, 09:34 pm »
What do women really want? To make their girlfriends jealous.


won ton on

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Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #38 on: 4 Dec 2012, 10:54 pm »
Just like guy's they want it all.


Re: What do Women REALLY Want?
« Reply #39 on: 4 Dec 2012, 11:13 pm »
Some of you folks take this shit way to seriously. :duh: