Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine

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Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« on: 12 Nov 2012, 04:35 am »
I have owned my V3Se's for a few years and wanted to see if they have kept up. I recently had the opportunity to audition two new Class D amps in my own system that are receiving rave reviews as better than high quality class A and A/B's at many times their price. Both these new amps cost $5,000 factory direct. One is 1,000 watts and one 500 watts. My front end is an Ayon CD5s and speakers are Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary MK2's.

All three mono amps were very close in performance. They all demonstrated stellar bass (reputedly class D strong point), with the 500 watt with a large torridal power supply being best at bass at insanely high levels. So the the 500 watter's might be best with less efficient speakers. All were excellent at symphonic levels. All were transparent, managed micro and macro dynamics beautifully, and none had edge, grit or glare. But the Nuforce to my ears was clearly more liquid with better bloom and air.  The Nuforce also had a good bit more natural warmth and better weight. The Nuforce just seemed more involving. So I am keeping my V3's happily feeling that they are still state of the art in their price range and above.
Three explanations: 1. The Nuforce was weighted with 5 lbs diving bags, isolated on Hyperion Magnetic floaters, and on their own power conditioner circuit. 2. I am not mentioning the other amps by name because the owners of these companies were real gentlemen and very open to feedback and I want to let others decide with their own ears - my main point for writing is to share the pleasure that comes from having a piece of equipment that is not immediately surpassed by the latest thing. 3. My impressions on the 1000 watters was verified by a Nuforce V2SE owner with different front end and speakers in his own room.
« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2012, 07:38 pm by gammajo »


Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov 2012, 05:46 pm »
To my ears i believe the Nuforce Ref 18's are the best class D amps i have heard.  I have heard quite a few, most aren't very good.  Their amps take you a long ways up the latter to really, really, good sound.  They sound great on any speaker as well.  They may have trouble driving large panel  speakers but most speakers they drive fine.


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #2 on: 13 Nov 2012, 04:46 am »
I'm the guy with the V2-SE amps that helped in the "shoot-out"  Not to sound biased, but my conclusions were identical to gammajos.

The NuForce were more liquid, involving and continuous across the bandwidth.  They also excell at very low volumes without shutting down the soundstage or musicality.

I have some very unique mods going on right now that pushes these amps above cult status (gammajo will soon find out) but I can't mention them here.
« Last Edit: 13 Nov 2012, 04:32 pm by Rx8man »


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #3 on: 13 Nov 2012, 05:31 am »
If you're going to start a D-class 3 amp "shootout" thread just to rave about 1 of the amps(Nuforce), don't you think it's a little bit unfair to not mention the other 2 amps (other than their wattage) in this shootout? :scratch: Your "shootout" as it reads lacks credibility and is totally bias IMHO.  :dunno:



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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #4 on: 13 Nov 2012, 01:30 pm »
How about comparing the Nuforce to any or all of the NEW ncore mono amps either the 400 or 1200 or both?


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #5 on: 13 Nov 2012, 04:38 pm »
If you're going to start a D-class 3 amp "shootout" thread just to rave about 1 of the amps(Nuforce), don't you think it's a little bit unfair to not mention the other 2 amps (other than their wattage) in this shootout? :scratch: Your "shootout" as it reads lacks credibility and is totally bias IMHO.  :dunno:


I don't see how naming the other amps would make any review less 'biased'. any shootout is biased and subjective.  I agree though that basically the posters are  expressing their satisfaction with their amps rather than describing a shootout in detail. Yay Nuforce, good products!


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #6 on: 13 Nov 2012, 05:56 pm »
I don't see how naming the other amps would make any review less 'biased'. any shootout is biased and subjective.  I agree though that basically the posters are  expressing their satisfaction with their amps rather than describing a shootout in detail. Yay Nuforce, good products!

Yea, I see your point.  :lol: But at least an actual 3 named amp shootout would come across as less bias and might add to it's overall crediblity. As it now stands, this shootout reads as a 1 amp comercial with the other 2 amps mentioned only as an afterthought. :dunno: Not much of a shootout IMHO but it is a highly flattering Nuforce commercial, YMMV.  :thumb:



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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #7 on: 13 Nov 2012, 08:36 pm »
If you really want to know what amps were involved, you could pm off line.   We'd like to come out and say it, but a lot of times when that happens (unfortunately) flame wars evolve, manufacturers (our loaners) catch a bad copy and paste, then the whole thing turns to crap, because the dirty word "compare" was used, God forbid. 

Just hop over to the Gon and check out the thread about Fremer laying an Ostrich egg, the dude got smashed for whining.

It's almost like you have to be super eloquent how to word things without being taken outta context, crushing egos or pissin' someone off :roll:


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #8 on: 13 Nov 2012, 08:45 pm »
Just trying to be honest while staying respectful,,,   :thumb:


Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #9 on: 15 Nov 2012, 03:00 am »
As the originator of this thread I want to clarify a few things. I do not have any financial or personal connections to Nuforce aside from being a customer.  I had a month's time with one of the comparison amps and a few days with the other. I feel I did a careful, unbiased evaluation over many listening sessions. One of the amps is described as using a new unspecified Class D approach and the other as using part of the Hypex technology.

I posted on the Nuforce owner's circle, feeling that other owners may be having the same question as to how the Ref 9's compare to other well-reviewed about amps in their price range. I am hopeful that some at least have found my post interesting and surprised that I displeased other posters by offending their standards of posting on a circle that I felt was designed for friendly and open discussion about Nuforce.  Of course I ask no one to take what I said as gospel and know YMMV.


Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #10 on: 15 Nov 2012, 03:07 pm »
Well audio is very subjective in nature.  Some people like some things better than others.  Also there is large part of audiophiles that really have not heard audio at a very high level where the tonality of instruments is really displayed.  Some speakers will reveal more than others when you put better equipment on them others will not.  System matching to your speakers and other equipment is also very important.  In my view of class D amps i believe Nuforce is better than almost all the other class D amps out there. 

When you put on music does it get your foot tapping or are you ready for the song to be over?  That is always a good indication on how good the equipment is for YOUR system. :wink:


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #11 on: 15 Nov 2012, 04:30 pm »
gammajo, could you at least tell us if the other amps were the ncore 400 or 1200's or neither?


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #12 on: 15 Nov 2012, 06:22 pm »
gammajo, could you at least tell us if the other amps were the ncore 400 or 1200's or neither?

gammajo is only interested in highlighting 1 amp here,,, and he's in the right Circle to do so and it wasn't my intent to suggest he and his friends weren't posting honest their Nuforce impressions. My only actual intent was to honestly say how it reads. Had he been interesting in posting an actual 3 amp shootout, he could have done so in the Critics Circle-Amplification Reviews, a place that invites product comparison, something the Nuforce Circle isn't interested in having to deal with here (I don't blame them), and that's their right! :thumb:

gammajo, you didn't just displease me alone. You displease everyone who reads your thread title and expects to see an actual 3 amp shootout. While I fully understand your explanation as to why you did it the way you did in the Nuforce Circle, you are obviously not interested in taking my advise and posting an actual shootout in the correct Circle. Your choice, you can keep the folks who bother reading this thread guessing about the other two thirds of your shootout and they can take from your thread what they will. I have tried to be as friendly and respectful as possible, both here and especially in my PM's to you and it saddens me that you feel the need to post otherwise.



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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE shootout
« Reply #13 on: 15 Nov 2012, 07:24 pm »
Seadogs, the Ncores were not used.


Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« Reply #14 on: 15 Nov 2012, 08:18 pm »
You have never PM'ed me and I have never PM'ed you and I do not appreciate you stating that you have PM'ed me and you stating I have have been less than cordial (until now) when we have never even had any private contact.  :evil:
Also you write in this thread "you are obviously not interested in taking my advise and posting an actual shootout in the correct Circle."  You have never given me such advice -  so  back off!

I have now revised the name of the thread to be clearer in my intention, so that I hopefully don't attract more "honest and helpful criticism" such as Satfrat's "Your 'shootout' as it reads lacks credibility and is totally bias IMHO".

Seadogs. Thank you for your question: I am not familiar with the nCore designations. What the review of one the amps said was that it was that the amp uses the UcD technology designed by Bruno Putzey, chief engineer for Hypex and that the designer then worked closely with Hypex engineers to modify the modules to his liking.  Hope this helps.

Again anyone interested in knowing what the other amps are can PM me. I feel this is the more appropriate way to handle these questions on a Nuforce thread.


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« Reply #15 on: 15 Nov 2012, 08:38 pm »
You have never PM'ed me and I have never PM'ed you and I do not appreciate you stating that you have PM'ed me and you stating I have have been less than cordial (until now) when we have never even had any private contact.  :evil:
Also you write in this thread "you are obviously not interested in taking my advise and posting an actual shootout in the correct Circle."  You have never given me such advice -  so  back off!

I have now revised the name of the thread to be clearer in my intention, so that I hopefully don't attract more "honest and helpful criticism" such as Satfrat's "Your 'shootout' as it reads lacks credibility and is totally bias IMHO".

Seadogs. Thank you for your question: I am not familiar with the nCore designations. What the review of one the amps said was that it was that the amp uses the UcD technology designed by Bruno Putzey, chief engineer for Hypex and that the designer then worked closely with Hypex engineers to modify the modules to his liking.  Hope this helps.

Again anyone interested in knowing what the other amps are can PM me. I feel this is the more appropriate way to handle these questions on a Nuforce thread.

Yes you are right, my mistake. :oops: It was Rx8man that I was talking to, not you. Feel free to ask him if you care to. But other than that screwup with names, I stand by what I've said 100% and say no more about it in your thread other than if your thread title had read as it presently does, I wouldn't have felt the need to interject to begin with. Sorry for the PM confusion gammajo and you have my apology on that and that alone. My shootout advise stands and was well intended,,, FWIW.  :thumb:



Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« Reply #16 on: 15 Nov 2012, 09:53 pm »
Satfrat - Your limited apology accepted.


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« Reply #17 on: 5 Apr 2013, 02:14 am »
boooooooo, this post has no merit.  Unless you list the other amps, prices, power, etc....(specs) it is not even a good advertisement for the Nuforce amp.  Total bs post.  I will just go on and assume you were comparing the nuforce to two $50 home made amps.


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« Reply #18 on: 5 Apr 2013, 02:28 am »
boooooooo, this post has no merit.  Unless you list the other amps, prices, power, etc....(specs) it is not even a good advertisement for the Nuforce amp.  Total bs post.  I will just go on and assume you were comparing the nuforce to two $50 home made amps.

Which gives us the rightful option of ignoring your ignorant and childish comments. Gravedigger. But since you dug it up, those Newforce amps are killer!


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Re: Nuforce Ref9 V3SE's shine
« Reply #19 on: 5 Apr 2013, 05:58 pm »
and thank you for validating your own post Gravedigger!  Never said the Nuforce amps were not good but without the referrence to what the comparison is to, it is not valid.  Mamma always said ignorance is bliss.  Perhaps your blissfullness does not allow you to decipher a good and valid comparison to one that has no validation.  No need to respond.  We already know what you think.  However, I am sure you will, which once again proves your point. 

Stay tuned for my comparison of the 2014 Chevrolet Corvette and the 2009 Toyota Prius.  You may be surprised to find out how different they really are.

Outta here.