Newbie to Computer Audio, seeking setup advice

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Newbie to Computer Audio, seeking setup advice
« on: 11 Nov 2012, 11:02 pm »
I'm trying to set up my first computer audio system.  My current music system consists of a Pioneer Elite SC-07 Receiver, an OPPO 83, and Salk HT2-TL speakers. 

My goal for the computer audio system is to listen mostly to DSD (DSF format), 192/24 & 96/24 hi resolution files, and some CD audio (via either WAV, FLAC, or apple lossless).  I want to be able to control song selection via an Apple IPAD.  Regarding computer systems, I don't have a strong attachment to either PC's or MAC's.  I currently just have PC's, but will likely get a MAC at Christmas.  Also, I like a sound closer to analog than digital.  That is one reason I like the DSD format so much.

Here are the components that I am considering.  If there are others more experienced users believe I should look at, please let me know.

Server - Budget $2,500 or Under
Considering the CAPS server:
OR modified MacMini:

Harddrives -
I have no idea what hard-drives would be best.  Curently I have 3 Seagate external hard-drives.  I assume I need some other solution for computer audio ( I doubt I can plug 3 hard-drives into one music server).

DAC - Budget $3,500 or under
It has to be a DAC that accepts DSD directly.  Whether it's USB vs Firewire (or other), I don't really know that any have a specific advantage.  The 2 DAC's that fit this budget that have been discussed on this forum have been the (1) Mytek Stereo 192-DSD DAC and (2) Sonore eXD DAC.  Any feedback on these or others in my price range would be very helpful.

Connection to amp -
Currently I have a Pioneer SC-07 multi-channel receiver.  I am interested in getting a dedicated 2 channel music setup (to maximize the sound quality for music listening).  I'm looking at possibly one of the Primaluna integrated tube amps as an option.  That would probably be a purchase for 6 months from now.  In the meantime I would need to connect my computer audio system to the Pionner receiver.  Sounds like I use a digital connector for this?

Lastly, I happen to have a $300 gift certificate at Music Direct.  What would be the best accessory I could purchase there to improve my Computer Audio setup?  I'm thinking either Stillpoint's ( , a power center ( ), a high quality power cord ( ), or a high quality USB cable ( ).

I know I've asked a lot of questions!!!  Any guidance or input is much appreciated.  As I make this dive into computer audio, I want to avoid as many mistakes or missteps as I can.

Thanks!   :D


Re: Newbie to Computer Audio, seeking setup advice
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov 2012, 12:39 am »
Player: (about $1k)


Alternate Source: Grab a small LINUX box, pop a pair of 2TB drive in with RAID1 and you are done (if you need more space: use more than two drives and software RAID 5).

either way, you should be $750- for the storage server.

DAC: Me? I'd use the DAC in the AVR; but I'll leave the decision of an external DAC to you.


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Re: Newbie to Computer Audio, seeking setup advice
« Reply #2 on: 12 Nov 2012, 03:19 am »
As you might know I wrote the guide on ripping DSD, and have about 900 SACDs ripped.  That's almost 2TB of DSF files.  On top of that, I have a boatload of 24/192, 24/96 and others (hence my reason for starting this Circle).  Why am I telling you all this?  Because I have been into DSD for 18 months now and have 3 music servers that serve it (Mac Mini, Auraliti PK90USB Linux server and my new $700 CAPSV2+ I documented the heck out of here

The CAPS V2+ I designed and wrote about kicks the other 2 substantially.  So, save $1800 of your server budget and put it in a DAC (or more music).  Or spend it on a good gigabit ethernet NAS and several 2 TB discs.  DSD DACs to consider are all mentioned in the DSD DACs thread here on this Circle.
I own two (Meitner MA-1 which is way more than your budget, and Mytek Stereo-192 DSD which is easily in your budget) and see a real promising one in the Auralic Vega.


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Re: Newbie to Computer Audio, seeking setup advice
« Reply #3 on: 12 Nov 2012, 03:49 am »
Hmm check out studio monitors for your stereo set up, Dynaudio and Focal make excellent ones, I stopped using my tube amp set up after buying some dynaudio BM5a