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There are several already.  The thread for the Modwright transporter applies for the BDP-95 and 105 tube mods.


Oppo 105 Tube Mod vs. Oppo 95 with tube mod - The Results!
« Reply #61 on: 14 Dec 2012, 11:17 pm »
Hi guys, I had a chance to do a direct A/B with the same preamp, same cable between players and preamp and every other variable the same.

Oppo 95 tube mod with tube-rectified and SS rectified external power supply.  Copper internal wiring.

Oppo 105 tube mod with tube-rectified and tube regulated external power supply, silver internal wiring and other bias and design updates to tube circuit, specific to Oppo 105.

I should point out that the Oppo 95 and 105 tube circuits are very similar.  We changed critical resistors types and biased the circuit differently for the 105, to voice it properly with the new external supply.  We also used ultra-pure silver wire in the 105 vs. copper wire in the 95. Lastly, we upgraded the power IEC to Furutech and stereo RCA's to Cardas.

The results:

I found that overall, the 105 was more open, resolving and produced a more natural presentation with a BIGGER soundstage and more holographic imaging.  There was a greater sense of air with the 105.  The 95 by comparison was just a bit warmer and darker sounding, with not as much depth.

They are both exceptional and the mod circuits are very similar, except for the external power supply.  Both players use the same DAC.  The 105 offers a headphone amp and digital inputs via optical, coax and USB, allowing it to act as a DAC - of course using our tube analog stage and taking full advantage of our mods!

The 105 is $1200 vs. $1K for the Oppo 95.  Oppo REALLY took things to the next level with the 105!  They used a bigger overall enclosure without a fan, to allow totally passive cooling.  They also built an even more rigid and non-resonant enclosure and drive enclosure.  Lastly, the internal linear digital and analog supplies are also more sophisticated in the 105!

In keeping with Oppo's own upping the ante, we designed a NEW external tube supply and redesigned our 95 mod to offer the best possible sound with the new supply and new Oppo!

In short, the 105 tube mod IS better than the 95!  It is not a subtle difference and was quite audible!

Thank you and please contact us with any questions or to place an order and get on our list!


Dan W.


Dan, can the power supply designed for the 105 be used with the 95?  It sounds like it is a more refined power supply. Can you explain the major differences?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 49
Hey Kids!
If you want to hear the ModWright Oppo BPD105, come by our room 4001 Flamingo Hotel at the 2013 THE Show in Las Vegas Jan 8-11!  The Limoncello is coming along quite nicely as well.
NFS Audio


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 24
Mike, I missed you last year as I went to RMAF. I will be there this year and can't wait to hear your new baby. The best Jeff Miller


Thanks Mike!  NFS room is always an OASIS in the madness at CES and the Limoncello....oooh that stuff is dangerous :).  I hope you guys have a great time!

I won't be exhibiting at CES this year, as we are going to Munich instead.

Please do check out the new Oppo 105 with tube mods at the NFS room!

RE the new supply for the 105, it IS backward compatible in the Oppo 95.  The main difference is that the voltage regulation is handled by an all tube circuit, using a pair of 13EM7 regulator tubes.  The previous supply handled voltage regulation with a SS FET design.  I find that the tube regulated supply is MUCH more musical with a bigger soundstage!

Price for a new tube-regulated supply = $600.

Thank you,

Dan W.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 24
Dan if you use the 105 tube power supply with the 95 does one have to do anything to the 95 cd player? Or is just plug in and play.


As the Oppo 95 tube mod user, I'd like to also add on Jeffy's question that, the new $600 tube regulated supply, would make the old PS 9.0 unit redundant, correct?



Klao, I would assume it is a direct drop in to replace the 9.0. You would just attached the umbilical cord to the new power supply.


The new supply will be a drop-in replacement for the PS 9.0.  We will likely look at the option of upgrading existing PS 9.0's at a lower price.




The upgrade option for the PS 9.0 sounds like a winner.

Any news on the SS full channel mod for the 105?


Second that on the upgrade option.


Hi guys, no news on the SS mod for the Oppo 105 yet.  I am working out details for the SS mod for the 103, to include a linear power supply and upgraded analog stages.

I am HOPING that the same LPS can be used for the 105, but I won't know until I complete the 103 LPS and determine space requirements and heat generated.

Tube mods being done right now, while I work out the SS mods details.




Hi guys, no news on the SS mod for the Oppo 105 yet.  I am working out details for the SS mod for the 103, to include a linear power supply and upgraded analog stages.

I am HOPING that the same LPS can be used for the 105, but I won't know until I complete the 103 LPS and determine space requirements and heat generated.

Tube mods being done right now, while I work out the SS mods details.



Dan, sounds like perhaps a 103 with SS and linear PS would be the way to go after all.  What would the projected cost for this be, and how soon can we send you a 103 to get the mod?


I am projecting $500-$700 for the 103 mods.  I will let everyone know when it is available.  Please don't send a unit until then.  We are taking orders for the 105 tube mods right now of course and they are stacking up fast.  I am finalizing the 103 mods and will announce final pricing and availability when complete.


Dan W.


I am projecting $500-$700 for the 103 mods.  I will let everyone know when it is available.  Please don't send a unit until then.  We are taking orders for the 105 tube mods right now of course and they are stacking up fast.  I am finalizing the 103 mods and will announce final pricing and availability when complete.


Dan W.

Excellent.  Please keep us posted.
Since I am going to use this unit for multi  channel music, I think the 103 with full solid state mods is the way to go. 
I am also keen to get my 95 tube power supply upgraded. 


I will let you guys know when it is ready.

There are two major components to the 103 mods.

1) Linear power supply to replace SMPS stock.
2) Upgrade to 2CH and/or MCH analog circuits.

I will notify when complete.


Dan W.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 87
I'm interested in hearing more about the linear power supply for the 103.  As to the analogue stage, I will take mine out and throw mine in the trash so no interest there (and obviously no need for the 15V from the LPSU).  No point having it polluting the rest of the unit. (Hence no interest in the 105.)  But what about the clocks in the 103 (there were 3 in the 93, not sure about the 103) - have you ever looked at upgrading these to, say, OXCO?  (PM if preferred)



Hi, first of all, I have made progress this week on the LPS for the 103.  I also learned, for those interested in this subject, that the 105 and 103 do used the same SMPS, but in the case of the 105, the SMPS does not supply +/-15V.  As such, our LPS design for the 103 will be the same for the 105.  We can simply omit the transformer and +/-15V supplies, focusing only on the 15V and 5V digital high-current supplies.

Instead of a single transformer, I have chosen to use three separate transformers for +5D, +15D and +/-15A supplies.  I initially underestimated the current demands of both 5V and 15V digital supplies, but now have that worked out.  I need to order two more transformers and work out the final high-current regulation circuit for the 5V supply and design the final PCB.  Space and heat rejection are the biggest hurdles here.  I know that it will fit, but I have to evaluate the heat rejection and how this is best accomplished to avoid over-heating the player.  I already have this worked out conceptually, but still need to implement everything and test.

I am quite confident that this will make a NOTICEABLE difference in ALL aspects of the units' performance.  SMPS's are notoriously noisy due to RF switching frequency.  This noise will be present not only on the power trace, but also radiated inside the player.  A LPS (Linear Power Supply) is transformer based and does not use any switching.  It a much more expensive way to provide power, but is a better solution for audio.  If Oppo built full LPS supplies for these players, their price would be QUITE a bit higher!  It makes sense for DVD mfrs. to use SMPS's because of their cost, space savings and efficiency.

I plan to offer mods for the 103 in two forms:
1) LPS upgrade.
2) Analog stage upgrades, in the form of component upgrades and minor redesign, to improve sound.

The goal for the 103 upgrade is, of course, a high-value mod that will serve the needs of those who are using it ONLY for video and as audio transport.  The other mod will be for those who use it for audio and music as a player.

Thank you, more to come!

Dan W.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177
^ Great info Dan. Thanks