Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.

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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #40 on: 25 Oct 2012, 06:59 am »
I suppose :roll: :shake: :shake: :no_see:.  I'm just past being neurotic and can't appreciate pandering to those who aren't.  Must be I'm all messed up.  Somebody gonna make the world's best speaker?  Worth six figures are they?  I guess I can't blame a cat, but it is embarrassing to me.  It just ain't dignified.
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2012, 08:46 am by jimdgoulding »


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #41 on: 25 Oct 2012, 11:19 am »
it is embarrassing to me.  It just ain't dignified.

I can almost hear it:  "  Imagine the grand stairway wasn't wide enough, they had to use the car elevator to get them down here!".

I am not sure including 100,000$ speakers in a circle mostly dedicated to diy kits is the best idea.  You don't want to alienate your base.   Most people seem to have to save up before getting a 500$ kit...   ymmv


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #42 on: 25 Oct 2012, 11:29 am »
Even a special autoclave has been made for producing some of the parts.
What do you mean by special?  An autoclave is an autoclave....

Danny Richie

Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #43 on: 25 Oct 2012, 01:36 pm »
What do you mean by special?  An autoclave is an autoclave....

They had to make a special one that would handle parts that were 7 feet long. So special in that it was made just for this project.


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #44 on: 25 Oct 2012, 01:38 pm »
They had to make a special one that would handle parts that were 7 feet long. So special in that it was made just for this project.
That's not special though.  You can buy autoclaves in 4', 5', 8', 9'... lengths all day long.   :scratch:

Further, why are you using an autoclave for a flat piece of CF?


Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #45 on: 25 Oct 2012, 01:43 pm »
With maybe $10,000 in drivers in these, the other $90,000 must include the autoclave!

Danny Richie

Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #46 on: 25 Oct 2012, 01:49 pm »
That's not special though.  You can buy autoclaves in 4', 5', 8', 9'... lengths all day long.   :scratch:

Further, why are you using an autoclave for a flat piece of CF?

You guys find the oddest things to pick.

For the parts they were making they found it best to have a custom one made. And I don't think they are using it for a flat piece of CF. They are molding some of the parts.


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #47 on: 25 Oct 2012, 01:54 pm »
For the parts they were making they found it best to have a custom one made.
What's so custom about it then?  Every aerospace company and every single race car and even some OEM car company's have autoclaves.  They're very common these days and are in stock at any of the leading manufactures.  Nothing special about them.

And I don't think they are using it for a flat piece of CF. They are molding some of the parts.
OK.  Autoclave is a great way to do it but if it's aesthetic it's definitely not needed.  It can be done just as well with another technique much more cost effectively.  In turn, the cost of the end product is just as good and cost less.  Win-Win for all.

Danny Richie

Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #48 on: 25 Oct 2012, 02:14 pm »
Jason, Anything made just for a certain application is custom built for that application.

And you don't know the specifics of the parts being built, what materials were tested, and why it was felt necessary to mold the parts in a material that would be stronger. Trust me, if there was a less costly way that was just as good we'd be going that way.


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #49 on: 25 Oct 2012, 03:16 pm »

Yes, there are people... more people than you might think, that can afford stupid expensive stuff. Speakers at $100k aren't bad, people buy watches that cost that much. IMO, it's better for rich people to spend their money rather than leave it in the bank doing nothing. If you have more money that you know what to do with, then what does the concept of value for the money mean? Absolutely nothing, that's what.

And another thing about the "not dignified" comment... What is? There's a lot of people who might say the same thing about $10k speakers and think your entire system falls into that category. So where do you draw your line about what's "dignified" and what isn't? It's just a matter of your own judgement, and yes you are being judgemental.

Anyway, I'm surprised and disappointed at all comments here. And no, I do not even make 6 figures...

S Clark

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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #50 on: 25 Oct 2012, 03:20 pm »
My daughter works for a surgeon and has had to repark his Maserati.  If he wanted an elite speaker system he might by 3 or 4, one for each house.


Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #51 on: 25 Oct 2012, 03:39 pm »
This is exciting to me, as in something like, "Let's put a man on the moon."

Today's cutting-edge exotic speakers end up generating data for tomorrow's $100 DIY build.  The Econowave is an example of knowledge filtering down through the decades, piggy-backing on prosound parts while also incorporating cutting-edge research into directivity and the freely shared knowledge of many other builders connecting on the Internet.  A very high-end Econowave may outperform the JBL Everest in some respects!

Whenever I see a Maserati (or a Tesla), I think, "That's a tax on the rich," because everybody gets paid -- inventor, factory worker, salesman, mechanic, even the guy who washes it, who may eventually end up driving it (I only buy used cars myself).


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #52 on: 25 Oct 2012, 03:42 pm »
Anything made just for a certain application is custom built for that application.
Again, an autoclave is an autoclave.  There is nothing special about them.

And you don't know the specifics of the parts being built, what materials were tested, and why it was felt necessary to mold the parts in a material that would be stronger. Trust me, if there was a less costly way that was just as good we'd be going that way.
That's correct.  What kind of analysis was done to come up with what you are going to use?

Danny Richie

Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #53 on: 25 Oct 2012, 04:10 pm »
Again, an autoclave is an autoclave.  There is nothing special about them.
That's correct.  What kind of analysis was done to come up with what you are going to use?

Jason, why are you nit picking this? Do you have a axe to grind?

Yes, a custom autoclave was made just for certain odd shaped parts. And what the analysis was to anything is not any of your business. 


Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #54 on: 25 Oct 2012, 04:53 pm »
Guess I started this.  Sorry, Danny.  Hey, if you're in the speaker business you can't just rest on your laurels.  And if you can get six figures for a piece, you are a major player and prolly can take a trip around the world.  I wouldn't kick goin back to France out of bed.  Try their veal "Sweetbreads", Danny, and remember who told you.


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #55 on: 25 Oct 2012, 04:58 pm »
why are you nit picking this? Do you have a axe to grind?

Yes, a custom autoclave was made just for certain odd shaped parts. And what the analysis was to anything is not any of your business.

Not nic picking anything as you made a statement and I simply corrected a statement that you seem to want to live by.

Again, not a custom autoclave.  Odd shaped parts are done in the mold which is then placed into the autoclave.  Analysis is not any of my business but I'm trying to understand how you have reached this conclusion. 

Good Luck with your $150k speakers.  I know I"m looking forward to TAD's. 

Danny Richie

Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #56 on: 25 Oct 2012, 05:00 pm »
Guess I started this.  Sorry, Danny.  Hey, if you're in the speaker business you can't just rest on your laurels.  And if you can get six figures for a piece, you are a major player and prolly can take a trip around the world.  I wouldn't kick goin back to France out of bed.  Try their "Sweetbreads", Danny, and remember who told you.

What most people don't realize is that even at those price points the margins are no greater than less expensive speakers. At least in this instance. They are expensive to build and they don't go flying out the doors like the lower cost models. You are lucky to move a couple of pairs a year of speakers like that, but they also help move the lower priced models by the attention they garner.


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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #57 on: 25 Oct 2012, 05:04 pm »
I will relay a story I heard when I got to demo the IRS Reference III's back in the day.

I asked the Infinity rep how many Ref III's they would build in a year.  His answer was 12, and that was in 1980.  At the time they were about $35,000/pair.    Last time I checked the Genesis 1.1's were $150,000/pair. 
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2012, 11:54 am by HAL »

Danny Richie

Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #58 on: 25 Oct 2012, 05:06 pm »
Not nic picking anything as you made a statement and I simply corrected a statement that you seem to want to live by.

Again, not a custom autoclave.  Odd shaped parts are done in the mold which is then placed into the autoclave.  Analysis is not any of my business but I'm trying to understand how you have reached this conclusion. 

Good Luck with your $150k speakers.  I know I"m looking forward to TAD's.

You aren't correcting me man. If an autoclave is made just for running certain parts then it is a custom built autoclave.

He people buy shoes all the time but if I have a pair built just for my feet then it is a custom pair of shoes.

And hey, I like the TAD speakers myself, but they are not on this level. Even the Super-7 model in most areas are way past the TAD's. There is no reason to even mention them here.

S Clark

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Re: Danny and the Super 7's featured in Stereomojo Show report.
« Reply #59 on: 25 Oct 2012, 05:21 pm »
I'm not likely to be a future customer and I like the TAD speakers.  Shoot I was even one of the 3 people who seemed to like the Wilson Alexia this year--- but all of that doesn't diminish my enthusiasm for this project.  Pushing the edge in any endeavor is exciting.  Ignore the critics.
Just go build the best speaker that you can build. Who cares about whether a device is "custom"? It's the end result that will determine the impact of this.  Designing a speaker like this is a very bold move, investing a decent chunk of your life and resources in it.  Most of us sincerely wish you good luck and success with it.