My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012

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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #20 on: 20 Oct 2012, 10:08 pm »
They were the Alexia model in room 2030. Sorry for the confusion, as I wasn't aware that they were set up twice. If these were the smaller version those others must have been monstrously large.  People seem to either love them or hate them.  I loved what I heard, and hated that I couldn't hear more to get a better idea of what they could do.

The Maxx 3's in Doshi's room sounded quite a bit better than the Alexia's (as they should, they are ~$20k more expensive); I didn't so much care for the Alexia's or the Sasha W/P's, but the Maxx 3's are another story...


Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #21 on: 20 Oct 2012, 10:10 pm »
...485 - Purity Audio, Kaplan Cable, King Sound

King Sound full range electrostats running off the big Carver tube amps.  Beautiful woodwork and a very upscale look - definately looks like you get your money’s worth for $12K.  Very smooth sounding combo, very even sound throughout the room - nearly a room-sized sweet spot.  HTDA has a really nice tone to the vocals with no overhang on the  musical notes whatsoever.  CTHD has good body on the drums, not huge or super deep soundstage, but still good.  LOTR the horns are very nice - good size/scale on the horns, but the violin was playing a little too big.  DIST didn’t layer front to back or image with the hard pans left to right very well but the speaker held together strong at the end.  “Easy Listening for Metal Heads” is what I would call it.  One of the better rooms at the show.  I had a nice conversation with the gentleman running the room, and later in the weekend directed more than one person to this room to check it out.  Also, I met up with a press reviewer who described some low-cost upgrades to this system to take it up another level - worth the read if it hits print for anyone wanting to get even more out of an already fine speaker.


According to the reviewer (Doug Schroeder of DaGogo) the review (also describing the upgrades) is submitted and should appear soon.


Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #22 on: 20 Oct 2012, 10:54 pm »
Funny comment on our room.  We weren't demoing gear.  The core of the system was bought on EBay for about $400. We were only there to say hello to our readers, play some 60's music and reminisce a bit.  Seemed like everyone had a JBL story to tell.  Most visitors that didn't notice the McIntosh MEN 220, featuring Steinway/Lyngdorf Room Perfect commented on how they never remember the old L-166's sounding that good.

The room was just about having a little fun, and taking a step back from audiophila.  We were taken back by how many readers went to the trouble to bring mix tapes and CD's to the room, to all that did, we appreciated your efforts, it certainly added to the party.

Sorry you missed the point.


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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #23 on: 21 Oct 2012, 12:26 am »
Good to meet you on Friday, Jonathon!

Man, I may have to try staying overnight at the show some year instead of driving back to Colorado Springs in the evening...sounds like I miss some fun "after-hours" listening.



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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #24 on: 21 Oct 2012, 01:12 am »

It was nice indeed spending time with you and talking at the show...I never realized you were in a "mission" reviewing equipment. It sounds like you have a good time in our room...well, we did too! It is hard work but we enjoy what we do - Thanks a lot for your kind comments regarding our setup and your personal experience... :thumb:



Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #25 on: 21 Oct 2012, 01:45 am »
Thanks Jonathon for a different perspective ...

Jonathon Janusz

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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #26 on: 21 Oct 2012, 03:05 am »
I'm glad folks have enjoyed reading my notes. :)  I had taken a photo of every room I was in, but lesson learned:  the blackberry does not a decent show-worthy camera make (or is it just the pitiful skills of the photographer. . .  :lol:).  Honestly, little enough even remotely came out well that I just decided to skip putting up pictures.  On to some replies!

Tyson:  Again, my hat's off to you and Pez.  I've spent some time reading your reviews, and it is neat to see that although folks had different points of note, again I must be doing something right as much of what I was tracking with what you guys were saying.  Liking something or not aside, at least I was hearing the right things while listening!  As I said to you both in Lou and Dan's room - I really think you guys changed the game in this industry regarding show reporting - you both set the standard and a very high bar.  I will have to meet up with you after hours sometime at one of these shows to hang out for a bit - you obviously have more than your hands full during show time!  Your inspiration paved my way, and thanks much for that!

Laura, it is kind of funny, but honestly I didn't get a chance to demo the Wilson/VTL room. . . even though I was sleeping next door to them all weekend!  I could have wandered over in my PJs sometime around midnight all weekend, no problem. . . but I think they must have been kinda busy. . .  :wink:  As to my demo CD, another funny story, that.  On the way down the elevator on Thursday on my way out for food, one of the first people I met was one of the folks organizing the event.  I was bopping around to whatever music was playing and somehow we got on the topic of "audiophile" music. . . I would swear she thought I had a third eye growing out of the side of my head when I said I don't even know who Diana Krall IS, let alone what pretty much any of the standard "audiophile" music playlist looks like. . .  :green:. . . I kind of beat to a little different drum.  :icon_twisted:

Scott, another time for sure, my friend!

Rich, a pleasure meeting you as well!  At the end of it all, you were relaxed in the chair with such a look of contentment; it was nice to see.  Your server had a really nice balance in tone (I think that's how Eric translated my gibberish?) when hooked up to the S7s at the end of the show.  Keep at it, man!

DaveC113, thank YOU!

trackball02, I think a big reason the demo CD worked so well is because it is music I am very familiar with, and in particular the sections of each track were picked to point out specific things regarding how a system sounds.  I'm not sure without some explanation from me as to WHY each part was picked  - and what I was listening for in each cut - that it would be of as much use to someone not me.  In any case, if you're still interested feel free to drop me a PM and we can discuss it.

Robin, you NEED to put meeting Klaus on your list of things to do in this hobby.  Fine man with a heart of gold, he is, and A LOT of fun!

TONEPUB, I didn't miss the point at all.   I was just on a roll going through rooms and thought I would throw my $.02 in on what I heard while passing through. . . also admittedly just kind of clipping along at a good pace demoing stuff at the time and. . .well. . . just passing through.  :)  My comment on the vinyl was really just that I was bummed because all I had were CDs, I couldn't join in the party other than to hang out.  Same reason I really didn't have much to say about the Zu Audio room I popped my head in to - vinyl is cool and all, but I was semi-quasi-kinda on a sort-of mission, and vinyl only rooms didn't really let me get in the mix.  No harm, no foul meant on the JBLs as well - just not my cup of tea.  Now that I've been around to one of these shows, and a few folks might recognize my face, I'll have to stop and introduce myself when I've got some time and chat.  Cheers!

Gary, I have to say that one of the best decisions I made was to book the Marriott early so I could be around all weekend.  A very happy mistake was that I actually ended up in the middle of the action as well!  It couldn't have worked out any better for me if I had planned it.  Highly recommended!

Alex, you are a gentleman of the highest order, my friend, and it was MY pleasure to meet you!  You set the tone early on in my experience at the show and I knew quickly that even if nothing else went right (which luckily it did), I had at least one place I could hang out and have a great time.  Thanks again, and your efforts in the room paid off big!

saisunil, you're welcome, and thanks for reading! 

I think my approach really worked out well. . . better than I had hoped, actually.  With some coaching from here on AC before hand, and my attendee name badge in my pocket all weekend, I think a little stealth went a long way in cutting through to the heart of things as far as reviewing rooms.  I know I'm just a face in the crowd, so to speak, but without a press pass or blatant camera gear, I got a chance to check out not only the gear, but the people behind it (sometimes, at least to me, even more important than the gear itself!) "raw and uncut", where others have a "face" put on for them before they go into their review.

The folks mentioning that they haven't heard any of my music, and the comments regarding a difference in perspective, reminds me of a story Danny told me out in the hall in front of 2024, about the joy he had in seeing some high school kids "get it" for the first time when they got a chance to learn about and experience quality stereo gear. 

To the manufacturers and dealers out there - I'm in my early 30's, and I guess I see myself and my age group being the customers just coming up in this industry.  This is the music I listen to. . . and younger folks than me are often even MORE eclectic; generally speaking, not seeming to gravitate to one style/era/genre of music as much as previous generations might have.  For good or ill, the ipod has made music both a personal and very individual thing, and that independent freedom seems to have given younger folks opportunity to find a variety of taste in their music across the board that compares very well to the breadth of scope of current "audiophiles" as a sub-culture - from Bach, to bluegrass, to Bobba Flex and everything in between. 

I even saw during the show, on an elevator ride, a grandfather who brought his granddaughter to the show - she was all of maybe 12 years old - and she was as excited as the rest of us to hear something special at the show.  Figure out how to get more like HER on board the train, and the future that is a little dim right now will start looking a little brighter for a little longer. :)


Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #27 on: 21 Oct 2012, 04:51 am »
Laura, it is kind of funny, but honestly I didn't get a chance to demo the Wilson/VTL room. . . even though I was sleeping next door to them all weekend!  I could have wandered over in my PJs sometime around midnight all weekend, no problem. . . but I think they must have been kinda busy. . .  :wink:  As to my demo CD, another funny story, that.  On the way down the elevator on Thursday on my way out for food, one of the first people I met was one of the folks organizing the event.  I was bopping around to whatever music was playing and somehow we got on the topic of "audiophile" music. . . I would swear she thought I had a third eye growing out of the side of my head when I said I don't even know who Diana Krall IS, let alone what pretty much any of the standard "audiophile" music playlist looks like. . .  :green:. . . I kind of beat to a little different drum.  :icon_twisted:

Jonathon, although I know who Diana Krall is, I would rather listen to fingernails pulling across a blackboard than listen to her, Patricia Barber or similar. I find most of the so called "audiophile play lists" boring or unlistenable, and I'm sure many audiophiles run for the door when they hear some of the music I love. :lol:  I have over 2,000 records and about 1,000 CDs in my collection and you won't find any jazz, big band, classical, opera, choral or chamber music. You also won't find any metal, gothic, hip hop or rap. It's all rock n roll, blues, folk, pop, alt rock, country rock, & folk rock from the late 50's through today. My demo music generally consists of artists like The Decemberists, Neil Young, The Beatles, U2, The Doors, Fleetwood Mac, The New Pornographers, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Wilco, Eric Clapton, Moody Blues, The Who and Arcade Fire. One of the great things about music is there is something for everyone.

So what is the genre of the music on your demo CDs? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

BTW, I completely agree with you that in order to evlauate a system you need to listen to music with which you are familiar.



Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #28 on: 21 Oct 2012, 04:56 am »
I thought I responded to this thread, guess I didn't hit post. Anyway great write up! I like how in depth your notes are and how you include interactions with manufacturers. This is something Tyson and I have decided to cut out due to the massive amount of work pictures and live blogging is. It is interesting that our preferences for rooms we thought were really good or great seem to track pretty closely as well as your notes on rooms lacking proper treatment. It just goes to show you that some things are pretty much universally good to have! I have had more than one manufacturer tell me that they don't need room treatment or room treatment is of minimal importance.  :o

Any way thanks for sharing your notes!

Btw wanted to sticky your thread hope you don't mind.


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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #29 on: 21 Oct 2012, 08:08 am »
Hey Jonathon,

thanks for the kind words,  and definitely thanks for bringing some kick-ass music,


Jonathon Janusz

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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #30 on: 21 Oct 2012, 05:53 pm »
Klaus -  :rock: on, my friend!

Pez - very cool that you all think my thread is worth a sticky! :thumb:  On vendors frowning on treatments - Like I told Sal in the Siverline room and what we discussed in the Odyssey/GIK room, there are a group of vendors for such products that would be glad for the exposure to team up with vendors/manufacturers in their rooms to take everything up a notch.  Logistics of getting stuff to and from the show can be shared, and everybody wins.  I know this seems to generally be a personal hobby, but making friends means you don't have to go it alone, and audio folk seem to overall be a generally friendly bunch.  :D

Laura, it sounds to me like my musical tastes kind of bookend yours; the only stuff you really won't see any of among my music is jazz (mom likes it, I could never get in to it) and pop/modern country (classic country is cool as mood music, but the new stuff that is not quite pop and not quite country just doesn't do it for me).  A quick breakdown of my CD tracks for you (painted in fairly quick broad strokes):

Demo CD

“Is Your Love Strong Enough?” - How To Destroy Angels - current dance/trance/techno
“Night Fight” - Tan Dun & Yo-Yo Ma, Soundtrack to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Chinese flavored instrumental and Yo-Yo Ma sawing away on a cello ;)
“The Riders of Rohan” - London Philharmonic Orchestra, Soundtrack to Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - orchestral
“Take a Look Around” - Limp Bizkit - modern industrial rock
“Want” - Disturbed (soundstage, imagiing, and torture test of continuous high SPL rock) - moderrn, heavy rock/metal

Mix CD

“Breath of Life” - Florence and the Machine - pop/orchestral/rock. . . generally. . .
“Pennies in My Pocket” - Emilio Estefan - latin
“Cumbersome” - Seven Mary Three - 90's grunge/Seattle sound rock
“Not Strong Enough” - Apocalyptica featuring Brent Smith - rock/cello collaborations
“Love Bites” - QED - dance/techno
“Come Undone” - My Darkest Days - modern rock
“Innocence” - Halestorm - modern rock
“You’re Going Down” - Sick Puppies - modern rock
“Danse Russe” - Hurt - modern rock/industrial
“Guilty” - Gravity Kills - 90's industrial/techno
“Black and Yellow (G-Mix)” - Wiz Kalifa featuring Snoop Dogg, Juicy J, T-Pain - hip hop/rap
“Still D.R.E.” - Dr. Dre old-school rap
“Sam” - Massive Attack - techno/trance
“Darkness” - Disturbed - modern heavy rock/metal. . . but this track is a mellow instrumental track
“Touchin’ On My” - 3OH!3 - pop/dance
“Comin’ in Hot” - Hollywood Undead - hip hop/rap
“Perfect Insanity” - Disturbed - modern heavy rock/metal

Based on your tastes as I read them, check out Seven Mary Three, Halestorm, and  My Darkest Days on youtube sometime for some stuff on the heavier end of your spectrum. The rest might be a little further off the radar.  If I remember correctly, all three have even made vinyl releases of most of their collections.  :)

I usually go for the weirder stuff on an album, often times cross-genre or completely outside the norm for a band, so mileage may vary between an artist's norm and my specifically selected demo tracks ("Darkness" by Disturbed being the most glaring example).


Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #31 on: 21 Oct 2012, 07:16 pm »
Thanks Jonathon. Most of those are probably outside my relatively narrow listening preferences. I will give the groups you recommended a you tube listen.



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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #32 on: 27 Oct 2012, 01:40 am »
Wow - that music list would've risked collective coronaries at RMAF :o)  I was there and was pretty disappointed at the consistent use of 50s Jazz, smokey bar / female crooner music.  Very little played was challenging to the equipment.  I suppose though, on the other hand playing electronica tells one little about the equipment's abilities with natural sounds.  Your list is heavily biased to modern rock....... I'm lucky enough to have a choice between JBL Everests and TAD CR1s here - guess which match your music best!  I guess my point is that we all listen to different music and a speaker that does some things extraordinarily well (CR1) may not suit another.  Actually for this music some proaudio gear might (eg PAudio 15" concentric drivers) might do it justice at 100dB..... No offence intended - just my view that little of the gear that I heard at RMAF would suit the live concert wall-of-sound sound .  Interesting point that I hadn't considered until trying your music list on Youtube.  Thanks for widening my horizons :D

Jonathon Janusz

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Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #33 on: 27 Oct 2012, 04:46 am »
Hey, Murray!  Thanks for your feedback and for checking out some new tunes.  :thumb:

I had different goals with each of my CDs.  The demo disc was just that - a demo/test CD.  Vocals, large scale, small scale, synthesized instruments, natural instruments, dynamic range, tone, sustained SPL, resolution, imaging, micro/macro details. . . I had a chance to explain to a few folks as I was going along what I was listening for in each of the demo tracks - walking them through my demo - and it was nice to see some eyes open regarding some of this kind of music.  If you have any interest at all after checking out youtube, grab a couple discs next time you are in a used music store for a buck or two.  There is a lot of "audiophile" stuff hiding on these albums - for systems capable of letting you discover it. :)

The mix disc was really my "toss the keys to the ferrari at the redneck" fun disc.  It was intentionally slanted in a very off kilter direction.  I figured I would put together a pile of stuff that discerning listeners could pick out some new cool "wow" moments from while listening and at the same time specifically have stuff to play that I was almost certain would not be on anyone's "official" playlist at this kind of show.  If even once during the show, walking in a daze through "more of the same", someone wandering the halls heard one of the fun tracks, took notice, and thought, "Hey!  Something weird and cool is going on in that room?!". . . and then popped in to a vendor they weren't originally planning to stop in by for a listen. . . mission accomplished.   :green:  Even better, a few rooms I stopped to jam out in with the vendors genuinely enjoying my little. . . change of pace. . . that alone made the whole mix CD worth putting together.  :rock:

(and I did for a while have a pair of speakers built from a pair of 12" paudio coaxials in sealed cabinets with a quad of sealed servo subwoofers to back them up.  My previous planars and some of the other more "hifi" speakers brought out many nice things in the harder hitting recordings.  Those 12s in that configuration. . . amplified guitar was just sublime. . . effortless presentation, impact, glorious full-scale detailed tone. . . just sublime.  8)  Playing with quality audio gear in the last few years with this music really has taught me that the genre has SO much more to offer that either just the "wall of sound" or ipod-only listening crowd may not even realize is actually there. . .)


Re: My thoughts and impressions - RMAF 2012
« Reply #34 on: 27 Oct 2012, 09:35 am »
Very nicely done.  The "off-kilter" music is clever.  A master tape of 50s jazz can be very misleading and even mask a systems attributes....