Taking parts out of a MAC - your experiences please?

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Alan UK

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 16
    • AudioChews
...a Mac mini 3.1 to be precise.

I currently have 8gb RAM, and am planning to drop in a OCZ SSD in the next few weeks. I have a linear PS in the pipeline, so I am pondering these last few mods to do while the case is off.

If I remove the optical drive, will the mac boot up and throw a hissy fit because it can't find the drive? (I usually boot up headlessly so warning messages get in the way of operation via an iTouch/remote app). If so, is there a way to tell it not to look for the optical drive?

Broadly, the same question WRT removing the bluetooth & wireless modules? (I will still have network access via ethernet > switch > router). Can I simply remove this hardware, and the mac still boot up & run OK?

On a more specialist note, has anyone converted their mini to passive cooling with heatpipes and the like? I would be very interested in some pictures, and if someone could run me through this (and then - you guessed it - if the fan can be disconnected without the mac 'knowing').

And do you have any advice about SoTM filters (about which I know nothing), where they are of most use, how to install them etc.

That should just about cover it! I am not really proficient in computing or hadrware, but I can follow instructions and can have a go at most things. I have installed RAM before, so have been inside a mini already, but I don't really know what I am looking at once inside.

Thanks in advance!



Re: Taking parts out of a MAC - your experiences please?
« Reply #1 on: 26 Sep 2012, 11:06 am »
Removing the optical drive will not create a boot-up problem. Make sure you have pre-set the boot up drive to be the hard drive, else you will have to hold down the alt key on boot-up.

Removing Bluetooth will be okay too, if it is not there the Mac will not try to use it.

With SSD let me recommend OWC instead of OCZ, have a look here http://www.macsales.com/