Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review

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Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #20 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:46 am »
Henry Bet you are excited. May the job go smoothly. Do you have to ship the critters? I am sure you will be pleased. If Albert says its worth doing, it is worth doing.


Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #21 on: 25 Sep 2012, 10:41 pm »
Hello gammajo,

yes they will have to be shipped, I'm on the east coast, unfortunately too far to drop them off. Still working the shipping details.



Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #22 on: 26 Sep 2012, 02:34 am »
I followed VS recommendation and used Pilot freight. VS arranged everything I paid VS and they handled paying Pilot. The boxes made it both ways NC to CA to NC without even a mark. They were immediately put on a wood palette and traveled that way.


Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #23 on: 1 Oct 2012, 10:55 pm »
Hi Joe,

I sent your a private message concerning your shipping charges from Pilot from NC to CA and back. If you like you can reply back privately. I'm sure you don't want the whole world to know what you paid. Just trying to get an idea what I'm looking at spending. I'm in Maryland and the shipping charges should be close to what you paid.



Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #24 on: 2 Oct 2012, 12:36 pm »
I have responded to your private message


Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #25 on: 3 Oct 2012, 01:57 pm »
How many hours have you got on them now Joe?


Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #26 on: 3 Oct 2012, 02:13 pm »
I have about 150 hours on them - they are opening up even more and sounding terrific


Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #27 on: 3 Oct 2012, 10:35 pm »

Looks like I'm next to have my Anni's upgraded to the MkII's! Still working on the details. Albert has been very informative on the upgrade process. Thanks Albert! Hopefully I can get Albert to post some pics of the process. I thank Joe for his helpful reply, now if I can get a couple of guys and a truck together, I can get these gems over to Pilot freight. Stay tuned!



Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #28 on: 3 Oct 2012, 10:47 pm »
PS, While without my Anni's, I'll be using my 18 year old Polk Audio RT3000p loudspeakers. No comparison with sound :cry: At least I'll have something to listen too. Albert says it will take 2-3 weeks depending on production at VSA.



Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #29 on: 3 Oct 2012, 11:36 pm »
hdtrack Remember - "Patience sweetens passion" while you are waiting. it will be worth the wait


Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #30 on: 14 Oct 2012, 12:24 am »

This past Thursday I had my Anni's packed up in their original shipping cartons. The two gentlemen that packed them did an outstanding job, loaded them on my brothers truck. The next morning, my parents dropped them off at Pilot freight, they should arrive at VSA next Wednesday to begin the MkII upgrade. In the mean time, I'm using my Polk Audio RT3000p (which I use as my rear surrounds) in place of my Anni's. Since the Polks are using the VSA Masterbuilt cables, the sound is better than I thought. Even though there is no comparison to the Anni's, they will make due for the next three weeks, can't wait!



Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #31 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:30 am »
 you are on your way


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Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #32 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:33 am »
Thanks Henry for the review.

Thank you everyone for your comments. Kernelbob our rooms do seem similar. Will try your strategy modified for my situation. I do get decent sound fpr background listening from back of the room on the side where I sit to relax, (in pic, bottom right near lamp shade) though I do my intense listening near field. When wife is away for a week I move my listening triangle more toward the center of the room.

Hmmm, how do I get your room picture here?

How can I say this kindly as possible, ahem, as I see you not only missing the boat but the dock and the entire harbor. If that was my room I would put the couch where your gear rack is and the speakers on the sides of where you listening chair is, while your rack is moved off to the side. Then prepare you audio mind to be blown away.

Now the Mrs. may protest such an arrangement, esp. long speaker cables across the floor, but it can be cone. You need to do some real sweet talking and tell her how much you love her and audio and how this is soooooo important for you to do. My wife was walking over 6 guage Fulton Golds, it can be done. She did belly ache at times however. Just be resolute in your goals my friend.

Lovely gear choice by the way.

Rocket_Always In Reverse Order_Ronny


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Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #33 on: 14 Oct 2012, 06:17 pm »
Pearson's "rule of thirds" comes into play here.  Think it doesn't work with VS speakers, (excluding the 22, 33 or 35) you have another thought coming!


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Re: Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary Mark II Review
« Reply #34 on: 8 May 2022, 09:26 am »
"I just may have found my speaker for the next decade."

Time's almost up...

 Are you ready to sell me those Annys?  :)