New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II

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Nyal Mellor

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New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« on: 4 Aug 2012, 01:34 am »
The new DEQX processors have just arrived :)

For those not familiar with DEQX they make speaker correction, room correction and digital crossover processors. They essentially replace your pre-amp and DAC. You feed them an analog or digital signal (or signals if you have multiple sources), then the DEQX corrects speaker and room issues through DSP algorithms. The digital crossover supports upto a 3 way system (e.g. three way speaker or a two way with subs). Their previous generation models were the HDP-3 and HDP-Express but the new units have 24/192 capable digital inputs for proper integration with modern music servers and feature internal 32 bit Burr Brown PCM1795 DACs. The whole main PCB has been redesigned to improve performance. The HDP-4 also comes as standard with balanced and digital outputs as well as a pass through ouput which makes using the HDP-4 for a four way speaker system much easier.

For more please check out the DEQX website, which has had a recent overhaul and well as on our blog. They will be at RMAF this year if you want to hear one.

Edit: corrected non functional links
« Last Edit: 4 Aug 2012, 03:24 pm by Nyal Mellor »


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #1 on: 4 Aug 2012, 02:27 am »
Very cool!  Do you know pricing?  You can PM me if that is better.



Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #2 on: 4 Aug 2012, 02:55 am »
prices are no big secret, they are all on the website.


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #3 on: 4 Aug 2012, 03:02 am »
Link doesn't work for me.



Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #5 on: 4 Aug 2012, 03:08 am »

The price of the Express went up a thousand dollars.


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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #6 on: 4 Aug 2012, 04:55 am »
The calibration kit is also no longer included in the base price.  That will set you back another $200.


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #7 on: 4 Aug 2012, 12:08 pm »
I was hoping these would have come down a bit. Awesome concept but out of the range of what I'm willing to pay.


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #8 on: 4 Aug 2012, 02:37 pm »
I was very close to buying an Express. Then when I start looking I discovered the price had gone up 50%! $2k to $3k was a deal breaker.
I think this increase takes the E2 right out of the demographic which I am a part of.

Nyal Mellor

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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #9 on: 4 Aug 2012, 03:22 pm »
Well it all depends how you think about things. They replace a dac and a preamp, quite a few people sell those off and recoup a good part or all of their deqx investment.

Also there is nothing out there that offers similar functionality at a lower price point. Some products have bits of what the deqx does but not much else bar Trinnov can really functionally compare.

They will be at RMAF if you want a listen!


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #10 on: 4 Aug 2012, 03:54 pm »
Thanks. I hope they don't jack the prices up another grand or two before the show.


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #11 on: 4 Aug 2012, 05:01 pm »
Well it all depends how you think about things. They replace a dac and a preamp, quite a few people sell those off and recoup a good part or all of their deqx investment.

Also there is nothing out there that offers similar functionality at a lower price point. Some products have bits of what the deqx does but not much else bar Trinnov can really functionally compare.

They will be at RMAF if you want a listen!

There was something for $2k! It was called the Express :D
I think everyone here understands what this offers. It does not change the fact that this is a huge price increase. What does the II offer vs the original that accounts for the extra grand?  The cal kits should also be rolled into the cost. It seems like a hidden cost. It's bad enough you can't use the mic you already own.

Nyal Mellor

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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #12 on: 5 Aug 2012, 01:21 am »
Well there is absolutely nothing to stop you using your own mic with the DEQX, you just won't be able to use any correction for mic frequency and phase issues. Each mic included with the DEQX cal kits gets measured and then that measurement run through a MATLAB routine to generate a correction filter that the software can use. If you have a nice flat mic like an Earthworks already then no need to buy a cal kit. Having the cal kit separate from the processor does make sense since then people can choose what level of mic they want. If a cheap mic was included then people would be saying the opposite if they wanted a premium mic, and would think that part of the purchase price was essentially 'wasted'.

I don't know exactly all the details behind why the price increase on the express was what is was but even at $3k I think it is good value when you think about what it includes in terms of functionality and performance.


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #13 on: 5 Aug 2012, 01:48 am »
Well there is absolutely nothing to stop you using your own mic with the DEQX, you just won't be able to use any correction for mic frequency and phase issues.

The webpage implies that the software that you need comes in the calibration kit. If so it seems that you need to buy the kit regardless.



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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #14 on: 5 Aug 2012, 02:17 am »
If a cheap mic was included then people would be saying the opposite if they wanted a premium mic, and would think that part of the purchase price was essentially 'wasted'.

AFAIK their $200 calibration kit includes a rebranded Behringer mic that normally would set you back about $40.  Also, does anybody know if their 4+ year old software is still in "beta" release?


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #15 on: 5 Aug 2012, 04:34 am »
I can think of a number of scenarios where pricing the calibration kits could be preferable for buyers, versus raising prices of the units and including the kits:

- buyers can choose which mic they would like to use with the software
- buyers of multiple units can purchase a single cal kit
- owners can upgrade electronics and hold on to their calibration kit without finding a buyer of their old unit that necessarily wants to use the same microphone they purchased.
- set and forget users could borrow, or buy then sell calibration kits for set up, then use the correction files for as long as they like.


Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #16 on: 6 Aug 2012, 09:18 am »
fly_fish_nz, sounds reasonable to me. I'm just not clear on whether the kit consists of a mic and cal file, or includes the needed software (which isn't included with the hardware unit).


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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #17 on: 6 Aug 2012, 11:16 am »
I don't know exactly all the details behind why the price increase on the express
Can you find out?

was what is was but even at $3k I think it is good value when you think about what it includes in terms of functionality and performance.
I too was looking at the Express but at $3k, I'm out.

Nyal Mellor

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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #18 on: 7 Aug 2012, 06:08 pm »
fly_fish_nz, sounds reasonable to me. I'm just not clear on whether the kit consists of a mic and cal file, or includes the needed software (which isn't included with the hardware unit).

I'm pretty sure that DEQX and most of their dealers would provide the software if you had a nice mic you wanted to use instead of buying a new one. Just note that you can't use your mic cal with the DEQX software. Someone at DEQX has to run it through a MATLAB program to generate the correction filters for use in the software.

Note that even my pretty nice $200 Beyerdynamic MM-1 measurement mic that I use as my day to day mic for acoustic measurement and calibration is nowhere near as flat from a frequency response or phase perspective as an Earthworks M23 or M30. FYI my go to calibration mic for the DEQX is the M23.

Nyal Mellor

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Re: New DEQX processors - HDP-4 and HDP-Express II
« Reply #19 on: 19 Sep 2012, 07:38 pm »

DEQX are now providing the calibration software as standard with each DEQX processor! If you already have a mic that means you don't need to purchase a cal kit (microphone + cables), though note that any existing mic calibration files you may have have will not work with the DEQX software as each must be run through a MATLAB routine by DEQX.

If you have an Earthworks mic we have some good news! At this time we are offering a service to turn your existing Earthworks electronic calibration file into something that can be used in the DEQX software. There is a cost to this service, please contact me for full details. We are not offering this service for any other mics including Behringers, Daytons, etc.

And more good news for Behringer ECM8000 owners! We have developed  generic calibration curve that can be used in the DEQX software. Note that the calibration curve provided in the std cal kit is more accurate, as it is for the particular ECM8000 that is included in the cal kit. The generic curve is based on a sample set of 10 mics. If you know the Behringers then you'll also know that they have quite a bit of unit to unit variability so in my opinion it's always worth getting an individual calibration file or just getting an Earthworks.