which SS amp for b&w805D?

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which SS amp for b&w805D?
« on: 19 Jul 2012, 07:35 am »
could i get some recommendations of solid state amp for my b&w805d speakers?
im currently using mcintosh mc275

recently, i have been having some doubts on my preference of tube system
even when i listen to headphones, lately i started to appreciate the clean, fast and detailed sound of SS headphone amps over tubes. also i love the idea that SS will always sound the same with no maintenance
i want to know what are some really good sounding SS amps
i can spend around or under 4k

also going bi-amping with active crossover on 805d would be worth a try?
when bi-amping, the amp of each the tweeter and the woofer should be different amps of different wattage right? because the tweeter would not require as much power as the woofer would do
any recommendations on amps for bi-amping considering these ideas?

when set-up well with the right amp and cables, would my 805d sound better than active monitors like neumann kh120?

thank you in advance


Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jul 2012, 11:50 am »
What pre-amp are you using?

I can only comment on what I've used recently: the Wyred4Sound monoblock amps (well under your budget) -- http://www.wyred4sound.com/webapps/p/74030/117839/332074

and HEED monoblocks (that I currently own) -- http://www.heedaudio.hu/en/products/obelisk-line/pm

For the increase in price over the Wyred4Sound I think the HEED resolves a bit more detail while presenting a more natural, organic sound (to my ears).

You should definitely consider 1) bi-wiring the 805s and 2) getting good AC power filtration (such as an UBERBuss from PI Audio who has a current product description here on Audiogon).

I have never bi-amped, but with the 805s I don't imagine it would be worth the expense compared to putting the money towards better speakers. Although many folks here do own speakers from major brands like B+W, a large contingent prefer the cost/performance from smaller American speaker manufacturers that sell directly, such as Salk (salksound.com); Selah Audio; and others here on AudioCircle.

I currently own Salk HT1-TLs and compared to the 805s the my friend owns they are just better across the board (more detail, air, imaging, bass, etc.). Salk and other direct sales speaker manufacturers obviously spend much less on marketing and don't sell through dealers who need to add their own markup, so a higher proportion of what you pay is going towards better parts.

I'm currently selling the Salks to move to an even more expensive direct sales speaker (about twice the cost of the Salks), but that may be more a sign of mental instability than need to dramatically improve the sound!

Good luck and happy listening!


Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #2 on: 19 Jul 2012, 08:11 pm »
would that Wyred4Sound be an over kill for 2 way speakers like 805d with the 300w power?
maybe the kind of amp that i need for my 805d is some really really good sounding amp with low wattage around 100W?
how do you like the sound qualities of heed amps compared to other competitive SS amps like bryston amps?
if i go heed amps and biamping, probably i should do PS for both tweeters and two PM for each mid-woofers
thanks for the advise


Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #3 on: 19 Jul 2012, 10:45 pm »
Pass Labs X 150.5 or perhaps a XA 30.5 should work well.  The XA 30.5 has 6db of head room, and should match up quite nicely at normal listening levels.  If you listen at loud levels, then the X 150.5 might be more suited to your taste.  The XA 30.5 works well with speakers at or above 88db/w (it sounds a bit sweeter and more detailed).


Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jul 2012, 11:46 pm »
Pass Labs X 150.5 or perhaps a XA 30.5 should work well.  The XA 30.5 has 6db of head room, and should match up quite nicely at normal listening levels.  If you listen at loud levels, then the X 150.5 might be more suited to your taste.  The XA 30.5 works well with speakers at or above 88db/w (it sounds a bit sweeter and more detailed).
thank you
i found so many good reviews on x150.5
that is probably a better amp than some of the SS amps that i was considering
i hope x150.5 sounds better than mc275 which im currently using

P.S tube sound can be fun but sometimes i feel that its hard to produce the pure sound from the source with the tube sound


Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #5 on: 20 Jul 2012, 12:04 am »
thank you
i found so many good reviews on x150.5
that is probably a better amp than some of the SS amps that i was considering
i hope x150.5 sounds better than mc275 which im currently using

P.S tube sound can be fun but sometimes i feel that its hard to produce the pure sound from the source with the tube sound

No worries mate! You are most welcome.

Just for fun, you may wish to consider the XA 30.5.  I use it with speakers that are 88 db/w, and it works very well.  There is a “rightness” with the XA 30.5 that the X 150.5 just does not quite reach. 
If you get an amp from Reno Hi Fi, you could actually try both and keep the one you like best.


Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #6 on: 22 Jul 2012, 04:14 am »
is XA60.5 just more power/volume version of XA30.5?
or does one of them actually sound better than the other one?

i have an offer of XA30.5 for $3350
and XA60.5 for around $6000
i dont know which one is better choice for my b&w805d

with one of those amps, will my 805d sound better than good active monitors like neumann kh120a?

Mr Peabody

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Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #7 on: 3 Nov 2012, 06:04 am »
I've heard B&W with amps like Classe and Audio Research, the B&W dealer picked up Mac and I was really surprised at the great synergy between Mac and B&W, better bass than either of the other amps.

Pass is also an excellent suggestion if I say so myself being a Pass owner.  Prior to Pass I used Conrad Johnson tube gear.  I hope this comes out right, I don't miss the tubes with Pass, it is very musically engaging, transparent and images well, so you sort of get the best of both solid state and tubes without tubes using Pass.  I have the X series, the true Class A is a bit out of my price range for the power I want.  The Pass will be more extended on top and bottom than the Mac.

Mr Peabody

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  • Posts: 618
Re: which SS amp for b&w805D?
« Reply #8 on: 3 Nov 2012, 06:10 am »
PS. If you do decide to audition Pass, the gear needs to be plugged in for at least 24 hours before it begins to sound the way it should.  No one told me this and I tried to listen right after hooking it up and was a bit disappointed but as it warmed up a day or so the sound changed to the better by a good margin.  If brand new the time for break in/warm up is even longer.