Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15

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jon k

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Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« on: 12 Jul 2012, 06:47 pm »
I am about to receive my signature 15 in the mail tomorrow. :D I currently have totem rainmakers and a EE dac plus and am thinking of upgrading my speakers to something more appropriate. I listen to about 80% rock and pop(but I don't listen with the volume turned way up so spls are not super important to me) with the remaining 20% jazz and hawaiian music. My apt it about 40ft long and 13ft wide. The speakers are on the long wall and I sit about 9 ft from them. They are pulled about 18" off the wall and can't be pulled out much more than that.

I have read a lot of the posts on this site and it seems that Omega, Tonian, Zu and Tekton are highly thought of in combination with this amp. I have heard the Zu omens and the Tekton Lore-S but not the Omegas or the Tonian. I really liked the Lore-S(heard it with the sig 15) especially the tone, sound stage, vocals and how everything sounded real. The only criticism I had of them is that I sometimes thought they were a little smooth sounding and lacked a little of the excitement that I am used to with the totems - this made me wonder if they were better for jazz than rock and pop . The Zu Omen I heard a while ago with a nait xs. I know a lot of people like them, and maybe I would like another version, but from what I recall I wasn't that fond of them seemed to lack detail and clarity.

Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated it.

I would like to take a second and thank Vinnie. There really couldn't be a nicer guy in the audio business or in general for that matter.



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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jul 2012, 02:38 am »
If you liked the lore-s but want more dynamics then see if you can get to hear some std lore's.


Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jul 2012, 04:27 am »
Congratulations on the acquisition of your Signature 15.  I am certain you will get a lot of enjoyment from it!

It might be helpful to know what your budget is for speakers.  Having said that, if you are looking at the Tonian TL-M1 perhaps I can make the assumption that would give you around $1,800-2,000 at the top end to work with.  By all accounts the Tonian is a great value and a wonderful addition to a system but for your application might not plumb the low end quite enough.  There is at least one prominent poster on this forum who owns the TL-M1s, however, who does not seem to have an issue with this.

Options abound but I will limit them to a few :).  There is a pair of custom-made Hawthorne Silver Iris open baffle speakers that are listed on Audiogon for under two grand (the price has dropped almost $500 and they come with the plate amps to drive the Augies).  That would give you the bass that I think would suit your musical tastes.  The downside is that they are quite large.

Another route to take, and one that is less expensive, is to consider the Tekton OB 4.5s, mated with their subwoofer counterparts.  Along a similar vein you could pick up a speaker like the Omega Super 6 Alnico that is listed for under $1,200 on the 'Gon and partner it with one of Louis' subwoofers.  That would put you at the top end of the budget again, though.

The Hawthorne/Tekton/Omega options I have mentioned all give you frequency extension below 30Hz.  It then becomes a matter of personal taste from there.

Wish I could say I have had the funds to try all of them out, but then I would be lying... :nono:  I hope you find what you are looking for!

jon k

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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jul 2012, 01:21 pm »
First thanks to those who have already responded. I should have mentioned in my original post that my budget is around $1500 and ideally less - so we are most likely talking used.

Braddles, Vinnie also suggested that I try and listen to the standards Lore. My only concern is that I wouldn't want to give up the things that I like about the Lore-S - The tone, the instrument separation, and how real all the instruments and vocals sound. Plus, I have read a few reviews that suggest that the Lore-S is a big improvement over the standard Lore. Is it possible that tube rolling may give me the added dynamics that I am looking for. In particular I was thinking something like the EAT COOL VALVE or Genalex Gold lion.

Profbratsch - another idea would be to get the Omegas and get the sub later when I can afford it. The Rainmakers I have now only go to 42 Hz

I have also read really good reviews of the Omega Super 6. Can anyone put into words the difference between the omegas and the tektons and for that matter the lore vs lore-s.



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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #4 on: 14 Jul 2012, 12:50 am »
There is a big thread on Audiogon "Omen Vs Lore". There is a guy there who had both the lore and the lore s. he eventually kept the lore for what it's worth. But the only way to really know it to try for yourself.

I own the lore and find it has the same qualities that you describe in the lore-s. But I haven't heard the lore-s so I can't compare.

Maybe adding a sub to your setup with the lore s will give you the punch your looking for? Just an idea.

jon k

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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jul 2012, 05:28 pm »
What about the Devore Gibbon 8s(not super)? Has anyone heard this combo?


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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #6 on: 3 Aug 2012, 12:04 am »
I ran my Zu Omens with the Signature 15 for a few days and it is an excellent combination.  One thing that I found very interesting is how good the Sig 15 sounded with those speakers compared to my Bel Canto C5i.  The C5i sounds just fine with other speakers, but somehow, on the Omens, it is thin and hard compared to the rich and full sound of the Sig15, even though it has much less power.

Vinnie R.

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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #7 on: 6 Aug 2012, 05:06 pm »
Hi autoformer,

Welcome to AudioCircle and the RWA forum!

Thanks for your post.  In general, our customers have had good success using the Signature 15 with Zu's, Tekton's, Omega's, and other higher-efficiency speakers.

But we also have customers who have less efficient speakers - who are either in a smaller room or who aren't looking to play at loud levels - and are also getting excellent results!

Hi Jon K - Devores should also be a good match with the Sig 15.

All the best,


jon k

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Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #8 on: 6 Aug 2012, 05:20 pm »
I can attest to Vinnie's comment regarding getting good results with less efficient speakers. The sound from my Rainmakers is leaps and bounds over what I am used to. It is true that if I turn it up REALLY loud it will clip every so often but I live in an apt so I never listen to concert levels - please don't read this as I listen to them at low volumes they still go PLENTY loud.


Re: Speaker Recommendations for my new Signature 15
« Reply #9 on: 30 Aug 2012, 07:46 pm »
Fritz Carbon 7's are great monitors in your price range.