Squeezebox Touch - Syncromesh - Linn Numerik III?

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Squeezebox Touch - Syncromesh - Linn Numerik III?
« on: 27 Jun 2012, 12:51 am »
Any thoughts on the viability of this trio...?
Or another route entirely?
As you may know, the Linn Numerik-Karik combo had an interesting approach to clocking issues.
Would the Syncro do something similar? And would it be good?


Re: Squeezebox Touch - Syncromesh - Linn Numerik III?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun 2012, 05:28 pm »
Any thoughts on the viability of this trio...?
Or another route entirely?
As you may know, the Linn Numerik-Karik combo had an interesting approach to clocking issues.
Would the Syncro do something similar? And would it be good?

The Synchro-Mesh is a resampler/reclocker.  It can be used with any PCM streaming device to reduce jitter, including CD transports.  I cannot predict whether it will improve your situation or not.  It will reduce the jitter from the SB, but if you are using a clock inside the Linn instead, then it may not make any difference.

Steve N.
« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2012, 06:28 pm by audioengr »