Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's

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Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« on: 17 Jun 2012, 06:16 pm »
They say a picture tells a story. Here's two.

Traded the Decades for a pair of monoblocks. Joule Electra's VZN 100 Mk III's.

Steve and Morgan stopped by yesterday (long drives for both :(). We listened and partied all evening playing with Dacs, spinning music and dialing in the Macbook Pro via Puremusic. Huge upgrade. But wait. What about those monsters on the floor? Wife was complaining I hadn't hooked them up yet. They are a bit intimidating. Kinda scary with all those high powered tubes and variac that is certainly not UL approved  :icon_lol:

Initial setup gave us a very generous amount of hum. Humm, what to do. A flip of a switch on the back of the Allnic, hum nearly gone. God I love that Allnic. Except for the hum, my goodness these amps play well. A long listen this morning with Lena and she's really loving these monsters. They are so not practical in our situation. Jr has already paid them a visit.  :drool: Morgan got these amps cooking - literally, and we all felt a more of a live presentation and openness. Detail galore too but the music still remained sweet. And a bit of a hum too I like to to rid of.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jun 2012, 07:07 pm »
Those amps are much larger than they appear in those photos! Hopefully Jr. Averted any major disasters!

For any of you interested in the Super V's and haven't heard them, I would say find a local friend with them and take a listen.  Michael has an amazing set-up and the Super V's shine with all types of music.  The OB produces a large and holographic soundstage that doesn't overpower the listener.....with jaw dropping tight and powerful bass...... :thumb:.........more details later......thanks again Michael and Happy Fathers Day!


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Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #2 on: 17 Jun 2012, 07:31 pm »
Amazing setup.

If you have little ones in the family, be careful with those tubes...they are very hot to the touch.



Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jun 2012, 10:07 pm »
Yup holographic indeed.   

Thanks for a wonderful fathers day treat.  The set up when i first arrived was remarkable.  We were using the Tori amp and the Eastern Electric DAC.  We then switched to the Tranquility DAC that Morgan brought.  The two DAC's were very different.  My vote would be for everyone to own both.  Use the Tranquility for recordings that need to be smoothed out and made more musical on a super resolving system.  Use the Eastern on musical sounding high rez recordings.  Both of these were great DAC's.  If I had to own one it would be very difficult to choose.   We threw some really dry one demensional recordings at the Tranquility.  It performed what I would call a near miracle.  As I own many cd's that are crappy digital recordings the Tranquility might be better for me. 

Is there anything else that needs to be said about Open Baffle Servo Bass?  Tight Fast and Room Defiant.  It's awesome!
The Big Joule Electras took a while for Morgan and Michael to dial in. Once Morgan biased each tube the etched highs were tamed and listening began again.  Uh I cleared the table and helped with the dishes.  Michael was showcasing his BBQ skills.  The Big Green Egg did a very good job on some marinated artichokes and steaks.  I think you can cook on the Joules?  I think the Joules are 100 watt a side and did things one can only dream about a system doing.

They sing


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jun 2012, 10:13 pm »
Yes every kind of music.  My son Stephen put on some Dre, G-Love and other modern beats.  Servo bass to the rescue!   

The V's hit harder than Joe Frasure.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jun 2012, 10:46 pm »
Michael! You're a fellow (Green) Egghead?? I missed that bit of info. You going to the Eggs by the Bay Eggfest this weekend? I'll be there as a volunteer!

Glad to hear the system keeps getting better and better. Tube pre and tube amp on the Super V's sound incredible together when it all gets dialed in.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #6 on: 18 Jun 2012, 10:48 pm »
Yes every kind of music.  My son Stephen put on some Dre, G-Love and other modern beats.  Servo bass to the rescue!   

The V's hit harder than Joe Frasure.
So, is it harder/better bass than the LS-6'es? :green:


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #7 on: 18 Jun 2012, 11:32 pm »
The LS 6 does mid bass better.  The Super Vs do sub bass the best.   They are two very different takes on music.  Michaels system has some of the best holographic stereo images I've ever encountered.  Alot of it has to do with the servo bass and how it easily is on the room. 


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #8 on: 19 Jun 2012, 12:07 am »
The stereo image is actually addictive.....and for those who don't have experience with an OB speaker, the neat thing is that you can turn up the volume quite loud and still talk to the person next to you without screaming as the music is filling the room completely and not just blasting in one direction right at you.......


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #9 on: 19 Jun 2012, 03:53 pm »
Michael! You're a fellow (Green) Egghead?? I missed that bit of info. You going to the Eggs by the Bay Eggfest this weekend? I'll be there as a volunteer!

He is an Egg Master like yourself.  You should stop in for a listen while you're in town.  I'll be in Orlando I'll miss you and Mrs. Cal.  Don't forget to parboil!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #10 on: 19 Jun 2012, 10:09 pm »
Michael! You're a fellow (Green) Egghead?? I missed that bit of info. You going to the Eggs by the Bay Eggfest this weekend? I'll be there as a volunteer!

He is an Egg Master like yourself.  You should stop in for a listen while you're in town.  I'll be in Orlando I'll miss you and Mrs. Cal.  Don't forget to parboil!!!!!!!!!!
Parboil!!!???  :o :o :o

 :banghead: :sad:


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #11 on: 22 Jun 2012, 03:03 pm »
I went to bb kings here in Orlando.  I was hoping for some good ribs and pig sauce. The music was hot. The ribs were not. Have fun at the eggfest.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #12 on: 22 Jun 2012, 05:31 pm »
For the folks who haven't eaten BBQ from the egg.   :nono:

SoCal. I'll drop by the eggfest if you drop by the house. Don't know how we missed being eggaholics either.

We were BBQ'ing in Sequoia. See pic

Be very jealous  :lol:

The Joules have an addictive sound. Way open! Space, detail, and a bit of a hum. Might be able to fix the hum.

So I liken the difference between the Decware and the Joules as this.

stay tuned.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #13 on: 22 Jun 2012, 10:35 pm »
Would love to figure out how to fit in a listening session, but it would be tough. Just arrived at the eggfest host hotel and the gtg starts at 6. Fest starts at 6 tomorrow morning (for us) and last til about 5. Dead meat at that point. Heading out early Sunday morning for the 7 plus hour drive home....... busy weekend.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #14 on: 23 Jun 2012, 04:22 pm »
The Joules remind me of the Frankenstein movie. They're very large, imposing, hald ultra high end, half a bit unfinished monsters. They give off a great deal of heat as well. There's a large variac that send juice via 4 power cords 2ea to the monoblocks. The cords look to be very cheap, nothing like you would ever use (that is if you believe in power cords) in your system. The interconnects attach to the rca jacks, barely. I mean so loose they just as well fall out! 

You slowly crank the giant dial on top of the variac (just as you would when powering up Frankenstein once the kite is flying) slowly to not get too much voltage all at once to the tubes. It's abby-normal. You mean I put the brain....nevermind.

You need to wait some time before playing music. There's a tube that won't bias on the left monoblock. There's a bit of a hum/noise on the right side and a goodly hum on the left that is noticeable at the sitting position. I believe I can mitigate that with a fix of the left monoblock which might be a pot gone bad.

The music plays. You're immediately struck by its openness and immense soundstage. In fact, it is no longer a soundstage so much as you find yourself a part of the performance, or rather, the room is the performance. There is nothing in the way of the music. Transparent. It is nothing like I've ever heard from ANY system.

I was laughing so hard last night I was crying. It was so crazy good. After each song my 2 year old would say "wow". I sh$%t you not. It's so damning. These things should not sound this good. It brings the full measure of the V's into focus. Dac's be damned, power cords puh, home made interconnects that barely connect, ah, so what.

It's not perfect - what is. There's a bit of hardness at the upper treble. Interconnects and power cords should fix that, or a fix of the amps. There's the hum from the left channel.

These are some serious amps. I don't know if we're ready for these. They are big and dangerous for a 2 year old.

I'll post a follow-up on AG.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #15 on: 23 Jun 2012, 10:21 pm »
The change to the joules made a huge difference. I wanna testify. Big air and a huge sound field.  I think we were on the wrong number for the variac. I did some reading.  The reviewers were saying at 65 on the variac the amp performed at its best.  What was the owners manual saying. I am so lucky to hear those bad boys with the suPer v s. SoCal Michael is on your way home. Don't pass it up.


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Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #16 on: 23 Jun 2012, 11:07 pm »

Are you running the Joules through some type of power conditioner?

It may help with the hum.

Here's mine sitting unused..too hot for the summer. :)


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #17 on: 24 Jun 2012, 02:10 am »
The change to the joules made a huge difference. I wanna testify. Big air and a huge sound field.  I think we were on the wrong number for the variac. I did some reading.  The reviewers were saying at 65 on the variac the amp performed at its best.  What was the owners manual saying. I am so lucky to hear those bad boys with the suPer v s. SoCal Michael is on your way home. Don't pass it up.

Steve! These amps are amazing - and hot.

65 huh? Gotta give that a go but yikes. These amps are crazy good. Frickin kills every amp I've ever heard.

One side hums. The side where I cannot get a tube biased properly.

No word on SoCal  :( Was hoping to share.


Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #18 on: 24 Jun 2012, 02:14 am »

Are you running the Joules through some type of power conditioner?

It may help with the hum.

Here's mine sitting unused..too hot for the summer. :)


Yes, I'm going through the PPP. But honestly, one side is the culprit. The other is fine other than a "put your ear to the speaker and note sh%#$t is going on"

I cannot believe you have a pair of these.  :beer:  Are they a cult amp or something? Do you have the Music Box version? Did you perform any tweaking? Power cords, damping, caps, anything? Not that they need it but those power cords look silly.


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Re: Uh oh. Amp-off with the V's
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jun 2012, 04:59 am »

Yes, mine is Music Box.

We didn't perform any mods to them.
The sound is mesmerizing but a little noisy to my taste.
As you can see from the picture, I prefer Melody PM845 over the Joules so if you know anybody who wants to buy those VZN100, let me know.
