Classic Brochures - Wide Range Ribbon

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Classic Brochures - Wide Range Ribbon
« on: 22 May 2012, 02:04 am »
Here's another brochure of a classic VMPS speaker - Widerange Ribbon. I first heard these at Clark Johnsen's huge loft (store) by the waterfront in Boston. They were awesome and massive. It was quite an experience.


Re: Classic Brochures - Wide Range Ribbon
« Reply #1 on: 22 May 2012, 04:35 am »

 Someone should put together one of those giant coffee table compendiums, a history of the Audiophile, with all sorts of stuff like this and nice hi res shots of today's gear as well. I bet everyone here would buy one.
 Anyway, those look pretty cool! What year?


Re: Classic Brochures - Wide Range Ribbon
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2012, 01:09 pm »
Someone should put together one of those giant coffee table compendiums, a history of the Audiophile, with all sorts of stuff like this and nice hi res shots of today's gear as well. I bet everyone here would buy one.
 Anyway, those look pretty cool! What year?
I like your coffee table compendium idea.

As far as the year of these speakers...I believe they were made from the early to mid-80's. They're not listed in audiogon's Blue Book listing...but I remember they were listed in the hard copy Blue Book we had at the store I worked at. And I believe there were two editions...the original Widerange Ribbon and a version II later on. Brian can confirm.

A quick Google search found this comment about the speakers on audio asylum from ka7niq - is / was a regular contributor here. His experience echoes mine.

I added this because I see that the link takes you to the top of the thread...not the specific here's the comment I was referring to:

"The old VMPS Widerange Ribbons, at Brians Place, were one of the very BEST speakers I have ever heard, and I have been "spoiled" ever since hearing them. Big, wall to wall imaging, gut wrenching and pants fluttering bass, unforced speed and transparency, and would play so loud your ears would bleed. The old VMPS Widerange Ribbons, all 400 lbs of them, were truly a memorable experience."
« Last Edit: 24 May 2012, 02:32 pm by sharper »