virtue Sensation connector

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virtue Sensation connector
« on: 13 May 2012, 03:08 pm »

Awhile back Jason offered to custom build a power cord for the Sensation m901. Is this true? I was curious if anyone took advantage and what are the improvements as opposed to using the standard cord with switching power supply. Anyone know the cost?


I am a big Virtue fan


Re: virtue Sensation connector
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2012, 07:41 pm »

My JT Dynamic power supply was wired by Jason with a custom power cord that eliminated the adaptor normally used for a Sensation. However, the Red Wine Black Lightning battery supply I use needs the adaptor cord to use with a Sensation. Seth once mentioned there is no difference using the adaptor, and I believe it. The sound of the two supplies is exactly as described by numerous listeners- the battery quieter and more pure, also better focus, the big AC supply more bloomy, with bigger images, though a touch noisier (but never bothersome). I normally use the JT supply, it's just more convenient for me.



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Re: virtue Sensation connector
« Reply #2 on: 17 May 2012, 12:57 am »

My JT Dynamic power supply was wired by Jason with a custom power cord that eliminated the adaptor normally used for a Sensation. However, the Red Wine Black Lightning battery supply I use needs the adaptor cord to use with a Sensation. Seth once mentioned there is no difference using the adaptor, and I believe it. The sound of the two supplies is exactly as described by numerous listeners- the battery quieter and more pure, also better focus, the big AC supply more bloomy, with bigger images, though a touch noisier (but never bothersome). I normally use the JT supply, it's just more convenient for me.


James thanks for the reply. You answered the "why" before I even mentioned the difference using the battery vs regular supply. I did not know if it was a big deal with the power cord sound wise. Thanks for clearing that up.

Since I was able to remove the noise from the Sensation, I did not have a need for the battery so the bloom you described is very attractive element of the tube-like sound coming from the M901 that I enjoy. Glad you are hearing it too.

The low noise from the switching power supply and the volume pot when its reduced to even lower levels makes the Sensation an absolute bargain. I am thrilled with this sound.


Re: virtue Sensation connector
« Reply #3 on: 19 May 2012, 04:30 pm »
My audiophile friend who loves the sound of battery power, hinted to me the reason I like the AC power supply and its "bloom" was because of its subtle injection of noise into the system, making it more euphonic. This may be true, however on my system with short speakers- Shahinian Obelisks are only 27" tall, definitely below ear level- the JT power supply does the best job of reproducing image height (to ear level and above).

I'd bet also get a slightly quieter presentation if I positioned the power supply more than 2" from the Sensation  :oops: Maybe I'm getting too old to tweak, but I fuss way less since getting the Sensation than any other amp I've owned. It's just a joy to listen every time I turn it on.



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Re: virtue Sensation connector
« Reply #4 on: 21 May 2012, 02:27 am »
You are not old just a wise decision maker. The Shahinian speaker is a wonderful design along with the Sensation, good gracious I'll take the euphonic noise your friend mentioned any time. It rewards me with good musical enjoyment..understatement indeed. Your are on the right track on the Sensation noise. Work on isolating that power supply, lots to gain. And that is just a start.