Options ~3-3.5k / pr

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Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« on: 10 Apr 2012, 02:09 pm »
Okay, this is probably a bit premature since a decision is at least a couple months away, but neurotic over-analysis is what we do so I might as well get started.

After quite a while being focused on DIY speaker projects (mostly dsp multi-amped), getting our house ready to list forced me to liquidate a basement full of unused audio projects which (sadly for the most part) included selling my TT/vinyl and my Yorkville U15s (which I may well grow to regret). The upside is that coupled with some cash on hand, the proceeds have set me up for a very nice conventional 2-channel system that will be the 'main' TV/music system. We'll likely watch movies on this, but music is the priority.

 I've picked up a NAD M-51 to serve as the control center, and have a pair of Class-D-Audio SDS-224 amps. So, looking for speakers to complete the setup.  My basic criteria:
- ~3.5k upper limit, more comfortable below that if possible
- full-ish range; sub shouldn't be required (since this will be a 'main living space' system, sub may or may not be in the cards). I have a couple NHT1259s for sub duty if appropriate, though.
- tend towards the 'open/transparent' sound, rather than the 'rich/warm/lush' sound
- my cabinet building ability is on hold, so 'pure' DIY efforts aren't in play at the moment.
- compact-ish - no behemoths, and they should be attractive enough not to be an eyesore. (e.g. the 'pro audio' style aesthetic of the U15 is out)
- shying away from OB for the moment since I suspect they're unlikely to work with typical placement. 

I'm open to most options - commercial, direct, kit using prefab cabinets, or even potential used options although that gets dicey due to supply predictability. 

My early inclination is to get the Tempesta kit from Rick at Selah since I can easily do the baffles. Given the driver quality and the price point, this is a very attractive option.

The SongTower with the Raal upgrade is also in the discussion. I'm more intrigued by the Tempesta driver lineup, but given that they're turnkey with impeccable cabinet quality the Salks merit consideration.

Other AC favorites like the Abbey and Vapor Cirrus haven't been completely pulled off the table, but both push the budget to the limit and the Abbey really wants/needs subs so I'm uneasy about that aspect.  I know MikeG has Abbeys locally and I may see whether I can bribe him into another audition at some point if I seriously consider them.

JBL 6332 - a bit of a wild card, but having lived with the U15s and experienced what they did well, these are intriguing. Good enough to be used in the Harmon reference rooms but bringing some of the pro/high efficiency/high output world to the table. All the downsides of the Abbey and then some though - big, ugly, subs are a requirement, and it's unlikely I can audition them.

Commercially, the Vandy 2CE Sig generally seems to be the value leader in this range. I've never heard them, but the descriptions/ reviews make me think that it's far enough into the rich/lush sound that it won't be my cup of tea.  Other commercial options that seem to crop up are things like the PSB Synchrony Two or the Golden Ear offerings, but those seem to get more attention from the HT crowd so I'm unsure of how they stack up for a music focus. 

Timeframe is fluid at this point. We're aiming to list our house towards the end of the month which keeps me in limbo for a while, but the market in our area is surprisingly active at the moment and so things may happen quickly. Initially, I'm trying to winnow down options so that I've got a couple concrete ideas to serve as input/constraints to the process, although if it looks like the process may take a while I may actually consider moving on something that will work in our existing arrangement.

 So, let the ideas flow.


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #1 on: 10 Apr 2012, 06:46 pm »
Tempesta and Songtowers w/Raal are both excellent choices.  And if you are selling your house, they look more like fine furniture than a lot of typical speakers.


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #2 on: 10 Apr 2012, 06:58 pm »
If you want a speaker that is killer for the money, I'd have Ruben build a pair of N3 towers for you from GR Research


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #3 on: 11 Apr 2012, 09:27 am »
VMPS RM 30's, Odessey Lorelei's, and Vandy 3A SE (check "new" listings on Agon) should be on your list.

How big of room?  I'd hold off until you know the room for sure.

Keep in mind that center fill imaging will be vital for a 2-channel HT application.

Don't disregard the active studio monitor/powered sub route, using a pair of subs as speaker stands.  A pair of Epik Legends (currently $900/pair) would provide four 12 inch woofers that oppose each other (nice as stands), 600 watts, and a rather narrow "face" if you can accommodate side firing woofers.  (Unfortunately most professional subs in your price range cut out around 30 Hz.)


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #4 on: 11 Apr 2012, 06:01 pm »
Although at the budget limit, you might also consider the "Supercharged SongTower"


For something well under budget that may also fit the bill is this gem from Soundfield Audio;


I heard this speaker at CAF last year and was quite impressed with it's very open, natural, and definately full range sound (most visitors to the room were quite surprised to learn only the monitors were playing with no sub).  Don't let the low price fool you, it was one of the best sounding speakers I heard at the show that day.


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #5 on: 11 Apr 2012, 06:02 pm »
If you want a speaker that is killer for the money, I'd have Ruben build a pair of N3 towers for you from GR Research

I've not heard the N3, but I have heard the N2X (which I think would sound very similar) and liked it very much.


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #6 on: 12 Apr 2012, 12:20 am »
Some good feedback.

JLH - pro monitors are on my radar, but my post was already long enough as it is. the KH120 in particular is extremely interesting, as are the Adams. BTW - I was following your '$2K Active Speaker' thread - did you ever make a decision?

Waiting on a decision until we're in the new place is definitely the plan. However, I really want to have a pretty concrete idea of my top 1/2/3 options to serve as input into the process. I made a huge mistake almost 11 years ago when moving in here in that I just left it open thinking that I'd figure it out when I got here. Bad move, and for the most part I've struggled to get any kind of a decent setup going here at all.
  Rationally, I know that the best approach would be to wait until RMAF and go see as many of the 'contenders' as I can. That may require more patience than I can muster, though.
Saturn - First, yes I hadn't looked at the SCST until yesterday, but it's likely the Salk model I'll get if I go that direction. I've always liked the Excel sound, and with the Raal I imagine they're pretty special.

 Second, yes the Soundfield is another one on my radar, although I'd been thinking of it as a backup plan - if it turns out that we have enough space for a separate dedicated listening space, then the Soundfields would be a great choice for the main TV setup.


Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #7 on: 12 Apr 2012, 01:05 am »
If you want a speaker that is killer for the money, I'd have Ruben build a pair of N3 towers for you from GR Research

 After listening to these N1x's, I thoroughly second this. The N3 full tower must be like full orgasm in Ruben's fully fleshed out version.

 If my budget was $1600 and I wanted furniture grade audiophile level speakers I would have a tough time looking past these now.

 You should SERIOUSLY consider them.


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #8 on: 12 Apr 2012, 01:27 am »
RMAF is the way to go.  I'd suggest waiting - I have been for several years now and I'm amazed at how many hyped speakers just don't perform to my liking.  But then I read that someone else LOVED a setup that was meh for me.  It's worth it to wait and make a decision based on knowledge rather than supposition.  Just be glad you live in the great state of Colorado!


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Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #9 on: 12 Apr 2012, 01:41 am »
I've been very happy with the Tempestas that I recently purchased.  Haven't done a review yet, figured I'd wait a little while first.  But early impressions are very positive.

They are on one hand quite detailed and revealing, and on the other hand laid back in a way that doesn't draw attention to the speakers in any way -- they just disappear and get out of the way.  Sound stage is excellent, and there is absolutely zero fatigue.  I find myself just listening to music and not thinking about the gear, but if I want to listen critically and analytically, I find I can do that too.

They're really terrific.  I'm impressed.


Re: Options ~3-3.5k / pr
« Reply #10 on: 12 Apr 2012, 03:58 am »
Since a kit was one of the options:


MTM Designed by Joe D'Appolito. Comes with everything. Top class drivers. Beautiful cabinets. No soldering needed, just basic tools (screwdriver, etc) and an hour's time.