I just want to share my impression of a fully decked out Overdrive SE that arrived about 2 weeks ago.
It is phenomenal and a revelation about how good the humble redbook CD format could sound. I have been listening to non-audiophile pop rock CDs through a set-up consisting of the Reimyo CDP-777 as a transport connected to the Overdrive SE through the Synchro-Mesh. Honestly, I have not experienced sound that is so free of digital artifice since I reluctantly made the transition from vinyl to digital for the sake of convenience and access to a wider range of titles.
Over the years, I have had DACs from Audio Note, Zanden and Reimyo. The other DACs in my system now are the Metrum Hex and Playback Designs MPS-5 (used as a DAC for playing redbook CDs), and the Overdrive SE has overtaken them both in redbook CD playback. I am considering selling the Metrum Hex and may keep the Playback only for its excellent performance spinning SACDs.
Thanks Steve Nugent for fully justifying the leap of faith I took when I ordered the Overdrive SE.