Introducing Overdrive SE

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Re: Introducing Overdrive SE
« Reply #60 on: 16 Dec 2012, 12:27 am »
I am using one of the newer Intel power macs with amarra symphony latest version. For some reason I can not get the recommended version to work on any of my systems.

Is it an install problem?  The only thing you should need to do is run the reset configuration script in the "extras" folder of the new Amarra.  Then, you can install 4318/19 and run it.

Steve  N.

Ern Dog

Re: Introducing Overdrive SE
« Reply #61 on: 16 Dec 2012, 03:04 am »
I had problems running Amarra version 4319.  The only way I could get it running was to email Amarra and they were able to reset my account and then I was able to access it.


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Re: Introducing Overdrive SE
« Reply #62 on: 16 Dec 2012, 04:48 am »
Is it an install problem?  The only thing you should need to do is run the reset configuration script in the "extras" folder of the new Amarra.  Then, you can install 4318/19 and run it.

Steve  N.

That did the trick. Thank you very much. I had spent hours without being able to run 4318/19.


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Re: Introducing Overdrive SE
« Reply #63 on: 13 Mar 2013, 02:17 pm »
I just want to share my impression of a fully decked out Overdrive SE that arrived about 2 weeks ago.

It is phenomenal and a revelation about how good the humble redbook CD format could sound.  I have been listening to non-audiophile pop rock CDs through a set-up consisting of the Reimyo CDP-777 as a transport connected to the Overdrive SE through the Synchro-Mesh.  Honestly, I have not experienced sound that is so free of digital artifice since I reluctantly made the transition from vinyl to digital for the sake of convenience and access to a wider range of titles.

Over the years, I have had DACs from Audio Note, Zanden and Reimyo.  The other DACs in my system now are the Metrum Hex and Playback Designs MPS-5 (used as a DAC for playing redbook CDs), and the Overdrive SE has overtaken them both in redbook CD playback.  I am considering selling the Metrum Hex and may keep the Playback only for its excellent performance spinning SACDs.

Thanks Steve Nugent for fully justifying the leap of faith I took when I ordered the Overdrive SE.  :thumb: