Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm

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Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« on: 29 Mar 2012, 10:28 pm »
I recently ordered  a Turntable from a reputable high-end dealer that I wanted to be fitted with a WT Labs  Tone Arm. It's basically the same arm that's on the Amadeus. The dealer said he would not do it because he said that although it's a great sounding tone arm , it is very finicky  and difficult to keep set up well . His experience when he used to carry the WT Labs turntables was that his customers  who had them  required  lot of attention keeping the tone arms well adjusted . In other words, the tone arms  were "high maintenance". I think he was being  sincere and not saying this to  try to sell me something else ,because he was happy to install other tone arms that  I was considering that he did not carry in his store . So I am trying to get a sense what your experience has been the WT Labs tone arms in this regard .


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #1 on: 29 Mar 2012, 10:37 pm »
Are you referring to the new arm, that is also found on their Versalex? Just been released. No reports on it I have seen.

But in general, my impression is that the golf ball arms are less finicky than the old paddle in silicon.


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Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #2 on: 29 Mar 2012, 11:00 pm »
Yes, I believe it's the one on the Versalex.


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Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #3 on: 30 Mar 2012, 01:20 am »
Find a new dealer OP.

Well Tempered Arms are fiddly to setup but as low maintenance as you can get.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #4 on: 30 Mar 2012, 01:26 am »
Or perhaps refer your dealer to Mike Pranka at Dynavector USA. He could hopefully assist the dealer and compare the set up of the new arm to the old paddle design.

Alternatively, you could install the arm. I assume that as long as you have the correct arm board there won't be much to adjust. For example the headshell geometry is fixed on the WTA table, and I'd assume the new arm as well (but check on that...).


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Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #5 on: 30 Mar 2012, 05:17 pm »
It would be really helpful if Well-Tempered Labs would keep their website current, with photos and specifications of products.  I realize these things are just coming out, but it is hard to build any excitement when there is no information at all.  Particularly because Well Tempered is not as widely distributed as other brands (like VPI, for example).  They need to use the power of the internet to help themselves, and people who would like to know more.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #6 on: 30 Mar 2012, 05:25 pm »
True, that would be nice. But we can't always get what we want (to quote some rock and roll fella with big lips).

At least we have this circle that Mike Pranka is also contributing to. And if a dealer can't answer a question, Mike is most helpful.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #7 on: 30 Mar 2012, 08:43 pm »
So what table did the OP buy?
I would have just gotten a WTL table if you wanted the arm.
There's always that synergy thing that can't be beat.
Although JGH used the original way back when on something, anybody remember? And he constantly raved.

Maybe WTL could do better marketing, but at least it's not in the hands of Transparent anymore... You should all know what that means... We'd be paying out the nose..


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Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #8 on: 30 Mar 2012, 09:38 pm »
It is a viscous circle though.  Bad marketing leads to low sales, which leads to disasters and acquisitions.  One has to do enough to stay in business.  And I was just suggesting the bare minimum.  Some basic information and pictures. 


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #9 on: 30 Mar 2012, 09:52 pm »
Maybe.... Sometimes no marketing leads to niche market, like LFD, Croft.
Maybe they'll get it going.  Time will tell.


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Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #10 on: 30 Mar 2012, 11:08 pm »
I've wondered about the dearth of reviews - you'd think that they'd want to keep the products in the limelight.
I would like to see them bring the manufacturing back to the US and promote the hell out of it.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #11 on: 30 Mar 2012, 11:17 pm »
Well, I can tell you the answer to that, Steve. If they were made here we'd be paying twice or thrice the price.  Be careful what you wish for! Lol


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Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #12 on: 31 Mar 2012, 03:16 am »
Although JGH used the original way back when on something, anybody remember? And he constantly raved.

If memory serves JGH of Stereophile used a WTA on a Sota (?).

And there was a writer for Hi-Fi News who used a WTA on a Linn (Chrisptopher Breunig sp ?).

I've also seen them fitted to an Oracle Delphi and VPI HW19.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #13 on: 31 Mar 2012, 03:29 am »
Thanks Code! I think your memory is serving us well.
And I forgot about Chris.  I used to get HiFi news , and plus, til it got too expensive for me.
I still think for me it would be WT or something entirely different.
I did have an Aro once on a Pink Triangle.  Delightful.
But then when I went back to the WTL Ref I was happy. And now I've never been happier than with the Amadeus. 
OP, what table was it? Although I've no experience with the Versalex arm, so couldn't be of much help.  I'll repeat, though, that it's not gimmicky if you understand it. And once set up it stays that way.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #14 on: 3 Apr 2012, 04:25 pm »

Difficult to see the filament suspension from the image on this site. Machined cup, tonearm lift, nice. I could see myself constructing a different plinth using these parts.


Re: Well Tempered Labs Tone Arm
« Reply #15 on: 5 Apr 2012, 04:09 pm »
This is an interesting thread. I'd be curious to know the 'table, too.
As far as what your dealer is telling you, I'm not certain I agree; at least not in a majority sense. I mean, this isn't Linn.

I personally felt it was by far the simplest to set up compared to any other 'table I've owned. It took some tweaking to get it to snap into focus, but we're talking a matter of minutes here and there versus trial and error for hours. Raise/lower the ball in the silicone fluid; turn the steel cylinder left and right until the cartridge is as straight as can be reasonably expected for azimuth. Heck, you can even do it while the record's playing. I really can't see how much simpler it can get.

Now, installing this arm on another deck and using an armboard to fit...maybe this was your dealer's concern. However, with that being speculated upon, how would he know unless he's tried it several times and concluded consistently that it's a pain?

Anyway, I say go for it. It is an outstanding piece of engineering, and I imagine it would do a 'table extreme justice.