I am going to take the money from the sale of my SACD player and buy an Open Reel tape deck and some Master Tape copies, Why?

Been there, done that, huge waste of time and money.
For me having a decent system is about listening to music. If you want to drop $500 a pop for twenty, mostly lousy titles, that's great, but your chance of being highly disappointed is major. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I don't see having a music server/computer audio setup as being better, I just see it as a very convenient way to listen to music in a non critical environment.
All these little boutique labels are great, but they don't offer any music I'm the least bit interested in.
To each their own, but I can tell you now, you're going to be incredibly crabby the one time that your RTR deck burps (and it only happens once in a blue moon) and stretches your $500 tape project tape.
It all falls back to the big audiophile thing, where you start choosing albums solely on sonic merit rather than whether you like the music all that much. Again, if that's your thing, no big deal, but I found that path relatively uninteresting and almost stopped listening to music.
I truly hope that doesn't happen to you.