How much is too much - music/video pricing.

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How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« on: 29 Jan 2012, 03:08 am »
I was snooping around a local big box store this morning while looking to add a few new movies to our home library collection and was somewhat surprised to see some newly released Blu-ray movies approaching the mid $30 mark. When you must add $4.00 in taxes, you are very close to a total purchase price of $40. To put this more into perspective, this is almost 4 times the minimum wage here in Ontario. It seems very ironic that everything is rapidly increasing in price while most wages/salaries are losing ground due to pay cuts or inflation - talk about death by a thousand cuts. Almost everyone has seen videos of unruly mobs searching for "deals" on trinkets during Black Friday and I have often considered how these very individuals will react when they hit the financial wall. I would offer that it will not be a good day to belong to the 1% club, anyway, I digress... 

I have adopted the simple philosophy of leaving many of these overpriced items on the shelve and waiting six months to a year or so to purchase them once the price becomes more reasonable. For my music purchases, it is now mostly conducted exclusively online. The cost average is approximately $13 per CD compared with an average of $19 at our local "brick and mortar" stores. I normally place large orders every couple of months and my current order of 18 CDs will be here sometime next week. Used CDs are now approaching online prices of their new CD counterparts so these types of stores are becoming less appealing. I have not included my SACD purchases as it is difficult to locate my favourite music genre in this format.

I am very curious if other individuals share similar observations with respect to the pricing of these entertainment products. Do corporations know or even care that they are slowly pricing themselves out of existence? I cannot help but think back when my local satellite provider was going to increase my subscription cost by 30% with no additional channels - it is almost 2 years that we have being without satellite TV and do not miss it at all.

At the end of the day, I must keep a roof over our head, put food on the table, make sure the car has gasoline and pay taxes. Movie and music purchases kind of pales in comparison. 

Be well...   


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jan 2012, 03:24 am »
Agree completely.
I buy almost only use media material now. And i will wait for low prices on that also.
On Amazon, i can scour various items I am interested in, and only go for the lower priced ones. I can do without the high priced ones altogether.

Locally I follow the same pattern.
For example, one local used store had a 2LP 45rpm Jazz title for $40. (I was really interested in the music.. and may buy it just to hear a 45rpm remastered LP, having never done so before)
But instead I bought 10 LPs of interesting Jazz for about $35 total.
Being a sensible cheapskate at heart.

On thing that suddenly seems to be happening is the pricing online of used CDs has gone up. The deals are fewer. I am glad i have a large collection of Lps, Cds and DVDs to tide me over any market bumps!!!

I have completely skipped BluRay, as i have a LOT of DVDs I bought on sale or used. Perhaps when I finally go for a 60" screen, I might find I need a higher resolution format, and hopefully somethig better than BluRay is available by then. (to me BluRay is just not a big enough jump in quality to bother with the player updating nonsense)

Added: I use over the air HD broadcast only (HD content with spectacular quality) . I will not pay for inferior cable or dish. Why bother as Bruce Springsteen (paraphrased): 300 channels and nothin' on...
« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2012, 05:06 am by Elizabeth »


Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jan 2012, 03:39 am »
I buy only used CDs on Amazon, at an average price of around $8-$9. Since I listen to albums first many times on Spotify ($10 a month for premium, which gets me 320 kbps and the mobile app, totally worth it), I only buy the ones I really, really love to get that better SQ. 

Also, have to disagree Blu-ray not being a big jump in quality from DVD, Elizabeth. IME, Blu-ray is incredible, and far superior to DVD in every way.


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jan 2012, 03:49 am »
About 80% of my cds are purchased used on Amazon or Of the new cds, mostly purchased on Amazon but I do visit local record stores and will buy new from them, even at the higher prices.
As for video, I don't care to own any and don't care about the video quality. We watched streamed through Amazon, Hulu+ or Netflix. The wow of HD has worn off.


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jan 2012, 04:13 am »
For music do buy CDs, LPs and hi-rez files even if I think they are over priced.   For LPs and CDs I will shop around online if they are above $14.

For TV.... How cable TV compresses the picture, It's very difficult to justify it but for the unadvertised "local channel only plan" which cost about $5/month after a $10 broadband discount.     If it cost any more or if I had two TVs that need local channels I wouldn't even have that.  I've always been meaning to put that antenna in the attic for HD broadcasts and radio.

As for movies, I only buy a few blu-rays a year, I agree $30+ is a bit much for a DRM product that will eventually be replaced by online streaming.   I find the Apple TV/Netflix a perfect compromise, it's already a better quality sound and picture than your Cable Provider and you avoid advertisements.   I don't watch a lot of TV/Movies, so I spend about $20/month for TV/Movies on iTunes and another $10/month on Netflix.    So for the price of 1 blu-ray, i have a lot of options at 720p quality, clearly blu-ray has a better picture and audio, that's easy to tell, but unless it's an action movie, I rarely miss it.    I rather enjoy watching an entire TV season over a few weeks or lazy weekend without advertisements and most have been recommendations.    I consider my Oppo the last SACD, DVD and Bluray player I will ever own...



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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jan 2012, 01:23 pm »
Hi all,

I have a problem with Amazon in that they charge individual shipping per CD, DVD etc.
If you bought 5 CD's at $10.00 for a total of $50 and the shipping is $6-7.00 per disc, the cost of shipping will be $30.00 - 35.00 on top. I find this to be ruely on behalf of Amazon but, if what we are after is a very unique pressing then we will do what we need to do and purchase it anyway.

Most of online stores do not work like this with their shipping methods that i have used but, Amazon sure does.  :scratch:

Anyways, that is my rant for the day



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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jan 2012, 02:07 pm »
Hi all,

I have a problem with Amazon in that they charge individual shipping per CD, DVD etc.
If you bought 5 CD's at $10.00 for a total of $50 and the shipping is $6-7.00 per disc, the cost of shipping will be $30.00 - 35.00 on top. I find this to be ruely on behalf of Amazon but, if what we are after is a very unique pressing then we will do what we need to do and purchase it anyway.

Most of online stores do not work like this with their shipping methods that i have used but, Amazon sure does.  :scratch:

Anyways, that is my rant for the day


When I buy from Amazon I always use the free shipping option by purchasing more than $25 worth of product. Although they warn of excessive shipping time, I don't beleive it has ever taken more than 4 days for my order to arrive.


Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #7 on: 29 Jan 2012, 02:22 pm »
Good point Laundrew,

I seem to have eclectic taste in music (i.e. hard to find  :D ).

Much of what I buy is directly from the artist, which I prefer.  I'd rather they get most of the money.  Other than that, I use the various Internet sites.

To your point about the cost of living:
« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2012, 10:17 pm by JfTM »

Phil A

Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #8 on: 29 Jan 2012, 02:28 pm »
The difference in movie disc prices is that they generally have a bit of a break on first release, then they are higher priced for a bit and then they go down again.  For example, a Blu-Ray may be $29.99 and go on sale for $22.99 upon first release.  A year later it may be $14.99 and a year later it may be $9.99 or $7.99.  I don't buy as many new movies as I used to.


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #9 on: 29 Jan 2012, 03:08 pm »

For TV.... How cable TV compresses the picture, It's very difficult to justify it but for the unadvertised "local channel only plan" which cost about $5/month after a $10 broadband discount.     If it cost any more or if I had two TVs that need local channels I wouldn't even have that.  I've always been meaning to put that antenna in the attic for HD broadcasts and radio.

We were paying about $42 per month for basic and a few specialty channels such as Discovery and History. Our satellite provider informed us that the service price would increase by an additional $5. I called their customer service department to inquire as to why my service cost was going up by over 10%? The service rep accessed my account and then informed me that our cost would be going up an additional $13 because we had an older package and that they were phasing it out - we had been with them for close to 10 years.

I told her that an increase of $18 was disgusting because we were not receiving any extra value or service due to this price increase. The customer rep told me in not so many words that I could not do anything about this. I told her to cancel my subscription.

Without missing a beat, she tells me that I am a valued customer and offers to reduce my bill by $10 per month for one year :duh:

I informed her that I was not interested and then she told me that if I wanted to come back I would have to pay an "account reactivation fee" of $50. The shear arrogance of these corporations, they look down on us as simple, mindless sheep and they know they can basically do as they wish - for now, anyway.

Be well...


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #10 on: 29 Jan 2012, 03:42 pm »
  Laundrew it appears you have a issue with corporations or just plain old capitolism. One size does not fit all.  The prices are what they are. It is your choice to buy or not to buy.
   There are other reasons besides greed like corp. taxes, sales tax regulations, trade laws, energy cost, inflation, copyright protection and so on.
   For me the movies are a thing of the past. I refuse to pay th $14 to go see a movie. The only way to fight back is not to buy. Competition will correct the market. No sales equal lower prices.
   If you think about that you are companing about prices for a luxury of watching movies or listening to your highend system it just dosn't make sense. The teapot calling the kettle black. Hey a smart consumer is the best consumer. Personal choice.



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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jan 2012, 04:26 pm »
When I buy from Amazon I always use the free shipping option by purchasing more than $25 worth of product. Although they warn of excessive shipping time, I don't beleive it has ever taken more than 4 days for my order to arrive.

You are lucky that option works for you. Every time i would use it, it would say free shipping option not available for that product,
Aside from the shipping charges Amazon is very good although i prefer Theendrecords as the shipping is much more realistic just not as wide of a selection of music genres.



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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #12 on: 29 Jan 2012, 07:28 pm »
  Laundrew it appears you have a issue with corporations or just plain old capitolism. One size does not fit all.  The prices are what they are. It is your choice to buy or not to buy.
   There are other reasons besides greed like corp. taxes, sales tax regulations, trade laws, energy cost, inflation, copyright protection and so on.
   For me the movies are a thing of the past. I refuse to pay th $14 to go see a movie. The only way to fight back is not to buy. Competition will correct the market. No sales equal lower prices.
   If you think about that you are companing about prices for a luxury of watching movies or listening to your highend system it just dosn't make sense. The teapot calling the kettle black. Hey a smart consumer is the best consumer. Personal choice.


Greetings Charles  :D

A most interesting reply, perhaps we are all immersed in this quagmire of hypocrisy.

I most certainly do have issues with respect to what we now refer to as capitalism. I would offer that capitalism is certainly alive and well with respect to smaller companies and “mom and pop” businesses, but I do not believe that this philosophy applies to larger corporations. I am very concerned as to what I perceive as the slow “de-industrialization” of North America.  Manufacturing is moving offshore at an alarming rate and with it, good paying jobs. Eventually, will we only have low paying jobs? Will we have to work a couple of jobs to simply make ends meet?

At one time, I remember hearing our governments commenting on human rights abuses from abroad, it is now very difficult to criticize these entities that now own our collective “pink slips.”  On the news last evening, the IMF was recommending that the United States contribute an additional one-half-trillion dollars to this monetary fund – it is truly insane. Long ago, I watched an interview with Margret Thatcher, she was mentioning that they were very concerned when discussing deficits in the billions of dollars and now nobody seems to blink an eye when we are exceeding trillion dollar deficits.   

Competition? I really do not see it with respect to Canadian telecommunication giants, automobile manufacturers or our financial systems. For example, one must only look towards bailouts that GM and Chrysler received, in our so-called capitalistic society, should they not of been allowed to “fold” because they were no longer competitive? Was this fair to corporations such as Ford, Toyota or Honda? Canadian banks are intoxicated with profits; TD posted a 4th quarter profit of $1.57B – up almost 60% from last year and CIBC made $3.1B during 2011 – an increase of $600M from the previous year. I would offer that this is another black mark on my soul, as we do own bank stocks, but seriously, where is this all going to end and can we not see the collective writing on the wall?

Are Canadians any better off than their American counterparts with respect to debt loads? I do not believe that we are. I see many of my peers assuming very high debt loads at a time when they are getting close to retirement. One individual just purchased a new, larger home and will now have a mortgage into his seventies – at today’s interest rates. To each their own. I am also very concerned for our seniors; many of these individuals have worked very hard over their life and are extremely vulnerable to cost of living increases while living on fixed incomes. We have been giving a little more to the Salvation Army over the last few years because we see this charity out in the streets helping people in need - no one in North America should go hungry. Our Canadian household average debt load is about 153% to disposable income and our net worth declined by 2.1%. I remember arguing with my bank representative about a ridiculous line of credit that they wanted to give me.  I asked her why I would need this amount and she said that I may want to purchase a cottage and it was almost “free” money because of low interest rates.  :duh:

Yes, you are certainly most correct about the value of my present audio system and I would agree, somewhat “grudgingly” with your observations with respect to the analogy of the kettle – by the way, we use a KEURIG.

 I enjoy the performance level of my audio equipment and I considered it an added bonus to support a company that is located only a few hours away. My JBLs were manufactured in the United States, but I now understand that they have moved their production to Mexico – I guess that they wanted higher profits from their speaker production and am curious as to how many individuals lost their jobs.  Interestingly enough, we have decided to place Lady Laundrew’s B100 audio system purchase on hold for the next 12 to 18 months to see what happens with the economy. We consider consumer electronics such as audio equipment, TVs and computers as simply “toys” and will not finance these types of purchases.

Thank you for your comments Charles and I certainly agree with and respect many of your astute observations.  It is most excellent that we can freely exchange our views as to what may be “near and dear” to us. Perhaps I have an over-simplified or naive outlook on life, but I am very concerned that an economic storm is on the horizon. It is my sincere wish that I am wrong.


Be well…   


Stu Pitt

Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #13 on: 29 Jan 2012, 09:41 pm »
The reason we're in this current economic state is extremely mutli-faceted.  Government certainly has their faults, but companies and individuals do as well.

Good for you for not taking that line of credit.  You knew what you needed and I'm assuming you knew what you could afford.  I understand some people taking out a line of credit in case of an emergency, but people have forgotten that side of it.  About 3 years ago I was looking for a new (to me) car.  If I'm financing a car, I'll only buy something that's 3 years old or so; let someone else take that initial hit.  I was comfortable financing around $17k.  I could afford a few grand more, but didn't really want to.  When I filled out a credit application at the dealership, the salesman told me I have tier 1 credit and can and should spend more.  My response - it doesn't matter what your credit company says I can afford, I know what I can and more importantly can't afford to pay back.  Same with when we were looking to buy a home.

People stopped listening to themselves and started listening to financiers.  People took out mortgages they knew damn well they couldn't afford for very long.  I'm not talking about people who were doing very well and lost their jobs, I'm talking about a ton of people in my neck of the woods who believed a salesman rather than their own common sense.

That extends beyond mortgages and cars.  People seem to buy what they can't afford.  It's been that way for a while, but I think it's skyrocketed as of late.  Look at all these kids with $300 Beats headphones, iPhones, $200 Jordan sneakers, and on and on.  Their we're always a few of those kids when I was growing up, but now even the kids who's parents are on welfare have this stuff.

I'm starting to sound like an old man here.  I'm 35, so please font take my rant as a 'these damn kids' speach.  While the parents are buying this stuff for their kids, they're doing the same on themselves - clothes and accessories, vacations, etc.

Yeah, I own a stereo that's probably 10x what the average person paid (one of the cheapest here btw).  But that's my only excess.


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #14 on: 30 Jan 2012, 12:34 am »
Greetings Stu :D

I always look forward to reading your posts and comments.

It is interesting that you mentioned about your previous experiences with respect to car financing as the Laundrew household will be visiting this very subject in a handful of months or so. My Corolla is slowly starting to feel its age and the plan is to get a newer vehicle for Lady Laundrew and I will *gasp,* use her PT Cruiser as my daily driver - oh the horror.

Somewhere, someone is having a very good laugh at me  :thumb:

When I retire the Corolla, I will have close to 440,000 Kilometres on it - give or take. It does not make a lot of sense to get rid of her car that only has 1/3 the Kilometres of my car and is 5 years newer. On the brighter side, the Cruiser does not have any blown speakers so I will not have to live with a buzzing speaker during my daily commute. I plan on keeping the PT Cruiser for a couple of years and then purchase another Corolla for myself.

A couple of years ago, I started a CSB payroll deduction plan to help ease the pain when it came time to replace a vehicle and also keep me somewhat "grounded" as it is mostly your money that you are spending and not the banks. It can be very easy to go overboard and spend a lot on a car because you only see the monthly payment albeit that it lasts for many years.

Be well...


Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #15 on: 30 Jan 2012, 01:21 am »
Speaking about cars just reminds me few stories and the best one was when the sales man asked me,How often I change vehicle when the present deal was not done yet.I answered him,this is it.This is the last one and I am going to walk after this.I was not even sure that I am buying the one I like or no but he already wants to sell me an another vehicle.
For me the car is good to take me from point A to B and I won't buy another one till this one die.
IF I have extra money I would like to travel instead of car payment. :thumb:


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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #16 on: 31 Jan 2012, 03:03 pm »
I recently spent $50.00 on a Pure Audiophile 180g LP entitled "Soular Energy" by The Ray Brown Trio.  Part way through the first of four sides of the double LP I completely forgot about the price.  Guess that makes me a bad guy for propping up an evil corporation.  :scratch:


Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #17 on: 31 Jan 2012, 04:47 pm »
I recently spent $50.00 on a Pure Audiophile 180g LP entitled "Soular Energy" by The Ray Brown Trio.  Part way through the first of four sides of the double LP I completely forgot about the price.  Guess that makes me a bad guy for propping up an evil corporation.  :scratch:

If any LP/CD can do that, Ray Brown and "Soular Energy" can.  It has some great renditions of classic songs.



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Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #18 on: 31 Jan 2012, 05:06 pm »
Guess that makes me a bad guy for propping up an evil corporation.  :scratch:

Looks like you are on the downward spiral Bill...

 :wink: :D

Be well...

Phil A

Re: How much is too much - music/video pricing.
« Reply #19 on: 31 Jan 2012, 05:07 pm »
I'm starting to sound like an old man here.  I'm 35, so please font take my rant as a 'these damn kids' speach.  .

Please don't take my job - I'm excellent at being a grumpy old guy   :green:- I'll be 60 in 2 weeks