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« on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:43 pm »
Anyone else noticing that the prices of records have skyrocketed since hipsters have decided to accessorize with LPs?

My DJ friends are telling me hipsters will buy anything, any condition. Fat scratches? No worries. Can barely hear the music because of surface noise? I'll take it. Must be more into the cover art than the records themselves.

Problem is, used records stores are getting the message that all of us need to pay more in the SF Bay Area. True anywhere else?


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jan 2012, 02:54 pm »
It's so true,even Flea market ,they're start to ask for $3.00 and up for record,Craigslist is same thing,They're ask way too much for them.



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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jan 2012, 03:06 pm »
Vinyl is definitely coming back, and it's driving up the prices. Both of the record stores near me have a dollar section (not usually where I'll find something I want), and all the other used LPs are $5-$10. I sometimes buy a new copy of an old album online because it's only $5 more than the used copy.


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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jan 2012, 03:27 pm »
Hipsters?  Really?  What are they?
Are they like zombies? 

Sorry to be so sarcastic, but really.  Don't think that's the problem.  In fact I'd argue that a lot of independent labels that release "hipster" music, have supported the pressing of vinyl in a massive way.  They have supported vinyl in ways that many didn't.  Many of these labels never stopped pressing vinyl, when the music industry as a whole all but stopped pressing it, and a lot of the reissues we are seeing now are as a result of these labels keeping a flame alive.

Sure you could argue, that a lot of this vinyl hasn't been played on hi end equipment or that there a large number of folks who have no clue (give them a minute to discover that), but I for one am glad that there has been a resurgence and renewed interest.  It may come at a cost for now, but I don't think it's because of "the hipsters." 

It sounds absurd to me to be honest.  Like an old man screaming at the kids to get off his lawn.


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jan 2012, 03:41 pm »
Let me clarify then: I'm a *poor* old man screaming at kids to get off his lawn. Except I'm more thrifty than poor and I'm not old.

And this ain't really about the music industry supporting vinyl - I try not to buy new unless I'm forced to. This is about used record prices going up. Have you talked to record retail staff lately? No, not the owners, but the workers. I get my perspective from them, because I have noticed a trend and am asking why this is happening.

The other day I'm in Goodwill, and some hipsters are buying a Sinatra album that has two completely torn jacket edges, and the record condition was abysmal. I said to them, that's gonna sound like crap, and one answered yeah, but it'll be cool to bring it to a party.

Not trying to tell anyone what to do with their money, but I'd think spending it on a new color-coordinated wheelset for their fixie will literally get more mileage. Or tassels for their grips for more flair.


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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jan 2012, 04:19 pm »
Ok.  That was a pretty funny post.

My whole point about the industry, and pressings, etc. is that these people would not be spinning vinyl if not for that.  They would not have turntables, most of them....but I get it how that is a bit removed from what your original point is.

If one of these folks came to my house for a party and tried to slap that on my player, I'd not be cool with it. 

I do buy new AND used vinyl, and I buy a lot of new releases, so I am really glad it is is being pressed.  It sucks that it cost so much, but I was one of those idiots that sold my records and turntable years ago and then got heavily back into it. 

I've never owned record store, but I have worked in several and I am in touch with a lot of folks who still do.  I still don't think this Sinatra/Goodwill example is the problem.  A lot of the "hipsters" I've seen buying are still concerned about torn jackets, inner sleeves and general condition.  Prices are going up because more people, hip or no, are buying.  The kids on the lawn are not the problem, but I understand your frustration. 

But I'm glad people are still getting into vinyl. 

I envy the fact that you can go vinyl hunting on a regular basis.  Me?  I live no where near a vinyl shop, garage sale or goodwill. 

Sorry the kids are stomping all over your flowers. 


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #6 on: 13 Jan 2012, 04:34 pm »
OK E4T. I think we've established that hipsters are not a problem in your neck of the woods.

I'm glad that you have the high-minded and rational type rather than the trend-chasing, chain-smoking, trust fund having, mindless consumer variety that we have here in SF. Or maybe they've all left your towns and come here to ruin our bars, bicycling, restaurants and neighborhoods with their pricey pretention.


I remember when organic restaurants used to be cheap two years ago... now it's all about bone marrow and Belgian ales for the nerdy masses...

Half joking but here's your chance to bash on hipsters, cuz you know they bug the hell out of you!


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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jan 2012, 04:45 pm »
Hahaha ok, ok.

Agree to......

They really do sound like a bunch of f'n zombies from that post.

The fact is that there are zero hipsters where I am, and the people here don't even know what a hipster is.  I am currently living in East Africa in Rwanda and I have hauled and shipped an obscene amount of music and equipment here over the last four years.  I get to go record shopping in a store about once a year, and buy online the rest......

I'd kill for an Amoeba Records here....although you would likely need hipster repellent there.  I'd really kill for one of those Belgian beers!  I live in a Belgian Colony, but their is none to be found.

All the best!


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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jan 2012, 04:57 pm »
Supply and demand. This is actually a good thing. At least they are pressing records. If it wasn't for the vinyl resurgence and demand it might be a lot worse. Most of the used record stores might be selling ipods or cell phones instead. Same for equipment. Look at the tables and carts they are still making. Would it be better if all this stuff were unavailable?

I hear your pain though. A few years ago we were paying '80s prices for used records and tables etc. Now we get a reality check every time we venture out to a thrift store or look for a used classic table. Maybe you should go through your collection and turn some of the dead wood you never listen to, into cash. Or, grin and bear it. Things could always be worse.


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #9 on: 13 Jan 2012, 05:03 pm »
Sorry Eric, I knew from your original post that you must not have to deal with hipsters the same way we in big metropolitan cities have to, otherwise you'd have stronger feelings about them. Lucky you, ignorance is indeed bliss!  :green: 
If only hipsters were poor, peace-loving hippies that could bring prices back down to reality. One can always dream.
Have never been to Rwanda, sounds like an interesting gig!

@Neobop - true enough. I'll get off my soapbox.
But if anyone else feels like hipster-bashing, here's your chance!!!


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #10 on: 13 Jan 2012, 05:21 pm »
Not sure if I'm considered a "hipster" or not........... 

After not hearing a turntable for probably 25 years, I was reintroduced to vinyl via a listening session while visiting a good friend.  To say I was surprised at how good it sounded was an understatement.  Since then, I have recently purchased a turntable of my own and now am out there hitting the local shops for good sounding used vinyl as well as purchasing new pressings.  Yep, it can be expensive at times and my wife thinks I'm off my rocker for buying vinyl, but I'm enjoying myself and isn't that what is important?


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #11 on: 13 Jan 2012, 05:35 pm »
Anyone else noticing that the prices of records have skyrocketed since hipsters have decided to accessorize with LPs?

My DJ friends are telling me hipsters will buy anything, any condition. Fat scratches? No worries. Can barely hear the music because of surface noise? I'll take it. Must be more into the cover art than the records themselves.

Problem is, used records stores are getting the message that all of us need to pay more in the SF Bay Area. True anywhere else?

Absolutely due to hipsters. Just read any of Stephen Mejias Entry Level articles in Stereophile - that's what you're dealing with.Trying to find a cheap used tt down here in LA is almost impossible now. Salvation Army and Goodwill is like going to Macy's I kid you not.


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #12 on: 13 Jan 2012, 06:19 pm »
Not sure if I'm considered a "hipster" or not........... 

After not hearing a turntable for probably 25 years, I was reintroduced to vinyl via a listening session while visiting a good friend.  To say I was surprised at how good it sounded was an understatement.  Since then, I have recently purchased a turntable of my own and now am out there hitting the local shops for good sounding used vinyl as well as purchasing new pressings.  Yep, it can be expensive at times and my wife thinks I'm off my rocker for buying vinyl, but I'm enjoying myself and isn't that what is important?

1. Are your pants too tight, or are they actually women's capri pants? If you answered "no", then you're not a hipster.
2. Is working optional for you? If you need to work, you're not a hipster.
3. Do you wear glasses, but don't actually need to? No? You're not a hipster.
4. Are you male, but women's sweaters and espadrilles are not found in your wardrobe along with your flannel shirts and boots? Sorry, you're not a hipster.
5. No beard? Try harder, you're failing at being a hipster.


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #13 on: 13 Jan 2012, 06:23 pm »
1. Are your pants too tight, or are they actually women's capri pants? If you answered "no", then you're not a hipster.
2. Is working optional for you? If you need to work, you're not a hipster.
3. Do you wear glasses, but don't actually need to? No? You're not a hipster.
4. Are you male, but women's sweaters and espadrilles are not found in your wardrobe along with your flannel shirts and boots? Sorry, you're not a hipster.
5. No beard? Try harder, you're failing at being a hipster.

i.e metrosexual hippie

I was at a phish show recently for the first time in years and they were everywhere. The freaky part is how *well groomed* they are. They may have crazy beards but they are neatly trimmed. The clothes are fashionable vintage not actual ragstock anymore. I kept waiting for the patchouli and/or body odor waves to hit me but it never happened (!). Purely counterculture as aesthetic.


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #14 on: 13 Jan 2012, 06:26 pm »
i.e metrosexual hippie
with a mysterious income source


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #15 on: 13 Jan 2012, 06:28 pm »
with a mysterious income source



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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #16 on: 13 Jan 2012, 06:48 pm »


Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #17 on: 13 Jan 2012, 07:06 pm »

aaarrrrggghhhh!!! those are the guys stepping all over my pretty flowers!!!


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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #18 on: 14 Jan 2012, 05:11 am »


yup, those are the folks that I'm wrestling with in Hog Wild records clutching a 12 inch asking each other "what's the difference between the Small Faces and just the plain old Faces???"  :duh:


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Re: Hipsters...
« Reply #19 on: 14 Jan 2012, 08:37 am »
yup, those are the folks that I'm wrestling with in Hog Wild records clutching a 12 inch asking each other "what's the difference between the Small Faces and just the plain old Faces???"  :duh:

Ok...but come on, if some kids are interested in learning that, hip or no...I'm all for it.  They sure as hell weren't born knowing it.

A lot of this is funny.  Really.

I absolutely have had my share of annoyances with "hipsters."  Working and playing in the music industry for ages and working in specialty coffee...now talk about hipsters. If you don't already know, the amount of overlap b/w the coffee world and music "hipster" scene is nuts.

I know the annoyances is what I'm saying.  I've spent a lot of time living and visiting big cities in the US.  I could make some joke like....why do you think I moved to the middle of Africa?!!

A lot of these "kids" annoy me as much as anyone here, but.....

I stand by my original posts.  I don't think all of this is a "hipster" problem, it's just easy to place blame on annoying as f&*^ kids who are wearing pants 5 sizes too small, with their guts hanging out, and spottily grown beards.

Despite the rising prices, I'm glad that I have more access to vinyl (new and used) than I did ten years ago.