Oh no problem! I wonder why B&W discontinued them. That's cool, but is the bass good? No need for a subwoofer?
Yeah, I don't care for bookshelf speakers. For the reason that you cited and more.
Hmm...yeah, that sounds tough. Can you compare the 2 side by side?
I think the reason for them being distcontinued was poor sales, at least that's what the speculation was at the time the new generation Diamond products launched, along with the 801 B&W also stopped producing the HTM1, SMS and D8S (I think that's what the model was).
Not to use a subwoofer, that falls into one of those personal preference categories. I look at it like the whole why use a center channel speaker debate that pops up every now and again when you can set the system to phantom image the center channel data between the mains. I tried that once and although it does work quite well it's not perfect and there are errors and my ears and bain immediately told me somethings not right. My take on the subwoofer thing is, and this is my opinion of course
there are very few loud speakers made that can accurately produce the very bottom of the frequency spectrum like a dedicated subwoofer can so in most cases you can always benefit from having a subwoofer. Now, use of the speakers also comes into play, if you are only going to be using the 801D's for stereo music I would say you should be fine without a sub because I would think it's safe to say most most music doesn't go down much below the frequency range of the 801D's. There are many people who don't use subs with the 801's, 800's and even 802's in stereo setups. If you intend to use the speakers in a multichannel home theater environment then I would definitely be using a sub. I would never want the LFE signal mixed with the mains. The LFE signal can often dip well into the teens and in some cases below that and if you really want to feel the impact of that then that's when you need the sub.
Presently I can't compare the 804 or 803 Diamonds to my 802's because my dealer just has a pair of 804S speakers. If he ever gets a pair of 804 Diamonds in and puts them on demo, or a pair of 803 Diamonds I know he would have no problem with me taking them home for a week to try out.
It's now looking like I may have some 805 Diamonds in my future after all. I see Lexicon has announed their next SSP, the MP20, which will be a 12.4 channel processor with speakers 8-12 being 5 heights so that would be a good use of the 805 Diamonds