Isn't the OB presentation fake?

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Quiet Earth

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Re: Isn't the OB presentation fake?
« Reply #180 on: 13 May 2012, 05:44 am »
Hey Jim,

Yes, I still have the Met 7s. My daughter is using them now.

No, I don't live in Britain. I'm in the USA.

Don't worry about what I was getting at. I was mostly eluding to the comparison by contrast method rather than wanting everything to perform as well as an ultimate reference - but it's just talk. Only another point of view. Check out the road to audio hell article if you have time to kill. Kind of long and wordy, but it makes an interesting point worth considering.

Doesn't stop you from being human though.  :D

I do wonder when someone says the majority, or a large amount of their record collection is merely tolerable. Something is not right there. I would take a break and try again later. But that's just me.

Happy Mother's Day gentleman !  ( if you are in north America and a few other places )


Re: Isn't the OB presentation fake?
« Reply #181 on: 13 May 2012, 05:53 am »
Cool beans.


Re: Isn't the OB presentation fake?
« Reply #182 on: 13 May 2012, 10:16 pm »
The tendency to compare everything to a reference as I described earlier. But don't sweat it, it was just a thought. Maybe you are just more picky about recording quality like you said earlier. Or I am less picky.

Nice job on your speakers btw!  :thumb:

Thank you.  I am picky, but I MAKE the recordings, so I should be....  Too many guys are not picky enough or as I mentioned, do not know how good they are doing compared to the best.  That's all I was getting at. 

It's kind of like if you've only ever driven a 1990 Chevy Cavalier and then someone sits you down in a brand new Honda Civic, you might think you've reached the pinnacle of automotive engineering.  Rightfully so, you should be impressed.  Damn fine car, BUT that new Audi A6 or a Porache 911 is still another leap forward.  Some people never get past the Civic level of quality.  IF we put Civic into our system, we get Civic out, no matter if its a Bentley playing the recording.  Many modern recordings are more like a Yugo IMHO.   :lol:



Re: Isn't the OB presentation fake?
« Reply #183 on: 14 May 2012, 10:56 am »
What is it about OB's that you prefer?

Hi Jim

To be clear, I don't universally prefer OBs. There are good and bad examples of all kinds of speakers, and they all have design or acoustic "issues" that need to be addressed to get best results, albeit in different ways. And speakers are also used in many different rooms and with many different goals. My next project is a box speaker, for example... although not really conventional...

However, since you ask, one thing I do really like about OBs is that are easy to build, fun to play with, and very educational as well - you learn a great deal about how speakers interact acoustically with a room by building and measuring an OB (well, I did anyway). All other things being equal, I've found that OBs interact better with the acoustics of the room, if they have enough space. That's a big if. It seems a lot easier to keep the bloat down in the bass, which is something I really hate although some people seem to like it. Measurably, I find it easier to get good results with OB subs than with sealed subs. And as a classical listener, I find that it's easier to get closer to what I consider to be realistic reproduction - but it has taken some time and there's a way to go still. If I had put as much effort into a box speaker would it have worked as well? Who knows - I suspect not, for theoretical reasons, but a) you never know until you try and b) there's only so many hours in a day ;)

Keep well



Re: Isn't the OB presentation fake?
« Reply #184 on: 14 May 2012, 05:19 pm »
Thank you, big daddy.