What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .

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What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #20 on: 10 Jan 2003, 04:27 am »
What DAC are you using?

I expected like a nice change from a better transport, but this thing transported me to another level!  It just digs so deep, and . . it's hard to explain.  I would not have believed what I am saying had I not heard it.  

I feel like I finally have a world class digital front-end.  Now, all I need is a fatty digital cable.  How good is the D-60 from Kimber?


I use an MSB Gold Link III with Power Base (outboard supply).  I had the DAC before the Sony transport and used with my Rotel RCD-965BX and it sounded sweet at 96 and 132K oversampling.  I auditioned a bunch of digital cables for that set-up and the Kimber D-60 was best among the combatants (Harmonic Tech 2 diff models, Monster Cable 1000 - dealer, AudioWaves, was real good about it).  I bought an LAT International DI-20 later (I have LAT's all around and I wanted to try it) and it beat the D-60.  It's all my opinion of course and I sound like a broken record about LAT, but they are really 'alive' cables, warm and defined, too.  A lot for the money.  I've heard you should buy no less than 1 meter with the D-60 (all digital cables?) and mine was only .5 in fairness.  Anyhow, I sold it a few months ago - sorry.

Anyhow the Sony I bought had a factory installed 192K output that uses a special balanced MSB-only connector (I think they use Cardas, anyhow it's pretty cheap when bought from them), so I haven't had anything but that cable on this rig and the MSB.  May try the LAT one day at 132K oversampling and see - for the heck of it.

MSB guys aren't cable folks...their feeling is the better the gear, the less important the cable.  I'm not so sure I agree, but it does seem to be less important (digital cable) with 192K output than before at 96 and 132K.

Anywayz, you're doing great for not a whole lotta' scratch!  Enjoy the new rig - it's a nice beastie.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #21 on: 10 Jan 2003, 04:43 am »
Yo C:

I have the Tube Dac from Scott Nixon.  It's absolutely astounding, and it took the Sony to unlock it!  I mean, it was way, way better than anything I had heard, but when I got the Sony, it was a completely different level.
This DAC is no oversampling, no digital filter, not even an analog stage to invert the phase!  A simple resistor handles the I/V.  There is a tubed version, and a non-tubed.  I heard both, and I like the tubed better, although both floored me!  

It's amazing now!  It's like all my CD's are NEW!

Thx for the recommendation. .  Never heard of LAT?  Or have I?



What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #22 on: 10 Jan 2003, 11:16 pm »
LATInternational.com  I have no connection to Lou (owner) whatsoever - just buy his stuff.  I own 6 power cords, 2 IC's, his digital IC, and speaker cable.  Don't know if they are the best, but they are very, very good and not hideously expensive.  Lou ain't no talker, but the stuff is real good.

Recent 30% increase makes them less of a steal, but good nonetheless.  You almost never come upon them on Audiogon or anywhere else because most people are done after hearing them.  They've been around for over 10 years and have a nice, very informative website about cable facts and myths.

I have little urge to change them out - they are thrillingly open, dynamic, alive, warm , yet detailed on a bunch of different components over the years.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #23 on: 30 Jan 2003, 03:37 am »
Just got a Sony DVP-S7700 modded by Dan Wright (Modwright) as a transport.

These are his level II transport mods and a bybee on the digital output.

The player was modded in December and I just bought it off of Agon.

I used it as a CD player in my office system this afternoon and it sounded very good.

Tonight in my ref system it just sounds incredible with the smART DI/O.
I heard it might not play CDR's, but I had no trouble with the only one I tried.

It doesn't always sync with the DIO when I put in a new CD, but it does more than half the time.

It really helps to seperate instruments and the backround is very black and quiet.  my system has a very relaxed and for lack of better words, analog sound now.

I must also say that a recent addition of some acoustic foam bought from Danny Richie (GR Research) really helped my room too.

So I now have a Bybee in the transport, and the power supply of the DIO.

Right now I'm very happy with this modded transport and DIO.  I will get the Mensa upgrade though and some new cables.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #24 on: 30 Jan 2003, 05:46 am »
Robert - What SP/DIF cable are you using with the new transport?


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #25 on: 30 Jan 2003, 01:09 pm »
Quote from: audioengr
Robert - What SP/DIF cable are you using with the new transport?
I use a bolder digital with bullet connectors.  It was cryo'd by Ray Kimber.

I should have mentioned that once you unplug the power cable from the DIO and plug it back in, it sync's immeadiately (no on/off switch on the DIO).

Steve, I just looked at your system and see no external DAC used.  Do you use the DAC's in your Proceed or Levinson?


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #26 on: 30 Jan 2003, 04:09 pm »
Nice move Marbles!  The S7700 is such a friggin' tank, ain't it?  Reasonable pricing used too, these days.

About the only thing you can muster up negative about it is that it has that slow drawer DVD-syndrome.  Besides this, it's a moose and sounds good.

It's decent enough that I don't have an itch to get into the HiRes SACD / DVD-A wars...just yet.  But it does make me truly realize the limitations of the Vandersteen 1C's.  One of these days, I'll put your old MultiAmps to use actively on a great speaker...


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #27 on: 30 Jan 2003, 04:24 pm »
Haven't really noticed the slow drawer, but what I did notice was when fast forwarding, pausing etc..it is very fast.

I am VERY happy with the sound of my system right now.

It sort of reminded me of when I got my CD-1 and the whole system just sort of came together.

I've been using a cheap transport now for a few months and to get back to a good one is really a delight.

This is what Dan Wright said about it..."It is a great unit with and without the mods.  The mods REALLY make it a fantastic transport. The power supply upgrades, digital out signal path upgrades and Bybee filters ALL serve to lower jitter levels which improve Bass response, resolution and  detail."

Don't know about that, but my soundstage is much deeper, and instruments have much more air around them.  In addition blacks are blacker and there is little or no edge on to the music unless called for by the music.

I will try it as a DVDP and a CDP this weekend.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #28 on: 30 Jan 2003, 09:30 pm »
Robert - I use the DAC's in the Proceed AVP right now.  They are only 16 or 18-bit, but they are the spectacular Levinson 36 DAC's and they are amazing.  I would like to upgrade to the ML360S.  They say this is the best for the money and I believe them.  I will probably end-up getting a 777 instead, so I can have something flexible to use at CES and other shows that will play all CD-R's too.  The new CDP/preamp from ML is really nice too, but it does not play SACD.  Eliminates the SP/DIF cable.

I make an SP/DIF cable, but the Bolder is a good one.  I compared similar designs to Audioquest and Monster cables in the $200 price range and it was just as good or better.  My SP/DIF cable will take you to the next level, but it is really labor-intensive to build (silver) and much more expensive as a result.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #29 on: 30 Jan 2003, 09:34 pm »
Regarding the slow drawer - If this bothers you, you will not believe how long it takes for the DVP-S9000ES to figure-out what kind of disk you just inserted.  15-20 seconds!  I used one of these at CES and it was really irritating.  I will take the 7700 anytime.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #30 on: 30 Jan 2003, 09:55 pm »
FWIW, I have a Sony XA777...think the XA777 is better than the orig 777...the XA777 is a great player, maybe not SOTA redbook playback but durn good IMO.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #31 on: 31 Jan 2003, 01:17 am »

15 seconds for a 9000ES drawer?...waaay too long for comfort!

I've used the 7700 for DVD Player use and the audio is mediocre at best  as a player (I didn't use the MSB DAC) but picture looked pretty good on my nuthin' special 20" Sony WEGA (composite, not component video hookup).

The new ($200.00 - wow!) Pioneer DVD-656A smoked it on DVD sound quality (about the same, yeeeech, CD sound quality)  and, maybe just maybe, pipped it on video.  Again, my video set-up is nuthin' special to know or see great differences.

Maybe you will with the upgrades, DAC and something better to watch it on.  :o


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #32 on: 31 Jan 2003, 01:21 am »
Make sure you get some GOOD component video cables to checkthe video.

I will just be checking the 7700 as a transport for my REF 50 for DVD playback.

It is a lot better transport than Panny RP91, so I hope it rubs off a bit on the audio side of my DVD's and I hope the video is as good, but I'm not holding my breath as the video on the Panasonic is VERY good and progressive scan as well.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #33 on: 31 Jan 2003, 01:53 am »
Chair-Guy - I just use the 777 as a transport.  I agree, it is a disappointing CDP.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #34 on: 31 Jan 2003, 10:46 pm »

Circa 1998 CD...guess we shouldn't be surprised it blows.  At least as it's a good transport we know jitter is not the problem and it's other matters (internal DAC or other) that blows on it.

Marbles, my Sony is 2000 WEGA 24"...no component video (the same model today now has it).  I bought it without realizing importance...I was 'TheVCRGuy' then.  :oops:

All it has is composite and S video and I've been told a well designed composite is better than the best S-video.  At least thats the gobbledygook that LAT International has said many times (verbal and on the website I think)

Anything to add to that one (S video vs. composite debate), audioenrg???


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #35 on: 31 Jan 2003, 10:58 pm »
Actually, why don't I just make that a post over in 'Cimema'.  Let the videophiles have a go at it..

Besides, I realize your 'audioengr', not 'videoengr' tho I'm inclined to take your opinion over others just because you're 'engr'. :mrgreen:

Audiengr, why don't you have your website address in your signoff?  I wanted to click on your response to see your website again and I had to go back to the index to do so.  Okay, lazy I am, but I CAN'T be the laziest out here.

Rampant capitalism and commercialism is allowed...in fact, encouraged.  This (AudioCircle) could be a boring concept were it not for real live direct-to-us sellers that we can speak with online.


What's the best sub $1,000 transport? New or used. . .
« Reply #36 on: 1 Feb 2003, 05:31 am »
My first choice would be a used Rega Jupiter. (Tough to find at 1K maybe)  

My second choice would be a cheap used Sony S7000 DVD/CD unit.  Great CD transport for probably a few hundred bucks, if you can find one.

Separate optics, very good platter help the 7000 overtake any other DVD/CD unit out there short of the highest end units.
