Where to go from here without spending any $$ (longish)...

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Where to go from here without spending any $$ (longish)...
« Reply #20 on: 20 Apr 2004, 03:22 pm »

Do you have any acoustic foam up in the reflection points.  I put 3 inches of foam on movable 6 foot tall sticks that I can move in and out of the reflection point.  It did a lot to tame the brightness of the De Capo I's in my reflective room and improved the solidity of the images.


Paul L

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Where to go from here without spending any $$ (longish)...
« Reply #21 on: 20 Apr 2004, 06:06 pm »
Funny that you mentioned Beatle CDs, I am a Beatle fan I don't have problem listening to them through the DC.  Another comparison is that one of my friend listened to the Santana Greatest Hits (the red cover remaster one) in my system and she went to see the Santana Concert in Toronto last July, she said my system sounds better than the live concert.  So, I don't think that is the speakers problem.  The room treatment is a good suggestion to start with.


Room treatments...
« Reply #22 on: 21 Apr 2004, 01:17 am »
Yep, there's no question whatsoever that my room would benefit greatly from some treatments in the corners, back wall and side walls. Regardless of what gear I end up with, I think that treating the room will enhance the sound.  The trick will be in finding a way to accomplish this task within the confines of my wife's aesthetic sensibilities.

Thank goodness the fun never stops.


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Where to go from here without spending any $$ (longish)...
« Reply #23 on: 22 Apr 2004, 01:26 am »

I thing I know a little about you are going through.  I recently purchased the Dulcets and instantly felt like I would need to do something to help with the brightness and revealing edgy sound I was hearing.  I decided to be patient and not make any quick decisions before I made any changes, because most equipment need a breakin period.  I am also using a Unico amp to drive the Dulcets.  Other components include Musical Fidelity A3, Rega P3, Nordost Solar Wind IC, and until recently QED speaker cable.  I do like the Dulcets very much, but they are much more revealing and detailed than the Spendor S3/5 speakers they replaced.  With the Spendors I never really gave much thought to upgrading cables, a new CDP, DACs, power conditioners, or room treatments.  These are all things that I now thing about.  

Last week I upgraded my speaker cable to Nordost Blue Heaven and instantly noticed an improvement.  Sound is smoother, highs are not harsh, and better bass.  I really do like the Dulcets and will keep them for a long time.  If a non-audiophile friend was on a strict budget and was looking for speakers I would not recommend the Dulcets, but instead something that was more forgiving.  However, as an audiophile, it is nice to have speakers that you can hear respond to tweaks and upstream changes.  Plus the Dulcets are a lot of fun.

I do have the luxury of having another system in my basement office.  An all used system.  Audiomat Arpege, Spendor SP 1 speakers, Music Hall CDP, and Analysis Plus cables.  Highly recommended for the music lover who wants to quite thinking about the equipment, stop the upgrade madness, and just enjoy music.

With my limited experience with 3A Dulcets, I can recommend speaker cable changes, specifically Nordost Blue Heaven.  They made a difference in my system.