Need suggestions for good interconnects that are also a good value

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No offense Bill, but braggin about buying the Silkworms at three to four times what the MA-4 ran you in a topic such as this is a little much wouldn't you say.
On the other hand if you are offering them to lupo at a good price than good for you. But I feel you should state price, plug or RCA and condition so everyone reading this could think what a great gesture you've made. Just checked Morrow web site and found as good a deal as I paid for the MA-2 a year ago. Would still like to try the Huffman some time.


If were Bill, I'd tell ya to go to hell,,, no offense. What he paid for either the Morrow MA4's or the Silkworms has nothing to do with what he's saying and it's really none of your business anyways,,, no offense.  :roll:
I demo'd Bill's MA-4 and he demo'd the Silkworms. IMHO, The Morrows have a full clean sound that sounded great in my system as they did in his. But I love the Silkworm's rich clean sound, both my my own system and in Bill's. I guess so does Bill but it's simply a prefernce thing that can really only be made with cables in hand to demo.
As far as this thread goes though, both these cables are probably out of the price range of the thread author so discussion on them for him is probably a mute point anyways.


Anyone try "Big Twist" ICs from Tempo Electric? These appear to be a good value and well made with excellent parts, or you can DIY from their parts:

doug s.

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Or make a pair.  I have made DIY interconnects using quad-braid of basically the same 4N pure silver in teflon tubes with slightly different RCA plugs.  This type of construction makes for a very high quality sound at bargain prices, and I highly recommend people to make/buy a pair instead of porking over $200-$300 for "name brand" cables with cheaper materials, e.g. OFC stranded copper in PVC dielectric with some fancy jacketing and printing  :?
yes, you can make a pair.  but, after buying the wire, teflon, and rca's, i am not sure how much money i would be saving, vs simply laying out $50 for a pair delivered to my door...  and, yes - as you say, these are really good ic's, imho...

doug s.


No offense Bill, but braggin about buying the Silkworms at three to four times what the MA-4 ran you in a topic such as this is a little much wouldn't you say.
On the other hand if you are offering them to lupo at a good price than good for you. But I feel you should state price, plug or RCA and condition so everyone reading this could think what a great gesture you've made. Just checked Morrow web site and found as good a deal as I paid for the MA-2 a year ago. Would still like to try the Huffman some time.


Bragging :roll:, I was hardly bragging.  I noticed that Morrow came into the discussion and I thought someone might be interested in purchasing some at a price below what they are being sold at and I hardly paid three or four times the price.

Get a life.